Faith in Humanity: The Abandoned Gay Dog Who Had A Happy Ending

About six to eight million pets―mainly dogs and cats―get picked up by shelters in the United States every year. Such high figures indicate that more and more animals are leaving the comfort of warm, loving homes and ending up on the cold, dangerous streets.

Countless pet owners try to justify their reasons for letting a pet go. As a result, it’s hard to be shocked anymore by what motivates such abandonment. However, this is not a regular account of an abandoned pet. Instead, it’s a story of a dog, an ill-advised owner, and the perils of bigotry.

Why Do We Want Animal Companionship?

Scientists have tried to determine what inspires the bond between animals and humans. But there’s no one answer. Pets can satisfy our innate need to nurture a creature smaller than ourselves. If you’ve owned one before, you have to admit there’s something very soothing about grooming a pet.

On the other hand, science says that interacting with pets can help reduce stress and cause feelings of happiness and relaxation in humans. But there’s also that people with pets are considered more trustworthy. So clearly, there’s much to be gained from having a pet.

The post Faith in Humanity: The Abandoned Gay Dog Who Had A Happy Ending appeared first on Cash Roadster.