102 ‘Mildly Interesting’ Pics To Make The Day A Little Bit More Fun (New Pics)

Some of the most fascinating things in life hide behind mundanity. You’ll have to look a little closer to notice what makes them stand out, just like in the photos you’re about to see. 

These snapshots come from the Mildly Interesting subreddit. All 24 million members share the same captivation over eye-catching things embedded within the humdrum of daily life. Here, people share pictures of random laser lights appearing in the night sky, square-shaped watermelons, and chia seeds sprouting from toothbrushes.

If reading that confused you, check out this list we’ve compiled to see for yourself. Scroll through and see if you find at least one that grabs your attention.

#1 The Shower Head In Our Airbnb In Vietnam Has A Clear Water Water Filter Build Into It

Image credits: Bellpop

#2 Hair That Grew While I Was Sick Grew In Blonde, Then Went Back To Black Once I Recovered

Image credits: put_thelotion

#3 I Found A 12 Year Old Pouch Of Capri Sun In The Middle Of A Desert In New Mexico

Image credits: jameswest22

We all have tedious tasks that immediately bore us when they appear on our daily to-do list. However, as author and speaker Steve Pavlina points out, finding something interesting amidst mundanity is all about perspective. 

Take your least favorite household chore. The mere thought of it likely drains your energy. But as Pavlina wrote in an article for his website, you can pair these activities with enjoyable activities, like listening to music or your favorite audiobook.

#4 There Are Tiny Bugs In This Wooden Candle Holder That Create Little Piles Of Sawdust After A Couple Of Days

Image credits: WhileTheWorldBurns

#5 Bed Eaters At Petsmart Hotel

Image credits: Confident-Tart-915

#6 The Color Difference When I Refilled This Grocery-Store Basil With Basil From My Garden

Image credits: NathanielA

Pavlina noted that the slightest shift in approach toward a task or life itself can drastically change your perceptions. He pointed out that “it’s mainly a matter of being creative and thinking divergently.” 

“If the standard approach is boring, reject the standard approach; otherwise, you’re being boring!” he wrote.

#7 Car Parking Without Saftey Barriers

Image credits: mannymelb1987

#8 Local Funeral House Offers A $85 Cardboard Casket

Image credits: Kilo2Ton

#9 The Napkin On My Flight Has A Buttonhole

Image credits: Milliways07

Life comes with dull moments, and there’s no escaping them. And if you accept such a reality, you may find something interesting in it, too. This is a perspective that writer and TV presenter Adrian Chiles follows. 

In an article for The Guardian, Chiles noted how “embracing the boring” became his secret to happiness. He applies it to all facets of life, including personal and professional relationships and “affairs of the heart and wallet.”

#10 These Wild Burros Hang Out In My Neighborhood Often

Image credits: Alternative_Appeal

#11 Today’s 1 Euro Coin From Greece Depicting 2400 Year Old Greek Coin

Image credits: pietr8

#12 The Scar On My Arm Doesn’t Get Dirty

Image credits: dumbwhip

Now, we’d like to hear from you, readers. Have you had moments when you’ve seen something eye-catching stand out amidst a seemingly mundane environment? Share them in the comments!

#13 I Was Born With Only 2 Fingers And A Thumb On My Right Hand

Image credits: Beard_of_8bit

#14 This Mesh Bag Makes Oranges Look Way More “Orange”

Image credits: jollycreation

#15 Identical Product With A Different Nutri-Score

Image credits: kenm88

#16 Scent Free Zone For Workers

Image credits: yussi1870

#17 Security Line At A Club In New York Split Into 21-25 And 26+

Image credits: onyxi28

#18 TSA Precheck Line Longer Than Standard TSA Line

Image credits: Police_

#19 Square Shaped Watermelon Being Sold At Local Asian Grocery Store In Canada For $56

Image credits: Never_go_blonde

#20 The Monthly Dosage Of Medication Necessary For My Survival

Image credits: Hurambuk

#21 My 1yr Old Son Has A Single Grey Hair

Image credits: A1Mayh3m

#22 Someone Plastered His Car With Solar Panels And Keeps His Car Loading Everywhere He Parks

Image credits: AutGuy1996

#23 There’s A Hammock In My Hotel Room Instead Of A Couch

Image credits: pwstern79

#24 Mounted Police Taking Pictures At The Beach

Image credits: jvilly

#25 I Put Some Bacon Grease On My Electric Skillet And It Formed A Perfect Diamond

Image credits: flyingdrums

#26 My Xl Wrist Vein

Image credits: plaidjammies

#27 Friend’s Umbrella Grew A Large Mushroom In The Month She Didn’t Use It

Image credits: stephaniechia

#28 Dad’s Relay Torch From The ‘84 Olympics

Image credits: red_suspenders

#29 The Amount Of Water My Air Conditioner Produced In 6 Hours. (Almost 60 Qt.) New England, USA

Image credits: KeyofB

#30 “Crinkle Walls” That Use Less Bricks Then Regular Walls

Image credits: A_Simple_Human1

#31 Woke Up To Find This Boulder Of A Tonsil Stone Just Lolling Around On My Tongue

Image credits: AccountNumber478

#32 The Area Around My Tick Bite Has Lost All Its Hair

Image credits: TheOriginalMarra

#33 This Dollar Bill I Got Has A Star At The End Of The Serial Number

Image credits: Puzzleheaded-Permit9

#34 The Soft Ground At The Park Is Made Up Of What Looks Like Recycled Soles Of Shoes

Image credits: BrooklynJewishMom

#35 Hot Pockets No Longer Come With A Microwave Sleeve

Image credits: nomadicquandaries

#36 Candles Left Outside During A Heat Wave

Image credits: FireSilicon

#37 My GF Has A White Freckle

Image credits: catdog42069

#38 The Colour Gradient Of The Eggs In My Fridge

Image credits: Stash_pit

#39 What 25 Years Of Sideways Storage Does To Pewter Candlesticks

Image credits: Pangwiny

#40 My Lime Lite Night Light I’ve Had Plugged In Since The 90s Compared To A Brand New One I Plugged In Today

Image credits: rmm45177

#41 My Antibiotic Capsules Just Have A Whole Pill Inside

Image credits: boba-boba

#42 The ATM Gave Me $100 In Brand New $5 Bills

Image credits: der_innkeeper

#43 Our Pilot Today

Image credits: New_Fault_1002

#44 My Battery Pack Charged Past 100%

Image credits: Eisforever473

#45 I Purchased A Modular Sofa, And Every Single Box Contained An Ergonomic Screwdriver

Image credits: 0nly0bjective

#46 My Kitten’s Nose Turns A Darker Shade Of Pink When She’s Sleepy

Image credits: epineph_RN

#47 My Lawn Grows Rectangular Patch Of Longer And Thicker Grass Where There Was Once A Pond

Image credits: robbo_6

#48 My Right Pupil Isn’t Centered Nor Is It A Circle

Image credits: Virtual-Astronaut455

#49 When I Drink Alcohol My Scar On My Thumb Lights Up Like A Neon Light Or Lightsaber

Image credits: PhenomEx

#50 My Child That Was Born Last Week Has Natural Blonde Highlights

Image credits: duckfart88

#51 So My Cousin Brought My Parents Some 50 Year Old Honey Her Dad Had

Image credits: Sopht_Serve

#52 This Oddly Shaped Toilet Bowl In A Doctor’s Office

Image credits: invisus64

#53 The Fridge At The Welding Shop I Work At

Image credits: fireballin1747

#54 My Mother Bought Me Another Copy Of The Toy I’ve Had Since I Was A Child

Image credits: Reaversal

#55 $300 Samsung Ssd Has Spelt “Portable” Wrong On The User Manual

Image credits: Volcz

#56 Every Night This Light/Laser Comes From Out Of Nowhere And Appears To Be Thousands Of Miles Long

Image credits: Apenerd

#57 My Hotel Room Has A Conference Space In Half Of It Instead Of A Sofa Bed And Furniture

Image credits: kn1f3party

#58 My Workplace’s Air Conditioner Condenses So Much Water That It’s Growing Cattails At The End Of The Parking Lot

Image credits: iamdarkyoshi

#59 Took My Ring Off After 15 Years

Image credits: Emergency-Compote-58

#60 A Chia Seed Sprouted From My Toothbrush

Image credits: Cheez-it_king

#61 My Neighbors Regularly Throw Away Brand New Suitcases

Image credits: Reality_Concentrate

#62 There’s A Free-Roaming Turtle With A Diaper At My Local Gym

Image credits: Boumy

#63 Contact Area Between Train Wheel And Rail

Image credits: XWHV

#64 I Made A Blanket That Rolls Up To Look Like Sushi

Image credits: HealTHCareEmbroidery

#65 Found A Small Deer Skull In The Woods

Image credits: kronkarp

#66 Someone Donated Hundreds Of Space Jam Fleece Throws To Our Flood Relief Fund

Image credits: BadPunsIsHowEyeRoll

#67 I Won Every Prize On This Lottery Ticket

Image credits: _strangetrails

#68 My Watermelon Just Exploded, Now My Kitchen Has Juice Everywhere

Image credits: Accomplished-Tie-774

#69 Got My Wisdom Teeth Taken Out Today

Image credits: JohGri123

#70 This Bunny In My Yard Doesn’t Have Bunny Ears

Image credits: Cyberdan3

#71 The Warning On This Door At Taco Bell

Image credits: Empty_Technology672

#72 There’s A Time Capsule Inside A Wall At My Gym

Image credits: acastleandacloud

#73 The Amount Of ‘Fog’ Inside My Flight Meant No One More Than A Couple Of Rows From The Air Hostess Could Actually See The Safety Briefing Properly

Image credits: butterchickenboy

#74 My Adopted Street Cat Before And After Being Neutered At Age 13

Image credits: luhbreton

#75 This Restaurant Will Give You A 95% Discount If You Pay With Pre-1964 Silver

Image credits: Mike_ZzZzZ

#76 Saw Rafts Made Out Of Inflated Sheep Skins

Image credits: sixteen_calipers

#77 This Walgreens Doesn’t Keep Their Store Cool Enough To Maintain The Integrity Of Its Chocolate Bars

Image credits: longjuansilver24

#78 Quaalude Pill Sample Pack Found At Grandmas House

Image credits: RichPay2111

#79 I Have A Tube With My Brain Fluid In It

Image credits: FriendlyBabyFrog

#80 This Change Machine That Provides 4 Quarters And 2 Pennies For Every Dollar Inserted

Image credits: mushroompizzayum

#81 My Girlfriend Met A Person At The Bar With The Inverse Of Her Tattoo

Image credits: jeshy1

#82 This Huge Bottle Filled With Old Pills At My Local Pharmacy

Image credits: honeybee-blues

#83 One Of My Coke Bottle Candies Was Empty

Image credits: henkheijmen

#84 My Wife And Cat Have Been Prescribed The Same Meds

Image credits: ArcusArtifex

#85 I Am Officially A Card Carrying Boob Owner

Image credits: TechieInTheTrees

#86 Old Ids Ive Kept From 2014-2024

Image credits: Benjammin1391

#87 I’m Suddenly Forming Itchy Bumps Along Some Of The Lines Of My 7 Year Old Tattoo

Image credits: cohonka

#88 This Message Etched Into The Chair In My Therapist’s Waiting Room

Image credits: voulux

#89 After Enough Use My Pocket Knife Has Become Magnetic Somehow

Image credits: Joscowill

#90 My Bruise Turned Into Squiggles

Image credits: k8tiebr0wn

#91 My Bottle Of Cranberry Juice Had Absolutely Zero Air In It

Image credits: tucci007

#92 On The Last Page Of An Old Romance Novel

Image credits: WifeOfSpock

#93 Someone Brought A Rabbit To My Local Gym

Image credits: Any-Project-2107

#94 My Copper Wire Off Ebay Arrived With Six Different Collectable Princess Diana Memorial Stamps From 1998

Image credits: IndigoBlue14

#95 This Pub In London Only Welcomes Regulars

Image credits: DiscreetBeats

#96 This Old Photograph Seems To Have Peeled Entirely Away Only Where The Fish Are

Image credits: zherper

#97 Broke My Arm – 1 Week Later Fingernails No Longer Grow At Same Rate

Image credits: mrwobling

#98 Our Daughter Was Born With A Lot Of Hair

Image credits: Cavalier26

#99 My Niece Has 6 Fingers On Both Hands [oc]

Image credits: mugheesdogar

#100 I Nicked My Upper Ear Cartilage Over 1 Month Ago With Electric Clippers While Trimming My Hair

Image credits: Kingding_Aling

#101 Weird Mosquito Bite

Image credits: NeonButtplug

#102 My Mom Sent This Picture Of The Soda Aisle At Her Grocery Store

Image credits: MyraBannerTatlock