60 Entitled Moms Who Need To Sit Down And Think About Their Attitude

Being a mom is a hard job. It takes a lot of mental and physical energy to constantly be there for someone who relies on you 24/7.

In partnerships, moms are usually the ones that take on the brunt of childcare and housekeeping duties—and there are a lot of them. Single mothers are often under even more pressure. They not only have to take care of their child and keep their house in order, but they’re also the only bread-winners in the family.

All that is to say that we should appreciate mothers as they do work very hard.

However, some of them can sometimes be a little too pushy when insisting on gratitude. After all, being a mother doesn’t make you more deserving of the good things in life. And one should not expect to be treated with exceptional kindness and generosity simply because of their familial status.

The list below has some of the most infuriating examples of entitled mothers ever. If you decide to scroll down and see it, be prepared to get angry.

#1 “I’m A Single Mom. Let Me Buy This For 15% Of Your Asking Price!”

Image credits: IronWurmple

While you might think that entitlement is a completely negative personality trait, it is actually not all bad. In fact, we all have a sense of entitlement and it’s actually good for us.

Healthy or normal entitlement is learned when we’re still babies. By giving us warmth and responding to our needs, our caretakers teach us what sort of treatment to expect from others. This usually teaches us boundaries and the concept of “giving and receiving” in relationships.

#2 Someone Has To Pay To Watch Her Kid

Image credits: kaimead125

#3 Beggar Mom Is Insulted That Her Daughter’s Party Guests Won’t Pay For The Party

Image credits: HelloImJenni

Other types of healthy entitlement can be transactional. For example, when you work, you expect for your employer to pay for your job. When you pay for something, you expect to be delivered a service or a product. Same applies when there is any sort of rules that people need to follow; you expect everyone to abide by them. You expect the doctors to treat you, and the laws to protect you. All of these are normal.

When we are describing someone who is entitled, we are talking about a person who has excessive entitlement. Those are the ones that expect special treatment from everyone around them.

#4 I Teach Swimming To Kids For Free Even Though I Was Offered Money. Mombie Demands That I Have To Teach Her Son Exclusively. And To Give Her The Money Offered As I Don’t Need It

Image credits: pretent_its_witty

#5 This Mom Looking To Ditch Her New Baby For The Holidays

Image credits: lesstocarry

#6 Single Mom, Unique Baby Name, Won’t Screw You Over, Cash On Hand!

Image credits: Ill_Spirit_233

There’s no clear answer for why people start feeling excessively entitled. One of the theories is that it is related to a person’s attachment style. Scientists propose that an anxious attachment style that manifests in clinginess and fear of rejection is associated with the feeling that you deserve better. Usually, these people have exaggerated needs and fears and demand them to be met.

#7 Entitled Mom Demands A Refund And Tells Me To Repent!

Image credits: dippdot

#8 Mom Asked For ‘Old Phone’ As Temp For Uncle, Offered Old Phone, Can’t Be Too Old Has To Be iPhone 6 Or Above

Image credits: hiteikan

#9 This Ungrateful Mom

Image credits: alexv518

This relates to a theory which claims that people who were wronged in their lives demonstrate an exaggerated sense of entitlement. Children that weren’t given enough emotional support try to meet their needs outside of their familial relations. This type of behavior shows in the patterns of entitled moms. 

#10 Shared My Netflix Years Ago With My Mom And Sister, Then Had An Issue Last Night So I Checked The Recent Devices

Found out there were tons of people with my password, PLUS someone upped my plan. Reset my password and told my sister I wasn’t going to share my password anymore. CHAOS.

Image credits: Blue_ilovereddit_72

#11 Mother Demands You Only Buy Specific Gifts For Birthday And Holiday. For Context, The Child Is Like 4 Years Old

Image credits: midnightsun08

#12 Single Mom Wants A 6’3″ Tall Meal Ticket

Image credits: Ultramegasaurus

Single mothers have to sacrifice a lot to give their children a good life. They often don’t receive much gratitude from people in their family, so they seek it in the world around them. Their need to feel appreciated takes priority over consideration of others. So, they go on the Facebook market and push the sellers to give them free stuff or scream at service workers, demanding the respect they crave.

#13 Choosing Mother Tries To Trick Good Guy Neighbor Into Paying Child Support

Image credits: grubbygrampa

#14 Not Mine But Op’s Mom Is Freaking Out Her Because She Switched Jobs And Doesn’t Have A Cell Discount Anymore

Image credits: VoschNickson

#15 Mom Thinks Her Son Needs My Service Dog, Not Just Any Service Dog

Image credits: coloSDhandler

Excessive entitlement can lead to criminal behavior. Studies have shown that believing that you deserve special treatment can lead men to abusing women in relationships. This can be physical or sexual violence. Those are the type of guys who think that women are indebted to them because they were treating them nicely or bought them a drink or dinner. When they don’t get it, they feel betrayed and could even take what they think they are entitled to by force.

#16 It’s Ok, I’m A Single Mom

Image credits: forkintheoutlet5

#17 Mom Goes Off On Build A Bear For Ending Their Promotion And Having The Audacity To Send Her A Voucher For A Discount After The Fact (Yes She Was Completely Serious)

Image credits: PmMeYourCheesePics

#18 Local Mom Complaining About The Free Breakfast And Lunch Schools Are Giving Away Because Of Covid19. Says That She’s Going To Email The School And Complain

Image credits: msmysty

Entitlement is also associated with infidelity. In those cases, people might think they are entitled to a certain kind of attention or even sex. If those people don’t get it from their partner, they believe it is only fair to get it somewhere else. They often don’t exhibit much remorse about their actions because they feel they were justified.

#19 Mom On Facebook Begs For Free Gaming System, Then Becomes Rude & Picky With Offers

Image credits: margebeannesacke

#20 Strangers Wont Give My Kid AirPods Or Money?! Thanks For Ruining His Christmas!

Image credits: KetoMyLastHope

#21 My BF’s Mom Is Coming To Visit Us, And She Suggested We Buy A Mattress, When We Were Offering To Pay For A Hotel For Her And She Could Just Bring An Air Mattress That She Already Owns

Image credits: angelinchains23

In the worst cases, entitlement can even lead to a person taking another person’s life. In a paper published in 2002, researchers analyzed how entitlement led to a student attacking his teacher. The teen perpetrator’s mother showed excessive adoration for her child, believing he was very smart and destined for something great. The scientists believe that the constant praise made him feel like he was better than others and deserved special treatment from everybody around him. Once he didn’t get it, he resorted to gratuitous violence. 

#22 Ungrateful Pregnant Mom Rants About Receiving New Baby Clothes Instead Of Things On Her Baby Registry

Image credits: GoosebumpsTed

#23 Local Fb Group Mom Wants To Pay $100 A Week For Babysitting Overnight And Getting Child To School

Image credits: OrangeExo

#24 My Little Sister Is Raising Money For Her Dance Troupe And Her Mom Sent Me A Link Telling Me To Donate Whatever I Can Afford. I Can’t Donate Less Than $20

Image credits: fishingforcompetence

All in all, it is safe to say that taken to the extremes, entitlement can have really serious consequences. And while the mothers on this list are not physically harming anyone, their ignorance to the needs of others is definitely unpleasant. In other words, they really know how to ruin someone’s mood. We do hope these stories didn’t ruin your mood, but, instead, are going to inspire you to stand up to excessive entitlement when the situation arises.

#25 Homeless Single Mom Looking For Love, Must Make Good Money Though And Have Your Own Place!

Image credits: Own_Addition_6398

#26 She Blocked Me For Pointing Out $4 An Hour Is Not Enough For A Full Time Babysitter Lmao

Image credits: Sydls97

#27 Give Me Something Free… To A Whole New Level

Image credits: zonianjohn

#28 Single Mom Would Like To Pay Less Than 2$ An Hour For Childcare

Image credits: queenkeels

#29 My Buddy Is A Tattoo Artist. He’s Also My Personal Hero

Image credits: TheBrennanCo

#30 This Was On One Of My Mom Pages, I Couldn’t Believe It Was Local And That These Kind Of People Actually Exist, It Makes Me Sick To Think About

Image credits: AwkoTaco76

#31 Lady Wants Babysitter To Watch Her Three Young Kids Including A 1 Month Old For $160 A Week From 7am-6pm Monday-Friday. Oh And They Need To Be Picked Up And Dropped Off As Well

Image credits: JohnnyLong123

#32 Single Mom! Sick Kid! Wants Free Puppy! Choosing Beggar?

Image credits: reddit.com

#33 Come On Kayla You Totally Forgot To Tell Me You’re Also A Single Mom

Image credits: videliTee

#34 This My Bffs Ex’s GF Mom And She’s Always Breaking A Bone Or Wanting Stuff For Free

Image credits: whatthefuckbeck

#35 Do My Hair For Free, I’m A Single Mom

Image credits: ZombieProcessor

#36 Apparently Being A Sahm Means You Should Give Away Free Childcare

Image credits: Tindal_5335

#37 My Neighbour. Oh And By “Sit In Her House” She Means Babysit Her Two Very High Needs Children

Image credits: shrinkingbabe

#38 Single Mom, “Hiring A Sugar Daddy”

Image credits: bonelessice69

#39 Mom Wants An Absolutely Perfect Suv… For $2k

Image credits: QueenAnneBoleynTudor

#40 Why Is It Always The Moms Looking For Nanny’s?

Image credits: smash1ftw

#41 Cb Mom Wants To Be Paid For Her Daughter’s Play Dates

Image credits: bedtime_besttime

#42 “Would You Consider Gifting Your 14,500 Dollar Car For Sale To A Single Mom In Need? Would Be An Answer To So Many Prayers”

Image credits: vainbetrayal

#43 Choosy Beggar Moms On Facebook

Image credits: DQ608

#44 6 Months Pregnant Single Mom Of 1 Looking For A Good Man To Settle Down With

Image credits: Zykium

#45 Posted By A Thirty-Something Divorcee In A Mom Group

Image credits: Cybergrany

#46 Mom Calling Her Kid’s School And Tries To Have The School Nurse Diagnose And Treat Her Lady Parts Over The Phone

Image credits: tb1649

#47 Mom Upset That Son Won’t Spend Money On Her

Image credits: reddit.com

#48 Tax Free Clothing Isn’t Enough For This Single Mom

Image credits: arsenicbutterfly

#49 24/7 Nanny That’s A Nutritionist. $5k To Play Mom Because I Dont Want To Be One

Image credits: GingeredPickle

#50 The School District I Live In Has Been Giving Free Breakfasts And Lunches To Children Since The Pandemic Started. Entitled Mom Complaining On The Town Facebook Page

Image credits: Elanor_the_Holbytla

#51 Single Mom (Blue) Was Looking For A Babysitter In My Neighborhood Facebook Group

Image credits: sarcasm_included

#52 Facebook Mom Looking For Baby Sitter For $50 A Week

Image credits: fish_andchip

#53 Crazy Mom On Facebook Only Wants To Pay $300 A Month For Full Time Baby Sitter

Image credits: Meow123393

#54 Anyone Else Have Vietnamese Moms Who Are Choosy Beggars?

Image credits: weeitsvi

#55 Racist 23 Y/O Single Mom Iso: Tall, Fit, Hairless, Successful, Light-Skinned, Open-Minded, And Tattooed Prince Charming

Image credits: reddit.com

#56 Local Restaurant Is Offering Free Meals For Children While School Is Closed. Choosing Beggar Mom Mad That It Isn’t Extended To Nursing Mothers As Well

Image credits: doryfishie

#57 What Kind Of Crazy World Are We Living In Where Moms Have To Pay Money For Things?!

Image credits: bluejacaranda

#58 But They’re A Single Mom Of Two! Cross Stitch Group I’m On, Designing Patterns Is No Different To An Artist Commission

Image credits: TwentyBandits

#59 I Wish Someone Would Help Take Care Of Our 3 Kids.. But It Has To Be More Than 2 Hours

Image credits: Invisible-Gorilla13

#60 Mom In My Hometown Wants Someone To Babysit Her Kid For $30/Day, But Must Be Available 14 Hours A Day

Image credits: thegingergirl98