50 ‘Blessed Images’ That Radiate Positivity And Happiness

There are plenty of cursed things on the internet these days. From photos of meals that no one should ever be eating to creepy images that will keep you from sleeping at night, there are no limits to how much cursed content one can find.

But if you’re in need of something a bit more wholesome today, allow us to introduce you to the Blessed_Images subreddit. This community is dedicated to sharing precious, uplifting and hilarious posts that will make your day a little bit brighter. So enjoy scrolling through these photos, and be sure to upvote the ones that leave you feeling #blessed!

#1 This Is Cowboy. His Snoot Is Primed For Booping. (One Upvote = Two Boops)

Image credits: ediblefoods_115

#2 This Is Cute

Image credits: cryingdog499

#3 Blessed Loaf

Image credits: KonoDioDapt3

When you hear the term “blessed images,” you might start imagining those sweet photos of flowers that your grandmother might send you on Facebook with messages like, “Have a beautiful day, my love! You deserve all the joy and happiness in the world!” And while those images are wholesome and heartwarming as well, today, we’re looking at a list that’s in direct opposition to cursed images.

The Blessed_Images subreddit has been around since 2017, but it has already amassed an impressive 81k members, thanks to the uplifting nature of its content. The group has one rule, that all posts must be wholesome, and it’s full of adorable puppies, sweet memes and images that might make you shed a tear of joy. 

#4 Never Too Old

Image credits: AwesomeManDan13

#5 Blessed Heart

Image credits: Faith_SC

#6 Ya’ll Probably Already Saw This. I Found This On My Phone And Its The Best Thing Ever

Image credits:

While it’s incredibly easy to tumble down a rabbit hole of doomscrolling and focusing on the negatives nowadays, it’s important that we also take time to view some wholesome content as well. That’s why groups like Blessed_Images are so lovely. They allow us to escape from the bad news we’re bombarded with on almost every platform for a few minutes to relax and take some deep breaths.

According to Emily Torres at The Good Trade, we’re all actually craving wholesome things in 2023. She explains that we’re often exhausted and overwhelmed during this “decade that’s left nothing but holes in our hearts,” so enjoying a wholesome, home cooked meal or viewing a few hilarious, uplifting TikToks can relieve a bit of our tension and make us feel like ourselves again. 

#7 Tell Him Hes Cute

Image credits: BigDaddyTurner

#8 Blessed Potato

Image credits: ezza2024

#9 A Very Proud Good Boi

Image credits: forkintheoutlet5

Torres describes having a lack of wholesome-ness in our lives as being similar to having a nutritional deficiency. We may not notice at first that we’ve begun to live in a perpetual state of stress and sorrow, but over time, we’ll start seeing the impacts it can have on our health. By getting our daily dose of joy, laughter, relaxation and warmth, we can keep our wellbeing in check and remind ourselves that the world isn’t all bad. You might want to add Blessed_Images into your daily rotation of websites to check, after you’ve read the news and checked your email! 

#10 Everyone Stop What You’re Doing And Look At This Albino Kiwi ?

Image credits: RandomGirl199

#11 I Didn’t Wanna Cry Rn

Image credits: Papa-Johns-CEO

#12 Blessed Wheelchair

Image credits: michishirube_

We all know that doomscrolling can affect us negatively, as it can worsen anxiety and depression and can cause us to become more stressed, lower our quality of sleep and lower our self-esteem. So if you want to reduce the urge to get stuck in a negative loop, Caldwell Memorial recommends setting timers on how often you scroll each day. Many phones have options you can set to limit your screentime, and there are now apps that will count how many times you access your social media accounts a day, to remind you not to log on too often. 

#13 Blessed Cat

Image credits: LE_MONKE-69

#14 Blessed Painting

Image credits: Phantasama

#15 I Will Just Leave This Here

Image credits: Makedeboat

It’s also wise to unfollow accounts that encourage you to doomscroll or take in negative content if you’re trying to keep a more positive feed on social media. Focus more on keeping active in real life so you have less time for mindless scrolling, and try to replace doomscrolling with more beneficial activities, such as yoga or meditation. And of course, surrounding yourself with others who have a positive attitude and will want to discuss more uplifting topics can be helpful as well.  

#16 Blessed News

Image credits: Cachuchotas

#17 My Friend’s Dog

Image credits: XavPigMC

#18 Blessed Cat Dad

Image credits: Kida_Kuro_Mu

As for the benefits you can experience from taking in uplifting stories, Good News Utah says it can reduce your stress and anxiety. A 2016 study from the University of Southampton found that regularly consuming positive news can cause people to develop a more positive mindset and can counteract the negative symptoms that being surrounded by bad news can create.

#19 Happy Cheetah Noises


#20 Blessed Guard Dog

Image credits: ashton-ttv

#21 A Couple In The 1800s Trying Not To Laugh During Their Picture

Image credits: zamasu859

Surrounding yourself with good news can also promote better interactions between yourself and others. Positive news stories have been found to bring people together, and there’s no question that it’s more enjoyable to discuss wholesome and uplifting stories than upsetting ones. We should still stay informed on what’s going on in the world, but taking a little extra time to find positive stories, rather than simply clicking on the first headlines you see, can certainly be worth it.   

#22 Blessed Hedgedog

Image credits: Reddit_Amethyst

#23 Spoopy Cat

Image credits: whalelyboi__

#24 Blessed Bedtime

Image credits: IGiveFreeMemes

Taking in positive content can also encourage individuals to spread even more joy. Reading an uplifting article about giving back to the community might inspire you to do the same. Seeing adorable posts about grandmothers being wholesome might remind you to call yours up or to bring her some baked goods and take her out for dinner. Positivity and negativity are both contagious, so let’s try to spread more of the former!

#25 Blessed Duck

Image credits: Blake_GodfreyYT

#26 Chonky Boi And Happy Mom

Image credits: sss_spooky

#27 Blessed Art

Image credits: SammiesHammies

Are you feeling hashtag blessed after looking at this list, pandas? We hope you’re enjoying all of these wholesome pics, and please remember to keep upvoting your favorites. Then, if you’re interested in checking out some images that are the opposite of cursed, you can find Bored Panda’s previous articles featuring blessed images here and here

#28 Enjoy A Pic Of This Cutie

Image credits: Automatic-Operation6

#29 Cuddling Done Right

Image credits: sardonicm3g

#30 Blessed Doggo With Birb

Image credits: sexy_balls_69

#31 M’boi Finally Got A Girl

Image credits: Maharaj_Pranav

#32 Blessed Pupper

Image credits: DylDemon

#33 Blessed Smol Bois

Image credits: Andrea_Bac

#34 I Just Can’t Lmaooo

Image credits: kesh_ii

#35 Blessed Pup

Image credits: TwT-nothanks

#36 Happy 8 Year Old Noises

Image credits: Mental_Help_Needed

#37 Blessed Godzilla

Image credits: lukez720

#38 Hope You Like This Cat!

Image credits: LE_MONKE-69

#39 Lizard Learning To Dragon

Image credits: tox1cugrin

#40 He’s Still A Good Boi

Image credits: the_derpy_toast

#41 Blessed Invasion

Image credits: Stricker78

#42 Blessed Doggo Teefs

Image credits: batatassad4

#43 Blessed Valentines Date

Image credits: ashton-ttv

#44 If You Like, This Cat Will Protect You From Covid-19

Image credits: TheCringeRoom

#45 Blessed Firefox

Image credits: eggman42069_

#46 Someone In Our Group Posted Their Cat Seeing A Mirror For The First Time

Image credits: TheSea_Cat

#47 This Coffee Doggo

Image credits: Sky-devil

#48 Wholesome Among Us Moment

Image credits: VoteForFire

#49 Blessed Cat

Image credits: julianluetz

#50 Blessed Mothday

Image credits: Blackenix737