We have all seen people with unique physical traits, whether it’s an atypical birthmark or unusually shaped ears. More often than not, these are due to special conditions that highlight the intricacy of the human body.
The photos you’re about to see are from people who drew wild cards in the genetic lottery. They view the world differently from the rest of “normal” society, making their cases all the more fascinating.
But what’s more noteworthy is how these people embrace their eccentricities instead of viewing them as an abnormality to be ashamed of. After all, having foldable tongues and a sixth toe on the right foot are excellent conversation starters.
This is a new set of photos continuing from the series Bored Panda previously published.
#1 Stunning Blue Eyes. A Girl With Waardenburg Syndrome
I am a Peace Corps volunteer in West Africa. I live in the same village as this girl named Suru. Along with the beautiful eyes, she is completely deaf and has a patch of white skin on her right hand.
Image credits: Ayreis
#2 Bet This Would Be Pretty Handy On Old Fighting Games
Image credits: simpletonsavant
#3 My Vitiligo Hair. The White Hair Contains No Pigment
Image credits: Minkiemink
#4 I Was Born With A Cleft Deficiency On My Hands, Meaning I Was Born With Only 3 Fingers On Each Hand
With the power of modern medicine, I was able to get another finger on each hand. On my left hand, you’ll notice a bent pointer finger, that finger is man-made.
Image credits: imgur.com
Experts say the most common genetic disorders result from DNA mutations in genes inherited from our parents. They classify these issues as chromosomal, complex (a.k.a. multifactorial), and single-gene (a.k.a. monogenic).
Chromosomal disorders target the structures that hold genes within each cell. Some prime examples are Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, and Klinefelter syndrome, in which assigned males at birth have an extra X chromosome.
Complex/multifactorial genetic disorders are a byproduct of gene mutations from environmental factors such as chemical exposure, as well as the use of substances like tobacco and alcohol. Arthritis, late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and migraines fall under this category.
As the name suggests, monogenic disorders result from a mutation in one gene. Some examples are sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, congenital deafness, and muscular dystrophy.
#5 My Friend Kept Telling Me That One Of His Coworkers Had A Nipple On His Leg. I Said I Would Never Believe Him Unless He Got A Picture Of It. He Finally Was Able To Sneak A Photo
Image credits: lrofe24
#6 Ocular Albinism Is A Genetic Condition That Primarily Affects The Eyes
This condition reduces the coloring (pigmentation) of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye, and the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Pigmentation in the eye is essential for normal vision.
Image credits: optometry.case
#7 Calling For All Fellow Vitiligo Owners – You Need To Start Embracing The Unique Beauty Of Our Condition. Don’t Let Your Life Suffer When Others Have No Choice In The Matter. Keep Smiling
Image credits: pip_squeak3
#8 My Little Brother And Me, Both With Heterochromia
Image credits: t_icyy
However, there are much more special cases, like Marfan syndrome. On the surface, it looks like a person with a lanky frame and a narrow facial structure. However, it is a result of a severe, incurable chronic disorder.
Marfan syndrome affects the body’s connective tissues, causing the people stricken with it to have unusually long limbs. While it may seem harmless, this condition may cause life-threatening issues like aortic aneurysms because it also affects the heart and blood vessels.
Doctors usually prescribe blood pressure medications to patients with Marfan syndrome to alleviate the pressure on the aorta. In some cases, people with this condition must undergo preventive surgery.
#9 My Son’s Birthmark Gives Him The Best Hairstyle
Image credits: Patti888
#10 My Thumb Bends Backwards
Image credits: The-Goat-Lord
#11 Raynaud’s Phenomenon (Vasospasm)
Image credits: minthotel
#12 My Son Was Born With Elf Ears
Image credits: GiveMeMoreDuckPics
#13 My Little Girl Was Born With Albinism, And She Is So Beautiful
Image credits: JuliaDaCutie
#14 Buddy Of Mine Has A Double Big Toe. Yes, He Plays Soccer
Image credits: reddit.com
#15 Glowing And Growing With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Image credits: sarageurts
#16 Trachea Hypermobility In Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Image credits: IhabFathiSulima
#17 Meet Veinticuatro (24). He Has Twelve Movable Fingers And Twelve Movable Toes
Image credits: gowithandrew
If you’ve seen a person with cat-like eyes or pupils shaped like keyholes, they are likely suffering from coloboma. This hereditary disease may affect one or both eyes and cause various symptoms, from light sensitivity to complete vision loss.
Coloboma can develop in various parts of the eye, from the iris to the lens, the retina, and the optic nerve. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the disease can begin as early as infancy and requires immediate evaluation.
However, like Marfan syndrome, coloboma has no cure. Ophthalmologists usually require their patients to wear colored contact lenses to make their irises appear rounder. They may also prescribe low-vision devices, like side shields for eyeglasses, to control light reflection.
#18 Shaved My Head And Found These Weird Lines In It
Image credits: thatdocman
#19 My Grandma And I Have Extra Lines On Our Pinkies
Image credits: bbystvr
#20 Geographic Tongue
Image credits: Martanopue
#21 A Patch Of My Hair Fell Out 1.5 Years Ago And Has Grown Back Curly
Image credits: elisamariah
#22 Half My Beard Grows In White
Image credits: Kaleidokobe
#23 My Veins Spell Out “Yo”
Image credits: StaysiC
#24 I Was Born Without The Rest Of My Ear
Image credits: maleficentjuliette
#25 I’m Able To Make It Look Like I Have Two Sets Of Small Lips
Image credits: Nukemarine
#26 My Heel Has Strange Bumps When I Stand
Image credits: bosscrayon
Heterochromia is an eye-related disorder that could draw more amazement than concern. People stricken with this condition have different-colored irises, with the left eye being blue and the right eye being green. There is also central heterochromia, where the eye has a distinct inner ring of a different color from the outer iris.
For the most part, heterochromia has no other symptoms apart from differing iris colors. However, it could also be a byproduct of other conditions, such as Horner syndrome (eyelid drooping caused by disrupted nerve fibers connecting the brain to the eye) and Hirschsprung’s disease (caused by improperly developed intestinal nerve cells).
But because of its pleasantly peculiar nature, heterochromia is usually deemed “incredibly beautiful,” especially since many A-list celebrities share this condition. Some of the famous names with different-colored eyes include Mila Kunis, Kiefer Sutherland, Kate Bosworth, and Christopher Walken, to name a few.
#27 I Have A Coloboma – A Hole In The Structure Of The Eye
Image credits: kindshrub0411
#28 I Won The Mutational Toe-Thumb Lottery (Localized Gigantism)
Image credits: TimDuncanIsInnocent
#29 My Hands Under A UV Light
Image credits: Sa_Ella_Sa_Tirivi
#30 My Son Was Born With An Extra Thumb
Image credits: BenSerius
#31 My Vitiligo Is The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Me
My name is Alicia, and getting Vitiligo at a very young age was the best thing that ever happened to me. Everywhere I go, it allows me to stand out among a crowd. When I was little, maybe kids did not understand, but going through high school and beyond now, my peers absolutely adore it. It has only gotten better since I became an adult and moved to a big city. The world is different now.
Image credits: aliciadanc
#32 My Fingers Can Bend Way Back
Image credits: WestBrink
#33 I Have A Patch On My Leg With An Abnormal Amount Of Hair
Image credits: _Jeffra
You were likely amazed and freaked out at the same time when someone showed you how their thumb bends a full 90 degrees backward. Joint hypermobility syndrome, a.k.a double-jointedness, isn’t an unusual genetic condition. Still, there is more to it than meets the eye.
The National Library of Medicine noted that joint hypermobility syndrome could be a precursor to more serious conditions like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Like Marfan syndrome, it affects the body’s connective tissues and, in worst cases, ruptures blood vessels.
For the most part, double-jointed people do not experience any outright symptoms from their condition. However, pain and stiffness in the joints and muscles and constant dislocations may occur in more severe cases.
#34 I Have Marfan Syndrome And I’m Double-Jointed
Image credits: giraffesaretallsoami
#35 I Was Born With A Crooked Bone In My Skull Resulting In My Unique Eyebrow
Image credits: PXLEFISH
#36 Some Of My Friends Told Me That My Fingers Are “Units”
Image credits: reddit.com
#37 Nature Is Perfect The Way It Is
Image credits: minhasegundapele
These days, it isn’t uncommon to see people with patches on their skin that are a different color. This condition is called vitiligo, an auto-immune disorder where the body’s immune cells attack the melanocytes, the cells responsible for making skin pigment.
According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Skin Diseases, vitiligo may develop at any age. However, the discolored skin patches may begin to appear before the age of 20. In some cases, it starts to manifest in early childhood. People with other autoimmune diseases like psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis are also at risk of developing this condition.
Experts would usually disregard treatment options for vitiligo since it causes no further harm. However, since people with this condition are more prone to developing self-esteem issues, light therapy, depigmentation therapy, and surgery are potential solutions.
#38 The Hands Of People With Ectrodactyly Tell A Story That Is Unique
Image credits: jenvcampbell
#39 Finally Having The Confidence To Wear Pretty Dresses And Not Care About People Looking At My Legs And Feet Has Been So Liberating. Life’s Too Short To Hide Who You Are
Image credits: crosslandshanny
Similar to vitiligo, Albinism is a rare genetic disorder that affects skin pigment and causes discoloration. However, in this case, people suffer from a lack of melanin, a chemical responsible for producing hair, eye, and skin color.
According to published research, albinism occurs in one in every 3,000 people worldwide and affects all races and ethnic groups. Besides the overly pale skin, people with this condition suffer from vision problems, sensitivity to light, and rapid eye movement.
Albinism has no cure and increases the risk of skin cancer and sunburn. Dermatologists advise people with this disorder to minimize sun exposure, wear eye protection like sunglasses, and use sunscreen regularly.
#40 Just Because You Look A Little Different, Doesn’t Mean You Have To Look Like The People Mostly Shown In Media
In elementary school, I was made fun of for my birthmark. I got called Pizza Face, Tomato Face, and other harmful names. So I tried to laser it away to make my appearance more comfortable for other people to look at, so I was less of a target. I’m forever grateful that the laser never ended up working. I wear my birthmark proudly. It makes me me.
Image credits: mikzazon
#41 Marfan Syndrome Can Be A Daunting Diagnosis. It Can Be Confusing But Nevertheless, Getting A Diagnosis Is Crucial. Knowledge Is Power, Even When It’s Scary. Awareness Can Save Lives
Image credits: mrs.marfelous
#42 When Cooper Was About 3 Weeks Old, Waardenburg Syndrome Came Onto Our Radar For The First Time
Image credits: beth_and_coop
#43 Coloboma People Rise Up
Image credits: Plant-Goddess
#44 My Newborn Son Was Born With A Heart-Shaped Thumb
Image credits: sarahfoxy11
#45 My Single Extremely Long Leg Hair
Image credits: capacitivePotato
#46 Massive Color Difference Between My Hands
Image credits: Itsfizziks
#47 My Eye Has A Very Obvious Dark Ring
Image credits: Mysticmiso
#48 I See Your Extra Toe And Raise You My Extra Thumb
Image credits: TheJereBear
#49 Noticed My Pupils Are Two Different Sizes. I Was Discharged From The Hospital With A Diagnosis Of Anisocoria
Image credits: Nerdlifegirl
#50 My Daughter Was Born With Highlights
Image credits: Uberpwnyexpress23
#51 My Underlip Is Missing Pigmentation
Image credits: leiletta
#52 My Daughter’s Elf Ear
Image credits: Coffeeisbetta
#53 The Sun Hits The Birthmark Just Right. You Are Each Unique In Your Own Way, And So Are Your Birthmarks
Image credits: helloportwinestain
#54 Picture For International Albinism Month
Image credits: Simbagozo
#55 Only My Right Arm Is Allergic To My Wristwatch
Image credits: godrim
#56 When I Squeeze My Partner’s Mouth Together It Looks Like He Has Two Identical Sets Of Lips Together Side By Side
Image credits: moozirt
#57 Day In The Life With Waardenburg
Image credits: stef.sanjati
#58 Family Eye Colors – My Husband And I Have Brown Eyes, And Somehow The Kids Came Out With Blue And Hazel-Ish Eyes
Image credits: birdiebird26
#59 Polydactyly Is The Condition Of Being Born With An Extra Finger Or Toe. Most Of The Time, The Extra Digit Is Smaller Than The Other Digits And Is Not Well-Formed
This is a fairly common condition that can run in families. Most often, the extra digit is present on only one hand or foot but can occur on both hands or both feet, and less commonly on all four extremities (as seen in this patient).
Image credits: drrachelruotolo
Since we discussed melanin deficiencies throughout this article, here’s another one. Like heterochromia, poliosis can pass off as a visually appealing condition that may remind Marvel fans of Rogue from the X-Men.
In a nutshell, poliosis causes hair pigment to dilute, turning a dark color into a much lighter hue. Research published in the National Library of Medicine notes that it can also cause premature graying of the hair.
Generally, this disorder is not detrimental to one’s health, and people who deal with it can cover up their discolored hair patches with dyes. However, it can indicate other underlying issues like vitiligo and alopecia.
#60 I Was Born With Naturally Pointy Ears
Image credits: shr1mp03
#61 My Daughter Inherited My Wife’s Double-Jointed Hips
Image credits: ChrisHRocks
#62 Red Mark That Appears On My Forehead Whenever I Get High
Image credits: Location_Excellent
#63 I Was Born With A Port Wine Stain Birthmark On The Left Side Of My Face. I’ve Never Let It Stop Me From Doing The Things I Want To Achieve
Image credits: amyelsegood
#64 I Have Marfan Syndrome. This Is My Hand Compared To My Face
Image credits: reddit.com
#65 My Left And Right Ears Are In Different Shapes. I Can Only Fit Earbuds In My Left Ear
Image credits: Halfkid
#66 Born With Blue Eyes, But They Changed Into 3 Colors As I Aged
Image credits: Drivenchaos
#67 Most Of My Leg Hair Grow In Groups Of 3
Image credits: the_woah_guy
#68 My Hand Muscle Bunches Up When I Spread My Fingers
Image credits: q_coyote19
#69 My Tonsil Looks Like It Is Haunted And Screaming In Horror
Image credits: Dipperkinds
#70 Heterochromia On Me. A Full Blue Eye, Then A Grey/Brown Eye
Image credits: SlothyStanley
#71 Children Born 11 Years Apart Have The Same Skin Tag In The Same Spot
Image credits: hellomrscloe
#72 This Patch Of Hairless Skin On My Arm
Image credits: Mini-Noises
#73 First Time Growing A Beard And Apparently I Have A Whirlpool Cowlick
Image credits: gjbrault
#74 I Have A Deviated Septum And Have Had One Since Birth. It’s Made Portrait-Studies And Mask-Wearing Very Fun
Image credits: AJimJamMbmbam
#75 My Partner’s Hands When Her Raynaud’s Flare Up
Image credits: Walks_any_ledge
#76 I Can Fold My Tongue Inward To Create This Cool Star/Diamond Shape
Image credits: Unique2000
#77 My Index Finger Nail Grows Bending Downward
Image credits: liliac_dracul
#78 I’ve Had This Birthmark Since I Was Born. It Even Has Hair
Image credits: CalculatedLoser
#79 My Skin Gets This Fun Pattern Whenever I’m Cold And Heat Up Really Quickly
Image credits: spicykitten
These may be considered ‘rare’ conditions, but they are more prevalent in certain parts of the world. According to a 2023 report by The Guardian, around 5,500 people have been diagnosed with genetic disorders in the UK and Ireland.
Further studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveal that ‘spontaneous mutations’ that weren’t inherited from parents caused three-quarters of these conditions. But as University of Cambridge professor of human genetics Matthew Hurles told the Guardian, patients can benefit from continuous advancements in research.
“As these genomic technologies move into routine healthcare, ensuring that undiagnosed patients can still benefit from research on their data will remain incredibly important.”
#80 My Girlfriend Has Extremely Flexible Fingers
Image credits: more_beans_mrtaggart
#81 The Way My Son’s Pupil Formed
Image credits: reddit.com
#82 My Hand Skin Sheds Once Every Year
Image credits: reed_30
#83 I Have A Skin Bubble That Forms Only In My Right Hand Whenever I Squeeze Something Really Hard
Image credits: austwhyn33
#84 Some Extra Toes
Image credits: neng.iir
#85 A Girl I Knew Online Years Ago Was Born With Her Tongue Slightly Connected To Her Mouth
Image credits: ImWorthlessOk
#86 I Have A Rare Syndrome (Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome), Which Has Made My Eyes Have 3 Pupils. Here Is A Picture Of My Left Eye
Image credits: NSG12
#87 I Have A Geographic Tongue And Fissures
Image credits: gasstationfitted
#88 My Toes Make The Spock Salute
Image credits: Signal-Ad5853
#89 This Raised Skin With A Hole In The Middle On My Index Forms Every Time My Hand Gets Wet
Image credits: Cheeze_My_Puffs
We’re shifting the attention to you, dear reader. Do you or anyone you know have a unique genetic condition that’s worth checking out? Do you have photos of them? Share them in the comments!