“If You Have A Problem, It Better Be A Fifteen-Minute Problem”: Employee Maliciously Complies

Staying at work after official hours are over shouldn’t be the norm. Yet, according to 2023 statistics, 49% of workers in the UK revealed that they do unpaid overtime. Whether that’s to impress their boss, finish up what they were working on, or just that something unplanned happens, it occurs more often than we might realize.

Recently, a woman shared a story about how her husband maliciously complied with his company’s overtime policy. As his working hours ended earlier than the rest of the team’s, he would sometimes need to stay for another 10 minutes or so – a scenario from the ‘something unplanned’ category. But when his manager unceremoniously informed him this clashes with the company’s policy, he decided to maliciously comply.

A company rounded up their overtime in 15-minute segments, leaving one employee unpaid for his extra work

Image credits: BGStock72 / envato (not the actual photo)

When he found this out, he decided to maliciously comply with the policy and leave work on the dot

Image credits: nd3000 / envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Loose_Alternative990

People in the comments had some questions

Many commenters congratulated the employee for carrying out his malicious compliance with resolve

Others shared similar overtime stories

The post “If You Have A Problem, It Better Be A Fifteen-Minute Problem”: Employee Maliciously Complies first appeared on Bored Panda.