Two Foreigners Got So Deeply Confused By These 44 American Things, They Just Had To Share Them On TikTok

When we visit other countries, it’s like we’re tourists in a bizarre theme park. Some places might seem kind of familiar, but just a short walk away, and you’re in the Twilight Zone of lifestyles. It’s like a sitcom where, even though we’re all Earthlings, our quirks and customs are as diverse as a box of chocolates.

Take Spain, for example – they’ve got the siesta, the ultimate nap time. In Denmark, they’ve got a peculiar hangout spot – cemeteries are the place to be. In Japan, it’s all about slurping noodles as if it’s an Olympic sport. And then there’s the good old U.S. of A., where everything seems to be supersized.

From stores big enough to host a small army to highways that look like they could double as airport runways, packages that could hide a small treasure, and cars and houses that belong in a giant’s dream. But when you visit the States, get ready for more things that might be weird to you, and that’s the topic we’re diving into today!


Image credits: decxiee

Talk to anyone who’s been to the US, and they’ll say there are some pretty funny and weird things about the culture. 

Americans sometimes say they don’t have a unified culture, but despite the diversity, there are distinctly American things.

From throwing pet birthday parties to loving vacations in lake towns, American traditions can be both funny and heartwarming.

Are you ready to share some laughs, shed a tear, and reminisce about your childhood? We have some only American things that might be difficult to grasp for a foreigner.


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: francesca_cobucci

For example, in the US, food portions are way bigger compared to China, where they serve food ‘family style’ for everyone to share. It’s quite funny to see the expressions on the faces of Chinese tourists at places like The Cheesecake Factory when their enormous dishes arrive.


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: francesca_cobucci

What about supersized drinks? In most European countries, beverage packaging is typically standardized, usually around one liter or one-and-a-half liters. Additionally, Europeans tend to buy just the amount of milk they actually need. It’s a different story in the US, where it’s common to purchase milk or red wine in large containers, ensuring it lasts for weeks ahead.


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: francesca_cobucci

Getting accustomed to the fast food culture in America can be challenging. It appears that many Americans have a fondness for eating on the go and in a hurry, whether it’s at the drive-through, grabbing a quick bite at In-N-Out Burger, or making a brief pit stop at their favorite food truck on the corner.


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: francesca_cobucci

If you’re used to Germany’s six-lane Autobahn with speedy driving, it can be quite surprising to find highways in the US with 12 lanes or more, where most cars travel at similar speeds. Learning the driving rules in this setup can be tough!


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: francesca_cobucci

Everyone adores dogs, but it’s safe to say that Americans have a special knack for treating them like members of the family. The latest trend that highlights this is throwing elaborate birthday parties for dogs.

There’s no denying that these celebrations can be adorable. However, some might find it a bit over-the-top to invest time and money in decorations, cakes, and even party favors (yes, it’s a thing) for a furry friend who can’t grasp the concept of birthdays.

Of course, people have the freedom to spend their money as they see fit, but for those willing to splurge, perhaps considering a donation to a worthy cause could be a more meaningful way to make a positive impact.


Image credits: bosta17__


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Image credits: francesca_cobucci

You might have seen jokes on social media about Americans and Europeans taking vacations. The jokes suggest that Europeans have extended breaks while Americans hardly take any time off, even working during their days off.

Though these jokes are exaggerated, there’s some truth to them. Most countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have laws setting minimum paid time off for workers, but the United States doesn’t. American vacation time often depends on employers’ decisions.

In comparison, countries like France legally require a minimum of 30 days of paid leave, plus holidays. This significant difference in vacation policies can make a move to Europe seem quite appealing.


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: decxiee

You’ve probably seen this before in TV shows or real life: teenagers telling their parents they can’t enter their room. It’s a common situation, but it can still be surprising.

In some American households, it’s seen as a way for teenagers to assert their independence. However, in many other cultures, it’s quite amusing to think that you can dictate what your parents can do in their own home. Unless you own the house, trying to control your parents’ actions is usually met with disapproval.


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: ashleylabaki

We could keep talking about American things all day, which would be fun. But for now, if you’re curious or feeling nostalgic, check out the rest of our American-only pictures. Upvote the ones that bring back memories or make you want to visit the United States.


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: decxiee


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: francesca_cobucci


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: bosta17__


Image credits: ashleylabaki


Image credits: bosta17__