Woman Left Speechless: “MIL Opened All My Family’s Christmas Presents While I Was At Work”

The clock is ticking for me to buy Christmas gifts, but I still have a little bit of time before Santa beats me to it. Next year, I should be more like Redditor Jester_Mellow, who had already bought and wrapped everything she needed in advance.

However, in a post on the subreddit ‘Just no MIL,’ the woman said that her mother-in-law had ruined her preparation. Apparently, the lady tried to secretly go through everyone’s presents while they were happily sitting and waiting for the recipients.

Jester_Mellow’s emotional description of the situation serves as a reminder of just how important it is to respect people’s boundaries, especially during the holiday season when stress can be heightened even more than usual.

Seeing people you love open the presents that you got specifically for them is an incredibly rewarding experience

Image credits: freestocks / unsplash (not the actual photo)

But this woman suspects that her mother-in-law went through her family’s gifts before they had the chance to unwrap them

Image credits: AboutImages / envato (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Kari Shea / unsplash (not the actual photo)

Image credits: jester_mellow

Many women report tension in their relationship with their mother-in-law

Image credits:  Aiony Haust / unsplash (not the actual photo)

While not all of them are as infuriating, disagreements with mothers-in-law are quite common.

A recent study published in the Evolutionary Psychological Science journal showed that both men and women report having more conflict with their mothers-in-law (44%) than with their own mothers (39%).

The majority of these disputes revolve around finances and child care, which shouldn’t come as a surprise, since these areas are common among the top stress factors in many relationships.

The researchers suggested that such tension may be “influenced by genetic conflict” as each person “unconsciously acts in the interest of their genetic kin” instead of in each individual’s best interest.

“This genetic conflict may cause affines (in-laws) to disagree about the distribution of resources and investment, just as we see mothers and fathers disagreeing in these domains,” the authors of the paper said. “Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic conflict may underlie negative social interactions that occur in affinal (in-law) relationships.”

The researchers highlighted that animosity between in-laws is also likely because they “do not choose to have relationships with one another” but are forced into familial bonds as “unintended consequences” of their children’s romantic relationships.

The mother-in-law may have robbed the woman of her Christmas joy

Image credits: Annie Spratt / unsplash (not the actual photo)

“The act of giving actually does improve your happiness,” researcher Michael Norton, a psychologist who teaches at Harvard Business School, said.

He and his collaborators have published numerous studies on the effects of giving. For example, in one experiment that included about 700 people, the researchers randomly assigned participants to make either a purchase for themselves, or a stranger. Afterward, the participants reported how happy they felt. Turns out, giving to others, as opposed to spending on oneself, led to a significant happiness boost.

“If you take $5 out of your pocket today, the science really does show that spending $5 on yourself doesn’t do much for you,” Norton explained. “But spending that $5 on somebody else is more likely to increase your happiness.”

Consider a scarf. If you buy one for yourself, it’s just another thing you own. But if you buy it for someone else, “you’ve shown them that they’re important to you,” Norton said. Either way, it’s just a scarf, “but it can either be a throwaway object or something that cements a relationship between two people.”

However, when someone who actively declares they don’t want to be a part of the holiday ritual enters what’s supposed to be a two-people affair, it’s easy to imagine how it can suddenly become less special.

After her story went viral, the woman joined the discussion in its comment section

People just couldn’t believe that someone would risk ruining Christmas like this

The post Woman Left Speechless: “MIL Opened All My Family’s Christmas Presents While I Was At Work” first appeared on Bored Panda.