Woman Charges Brother Rent, Is Called Cruel And Heartless By Family

Carving your place within the workforce takes time, and even if you spend decades building your career, there’s no guarantee that the turbulent economic winds won’t occasionally knock you down.

Knowing this, Reddit user KeyHelicopter6678 was happy to take in her brother when he lost his job. After all, that’s what family does. However, once the sibling settled in her guest room, he started playing video games and hanging out with friends instead of looking for new employment opportunities.

Unhappy with how things were shaping up, the host brought up the issue, but the two of them quickly got into a pretty bad argument.

Image credits: LightFieldStudios (not the actual photo)

Image credits: mstandret (not the actual photo)

Image credits: KeyHelicopter6678

The woman added that she and her brother have a pretty good relationship overall

Most of the people who read her story said she’s not a jerk for asking her brother to pay up

However, some think she could be more understanding

The post Woman Charges Brother Rent, Is Called Cruel And Heartless By Family first appeared on Bored Panda.