75 Funny Work Memes To Take Your Mind Off Of Emails And Deadlines For Just A Moment

A wise man once said that folks should take as many bathroom breaks as they possibly can so that companies would be paying them for pretty much pooping all the time and not actually getting work done.

That wise man was I Prevail vocalist Eric Vanlerberghe, for those wondering.

But you gotta admit—that is some pure anti-work sentiment right there. Absolutely in line with scrolling through work memes, like the ones you can witness on Corporate Bish, an Instagram Page that provides a spot-on representation of how many of us feel about and experience work.

#1 Nor Am I In The Mood To Debate With The Boss

Image credits: corporatebish

#2 I Didn’t See Nothing

Image credits: corporatebish

#3 That Wasn’t Me…

Image credits: corporatebish

If any of this sounds or looks familiar, it’s because it should be. Bored Panda has covered the page in the past.

The Instagram page came about by chance, you can say. The creator randomly came across some work-related memes and it inspired her to create her own Instagram page. One that soon blew up.

#4 Today’s Deadlines Are Now A Tuesday Problem

Image credits: corporatebish

#5 Professional Here

Image credits: corporatebish

#6 Going To Start Sacrificing Food And Shelter

Image credits: corporatebish

The idea behind the page was for the creator to share her thoughts, experience, and to vent about things in meme form. It didn’t take long for her to realize how relatable her content was and the page took off. In just one year, the community grew to 100,000 people, and as of this listicle, it stands at nearly 650,000. That’s since July of 2021, mind you.

#7 Harassment If You Ask Me

Image credits: corporatebish

#8 The Commute Is So Worth It

Image credits: corporatebish

#9 I Said What I Said

Image credits: corporatebish

The page was somewhat of a transformational experience for her. As it grew, she understood that people from various industries tuned in to have a laugh, urging her to create a wider variety of content.

It turned out that her work experience was more universal than she had originally thought. So, it was only natural for the content to evolve and become better fitted for the workforce in general—and not just her own industry in finance.

#10 Who Else??

Image credits: corporatebish

#11 Lucky For Me, I’m Already A Kween!

Image credits: corporatebish

#12 Make It Stop

Image credits: corporatebish

At this point, Bored Panda has covered quite a number of work-related meme pages ([Screw] Work Memes, Work Problems, and another iteration of the first one) and discussed a variety of related topics along the way (why people hate work, how people can stop hating it, and how to rekindle your passion for work.)

So, let’s take a bit of a different approach and consider how memes can change the world.

#13 I Got 50 Emails Of Nonsense Hitting My Inbox

Image credits: corporatebish

#14 Guess I’m Expecting Too Much

Image credits: corporatebish

#15 Follow Me For More Work Hacks

Image credits: corporatebish

It’s important to note that it’s no longer a question of can but rather of how memes can change the world. Or so the National Institute of Technology in Agartala claims to be the case.

On the internet, humor has become a form of self-expression and education due to the internet’s notorious nature to foster discussion in every sense of the word.

#16 I Can Resend It, If You Like

Image credits: corporatebish

#17 Gotta Calm Down I Guess

Image credits: corporatebish

#18 Stressed Office Stuff Sums It Up

Image credits: corporatebish

And humor, in many cases, on the internet is expressed in memes. They are, after all, one of the easiest and most readily available forms of doing so out there. Who knew a mostly square-cropped image can make folks laugh, cry, and—this is where it gets interesting—shape our opinion on things. Yep, you read that correctly, memes can influence how we think and operate by creating a popular opinion and making it feel like it’s the right choice.

#19 I Said I Have An Appointment. I Didn’t Say I Was Going To It

Image credits: corporatebish

#20 So Rude

Image credits: corporatebish

#21 I Can’t Wait

Image credits: corporatebish

The NIT exemplified this by referencing the 2016 and 2020 US Presidential elections. In 2016, whenever the margin of votes became significantly in favor of one candidate, contradicting memes would immediately start popping up. And the memes practically facilitated how the public opinion was formed and swayed it to vote Republican.

#22 8:00 Sharp

Image credits: corporatebish

#23 I Surprise Myself

Image credits: corporatebish

#24 Trying My Hardest But Can’t Make No Promises

Image credits: corporatebish

And while most can’t say the same about the 2020 election, memes still had an impact, albeit in a bit of a different form. That year, the Democrats won the Presidential race. And while the public already saw the performance of the previous President and based their decision on that, the memes served a purpose of expressing opinions of the pre-existing disappointment.

#25 I Was Sick And Tired Of My Old Hair

Image credits: corporatebish

#26 It’s A Part Time Job

Image credits: corporatebish

#27 Great, Why Don’t You Call Me And Write Me A Letter Too

Image credits: corporatebish

And because this is the internet, there are memes about practically everything and hence they have a say in forming people’s opinions on all relevant things.

Memes might seem like lighthearted jokes, but their overall message still adds to creating a popular opinion, and in turn influencing you to take a stance as well.

#28 They Gone Learn Today

Image credits: corporatebish

#29 Down For Whatever

Image credits: corporatebish

#30 Living The Dream Don’t You Know

Image credits: corporatebish

And since this is a meme listicle, it’s only appropriate for you to express yourself in the same way that memes do – by sharing your thoughts and takes on work and corporate life in the comment section below.

But if that’s not your cup of tea, consider leaving an upvote on this listicle and continue your work meme journey with another Bored Panda listicle.

#31 Not Gone Stress This Precious Mind

Image credits: corporatebish

#32 So Rude

Image credits: corporatebish

#33 Yep, Have Some Feedback That No One Will Ever Look At Or Do Anything About

Image credits: corporatebish

#34 All I Know Is It Ain’t Friday!

Image credits: corporatebish

#35 I Take It Back, Not What I Meant

Image credits: corporatebish

#36 Respectfully, Tf Else

Image credits: corporatebish

#37 It’s Friday And My Work Is Done Here

Image credits: corporatebish

#38 Lord Whyyyy, Nooo

Image credits: corporatebish

#39 I Take It Back

Image credits: corporatebish

#40 Today Could Be The Day

Image credits: corporatebish

#41 None Of My Business

Image credits: corporatebish

#42 Please Check Your Email Before Bothering Me With Your Nonsense

Image credits: corporatebish

#43 Not Monday, Tuesday…

Image credits: corporatebish

#44 They Lied On Their Resume Too

Image credits: corporatebish

#45 Save Your Receipts Y’all

Image credits: corporatebish

#46 I’ll See You On Monday

Image credits: corporatebish

#47 And Meetings…

Image credits: corporatebish

#48 Fun Times

Image credits: corporatebish

#49 C, Please

Image credits: corporatebish

#50 Several Times A Day, Actually

Image credits: corporatebish

#51 Idk Fecking Know Anymore… Emails, Meetings, And Stress?

Image credits: corporatebish

#52 Everyday Actually

Image credits: corporatebish

#53 I Said What I Said

Image credits: corporatebish

#54 So We Can Pop Bottles On The Weekend, I Guess

Image credits: corporatebish

#55 “Thanks Me, You’re A Star”

Image credits: corporatebish

#56 Didn’t Know If I 100% Wanted It, But I Woulda Liked To Have The Option To Decline

Image credits: corporatebish

#57 Star Employee

Image credits: corporatebish

#58 Wtf

Image credits: corporatebish

#59 If It Doesn’t Concern Me, Don’t Invite Me

Image credits: corporatebish

#60 Glad I Can Be A Part Of This Very Important Work

Image credits: corporatebish

#61 So Rude

Image credits: corporatebish

#62 That’s Wonderful, Martha

Image credits: corporatebish

#63 You Have Been Warned

Image credits: corporatebish

#64 Them Bills Don’t Pay Themselves

Image credits: corporatebish

#65 Sign Me Up

Image credits: corporatebish

#66 I Love It

Image credits: corporatebish

#67 Ok, See Ya Then

Image credits: corporatebish

#68 Thanks A Lot, Chicken Lips

Image credits: corporatebish

#69 Tf Did I Do This Time

Image credits: corporatebish

#70 Works For Me

Image credits: corporatebish

#71 I’m Very Busy, Busy Gaining Strength

Image credits: corporatebish

#72 Damn

Image credits: corporatebish

#73 Woosah

Image credits: corporatebish

#74 Can’t Let Them Go To Waste, Now

Image credits: corporatebish

#75 It’s Friday, I’m Done

Image credits: corporatebish