Guy Decides He Doesn’t Want To Be Part Of His Disabled Child’s Life, Leaves

Every parent wishes their children to be happy and healthy. When that’s not the case, it often evokes overwhelming emotions, and various aspects of parenting become magnified and more complex. 

Seeing his parents struggle with his brother’s disability, redditor LateFaithlessness455 had ‘no interest’ in living the same life. Therefore, when his girlfriend got pregnant, he was set on ensuring that the baby they were having was healthy. After many tests, they received heartbreaking news, which pushed him to leave his girlfriend and baby behind.

Finding out your child will have to struggle with poor health for the rest of their life can be heartbreaking

Image credits: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

Having ‘no interest’ in such a life, this man chose to leave his girlfriend and baby behind

Image credits: MART PRODUCTION / pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: KoolShooters / pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: LateFaithlessness455

Each year, 120,000 babies are born in the US with birth defects

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year, 120,000 babies are born in the US with birth defects. It happens when the fetus is developing in the womb and can result in physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities. 

Unfortunately, the exact cause of birth defects is unknown. Researchers assume that they are the result of a complex mix of factors such as genetics, chromosomal problems, exposure to toxic substances, infections during pregnancy, or a lack of certain nutrients. 

Healthcare providers can diagnose some conditions during pregnancy by using prenatal testing. However, some can only be found after the baby is born, and others only later in life when the child starts having symptoms. 

Upon receiving such news, parents might feel many emotions, such as shock, grief, despair, and denial. They may even feel guilty about their child’s condition. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not everything is in our hands and that not all birth defects can be prevented. 

Over time, many parents find their own ways of adjusting and moving forward

Over time, many parents find their own ways of adjusting and moving forward. Some might benefit from joining a support group, having counseling, or talking to healthcare specialists, friends, or family about how they’re feeling. 

Something else that might help is consulting other parents who are going through a similar experience. It may be beneficial to talk to people who understand what it’s like to have a child with additional needs, which adds emotional support.

Researching the baby’s condition can also provide some peace of mind. It can help parents better understand it and prepare for the future. However, searching for information online should be done with caution, as not everything written there might be reliable or apply to a specific situation. 

Most importantly, parents should find time to look after themselves too. It doesn’t necessarily mean going on a grand vacation, but getting some rest or a little time off can aid in maintaining mental and emotional well-being. Doing small things like taking a long, relaxing shower, going for a walk, or having coffee with friends can make all the difference.

Some readers supported the author, suggesting he reach out to a therapist

Others questioned his behavior, asking why he had children at all

Those who went through similar situations kindly shared their own stories

The post Guy Decides He Doesn’t Want To Be Part Of His Disabled Child’s Life, Leaves first appeared on Bored Panda.