Hilariously Bizarre Comics With Adult-Oriented Humor Created By This Artist (56 New Pics)

A Slice of Alan” comics are a raunchy love letter meant for the creator’s wife, and they feature a lot of booty-related humor. But besides the NSFW content, the artist also loves to reference wrestling and anime.

In the most recent interview with Bored Panda, Alan shared what has changed since the last post. “I’ve introduced 2 new characters into my comics, but my comics continue to stay expectedly unexpected! It’s now been 5 years making comics as well, so I’m very happy about that.”

As the artist wrote on his Instagram bio: “I make mature comics for immature people.” And that is basically all that you need to know before going into this post. So, without further ado, let’s hop right in, and for more information, read the rest of the interview with Alan below.

More info: Instagram | asliceofalan.com | Facebook | x.com


Image credits: asliceofalan

First of all, we asked Alan to share whether he has ever scrapped a comic idea after starting it.

The artist responded: “Yes, every now and then I do scrap a comic idea after starting. There could be several reasons. Sometimes, I just stare at the finished comic for too long that I get bored of it or think it’s not funny and just decide not to post it. I compare it to looking through a gallery of your own selfies… the longer you stare at them, the uglier they get! But sometimes, they just don’t make the cut. I don’t know why not, they just don’t.”


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan

We were wondering if there was a time when a reader’s response made Alan feel good about his work.

Alan shared: “I recently woke up to a message from one of my fans expressing how my comics bring a smile even through his stressful times. Another fan expressed that they binge-read my comics with their significant other and they related to loving their partner’s booty as much as my character in the comics does. The fact that people can share intimate moments with their significant others and that my comics play a part in sharing their love means the world to me. Even people taking a moment to think about a comic I made and message me how grateful they are for my art is incredible. Makes me feel like I’m doing something right.”


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan

In regards to what Alan would like for people to take away from his comics, he wrote: “I would like people to report the love that my character Alan has for his wife, Diana, and share that love with someone else. Or if you just laugh at the absurdity of my story, that’s just as good! Just bringing a smile to people’s faces is all that matters to me.”


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan

Lastly, Alan added: “To the readers, I recently went full-time on my comics! That’s something I never thought possible. But all I had to do was take a leap of faith and believe in myself, and I created this life that I dreamed of. It may be super cliché, but it’s true. Change the paradigm in your mind to believe that your dream, whatever it may be, is achievable. Thank you for taking the time to read this, much love to you all!”


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan


Image credits: asliceofalan