83 Funny Memes To Help You Get Through The Day

Humor and awkwardness go hand in hand. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, laughing it off could be one of the best ways to respond. 

You can also join an online community like the Awkward Relate Facebook page. Here, you can share experiences with people who often find themselves in the same cringe-worthy predicaments. With 3.7 million followers, it’s safe to say you will connect with at least one person. 

We’ve collected the best ones that touch on forgettable wedding speeches, family revelations, and social media discoveries. Some of them, however, are just about relatably funny moments from daily life.

Scroll through and see if you can count the number of times you say, “Yup, I’ve been there.”


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Image credits: AwkwardRelate

Since we’re on the topic of awkwardness, let’s begin with conversations. We’ve all been through those uneasy discussions that involved a lot of silence, making you want to escape to the nearest exit. 

However, you don’t always have to run and hide. Writer and mental health researcher Arlin Cuncic, MA, advises finding the humor in the situation, much like these memes and posts. 

In an article for VeryWellMind, she wrote, “Keeping the mood light will help to break the ice and move the conversation forward.” 


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Image credits: AwkwardRelate

Here’s the situation: you’re in an elevator with a co-worker, and they begin some small talk. As someone who isn’t a fan of these chitchats, you start feeling like the walls are closing in. What do you do? 

Cuncic advises having open-ended “go-to questions” you can pull out of your pocket when the need arises. One example could be, “What have you been up to?” It shifts the spotlight onto them.


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Small talk with a stranger is an entirely different ballgame. You don’t have anything in common with the other person and know nothing about them, which leaves you with mundane, cliché topics like the weather. 

In such cases, Cuncic offers two options: giving a genuine compliment or keeping quiet. You can try the former, but chances are the other person is likely not in the mood for small talk anyway. Feel out the situation and see what works best.


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Awkward situations come in many forms. Sometimes, it happens during family gatherings with your in-laws. In this case, you should step aside. According to educator and etiquette expert Sara Jane Ho, you’re better off letting your partner handle things. 

“If you want to piss off your in-laws, let your spouse do it, not you,” Ho told CNBC.


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There are times when someone’s name just slips our minds, and that could be another embarrassing moment. However, you wouldn’t want to come off as rude by doubling down and saying you forgot who they are. 

Ho recommends a smoother approach. Say you’d like to keep in touch, then have them input their social media handle or personal number into your phone. 


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Image credits: AwkwardRelate


Image credits: AwkwardRelate

Let’s switch the conversation to you. How do you handle awkward situations? Do you run from them, or do you face them head-on? Let yourself be heard in the comments!


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