“What Improved Your Quality Of Life So Much, You Wish You Did It Sooner?” (44 Answers)

Ipsos recently conducted a survey across thirty countries to find out what makes people happy. The majority of respondents identified physical health (54%), mental well-being (53%), and their relationship with their partner (49%) as the key contributors.

To get a better understanding of what helps individuals achieve the things they need, we at Bored Panda asked our Facebook followers to share the various ways they have substantially improved their quality of life. Continue scrolling to check out what they told us!


Getting clean and sober. It’s been 12 years and 7 months now.

Image credits: Angela Marie


When I stopped caring about what others think–when I stopped being a people pleaser. I speak my mind, now, and I don’t care who likes or dislikes me.

Image credits: Kristen Dianne


Quit my corporate job in 2019 and started a remote-only business so I can travel and work from anywhere.

Image credits: Ioana Stepanov


Leaving a toxic work environment. I’m still rethinking what I want to do with my life, but at least I’m not having a panic attack every week

Image credits: Elena Ramirez-Boehmke


Stop chasing people who wanted nothing to do with me unless they needed something. And, started to really focus on those who love me for me.

Image credits: Chuck Peterson


Leaving an abusive relationship. No more walking on eggshells. Free, at last.

Image credits: Celine LaGasse


Getting dogs and cats! Had the absolute worst depression before and it has almost completely turned around because of them. They’re such beautiful souls

Image credits: Laura Aurand


My gastric sleeve surgery. At my highest I was at 296 and I am now at 187, about 7 months after surgery and still losing. I still maintain a good diet and started adding in more exercise. I feel amazing

Image credits: Ashley Lynn Meadows


realizing that i’d let family members disrespect me for far too long. once i grew that backbone & started believing that my feelings are valid & the only ones that matter to me and my children, my life got better and happier

Image credits: The Pink Room Beauty & Aesthetics


Going to a chiropractor and getting my service dog. Both are extremely helpful and make my medical issues more bearable.

Image credits: Ashley Lavoie


Dumb one but drinking water. I survived on solely caffeine products most of my life and slowly made the switch. Almost every single health issue I had must have been dehydration in one way or another and since drinking enough water everyday I feel amazing. Duh I know but I can’t be the only one

Image credits: Nichole Coffey


eating bigger breakfasts. more energy throughout the day and less prone to binge eating at night

Image credits: Ari Love


Yoga. My neck and shoulders hurt all the time. Yoga has made them so much better! I’m not great at it yet but improving every time.

Image credits: Karen Shipton Webb


Getting a massage every 6 weeks. Been doing it for just over a year and I should have started doing it years ago!

Image credits: Lee Anna Mongold


Going back to work after being a SAHM. I am a way better parent when I have some space from the kids and a sense of purpose outside of the house.

Image credits: Jessica Armato


Learned I’m the most important person to take care of


Getting back to creating art. It provides a total escape for me.

Image credits: Charlene Quinn Canchola


THE GYM!!! And I cant emphasize this enough. What started as a physical fitness journey turned into mental clarity and a lifestyle change. Take these words to heart! Start in the gym, Use discipline and determination, and watch your life start to improve.

Image credits: Zachary Roy


Hired a housekeeper. Best money I have ever spent. Gives someone a job, doing 3 bathrooms, laundry, sweeps, mops and dusts. All the things that take away from my family time on my days off.

Image credits: Gayle Greenlaw


I have horrible anxiety and I’m always holding stuff in. I never speak out. But lately I’ve been speaking my mind and forcing myself not to care as much and it’s such an improvement in every aspect of my life!! I feel lighter. Still have a long way to go though!


Cutting out sugary drinks almost completely.

Image credits: Maddie C Walls


Cutting out dairy. I developed lactose intolerance and didn’t know it.

Image credits: Jessica Ugartechea Krause


Getting a house cleaner


Finding the right medication combination to help stabilize my moods.

Image credits: Chelsea Cirone


Unlearn the “people pleasing behavior” and gym. I wish I did it in my early 20’s

Image credits: Abbott Joan


Getting a divorce
(He was extremely abusive)


Standing up for myself and stop being afraid of the potential back lash.


Leaving my ex.

Image credits: Lexy Bowser


Cutting out toxic people, paying off my house and retiring @ 59 yrs old! I’m poor but so grateful and happy! It’s been 10 years now and no regrets!

Image credits: Victoria Shar


Walking away from those who are committed to misunderstanding me, at their convenience.

Image credits: Jessica Bennett


Getting up a few hours before work in the morning. If you have to be there at 7, get up at 4.
Not feeling rushed in the morning and starting my day off on a good note.

Image credits: Chris Clark


Going to bed by 10:30pm instead of 12am/midnight and avoiding caffeine after 9am.


Accepting it’s okay to ask for help


Turned off the News!


Adding an anti-anxiety medication to my regimen. Didn’t even realize how low I was until it pulled me back up.


Found out I have graves disease and that it is not anxiety or menopause.

Image credits: Heather Monroe


Self employed.
Stopped caring about what others think.

Image credits: Andrea Murphy


Meditation has changed my entire life!


Sending my laundry out to be washed, dried, folded and returned to me


Not drinking all the time. I still drink at times but I used to drink everyday. This one change has improved my life tremendously and had a domino affect of happiness and self growth!!


Started exercising again after not doing so for over a decade.


Spirituality and therapy. Self healing self love inner work. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do but when it works it works. Just putting in the work is what’s hard


Realizing that happiness is a choice and choosing be happy every day, even through tough times.

Image credits: Natalie Carter


Putting God first in my life. Following Jesus, and sobriety. My life has been the best it’s ever been since making those choices.

Image credits: Sterling Harlan