Woman With ‘Obscene’ Face Tattoo Done Against Her Will Gets Life-Changing Help From Stranger

Usually, you are warned to think twice before getting a tattoo inked on your face. But Taylor White had no choice in the matter when obscenities were forcibly tattooed onto her face when she was just 21.

Over a decade later since the traumatizing incident, the Florida resident is finally in the process of removing her extensive face tattoo, thanks to the kindness of Karridy Askenasy, also known as TheDadBot to his TikTok followers, who stumbled onto White’s livestream by mistake.

Before being offered a helping hand by Askenasy who was moved by Taylor’s tragic story, she was a tattoo artist herself. After being divorced by a member of the US military and left homeless, she met a man she mistook for sweet and kind – the same boyfriend that forever changed the course of her life for the worse.

Taylor was 21 when her former boyfriend and his friends tattooed obscenities on her face against her will

Image credits: lynn_taylor726

On the night of her 21st birthday, he took Taylor out to a local bar with the intention of getting her drunk for the first time in her life. However, unbeknownst to her, he and his friends allegedly harbored more wicked plans for the night.

The man, whose identity Taylor chose not to disclose, brought her back to a hotel room after several drinks that left little to no energy in her to fight back. Her memory went blank from that point until the following morning when she awoke in the vacant hotel room, her face in pain.

Upon looking in the mirror, she discovered “really horrible things” inked on her face, which she refrained from describing due to their horrifying nature.

Until recently when she met a kind-hearted TikToker who offered his help, Taylor was struggling to secure a job in her desired field

Image credits: thedadbot

“I understand that my appearance is quite different, and could maybe jar someone that has their own condition,” she said

Image credits: thedadbot

After being holed up at home for weeks while waiting for her wounds to heal, Taylor went back to her tattoo studio in the hope that heavy concealer would hide her vandalized face. However, her worst fears were confirmed – she won’t lead a normal life looking like this.

“He said, ‘You can’t live like this,’” Taylor said referencing the reaction of her boss who offered to cover the unwanted face tattoos in blackout ink so that she at least could live a semi-normal life.

However, Taylor’s luck turned around after a fellow TikToker by the name of Karridy Askenasy discovered her during one of her livestreams

Image credits: thedadbot

Image credits: thedadbot

Of course, that was far from the case as proved by Taylor’s hopes to make a transition from body-modifications to the mental health care industry which saw her face as a huge obstacle.

“I’ve tried applying for jobs in the mental health care field just as an advocate,” she told The New York Post. “I understand that my appearance is quite different, and could maybe jar someone that has their own condition.”

After months of planning and finally finding a team of experts willing to help (at no cost!), Taylor’s journey back to her normal life was about to begin

Image credits: thedadbot

Image credits: thedadbot

Meanwhile, things started to look more hopeful for Taylor, who has bipolar 2 disorder, after she started her own TikTok account in an attempt to de-stigmatize mental illness and met TheDadBot by pure chance.

“The trouble she was facing obviously had a personal effect on her,” Askenasy, who has more than 138,000 followers on TikTok, said. “It was preventing her from doing the most good possible.”

Karridy made a surprise visit after Taylor’s first of many procedures took place last month

Image credits: thedadbot

Image credits: thedadbot

Subsequently, he extended an offer to cover the expenses of the tattoo removal and contacted several clinics to seek assistance for the laser surgery. Remarkably, a laser tattoo removal company named Removery generously agreed to perform the removal at no charge, a service that typically carries a price tag in the thousands of dollars.

Carmen VanderHeiden Brodie, the vice president of clinical operations at Removery, has told the NY Post that it could take “upwards of two years” to bring Taylor’s life back to normal.

You can watch Karridy’s and Taylor’s touching journey below

@thedadbot It takes a Team! Go @💚Storm💚 ! Thank you @Removery Laser Tattoo Removal !! #bekind #mentalhealthawareness #tattoo #salvaginghumanity #fyp ♬ Emotional – Bang Nono

“I’m not having it removed purely for cosmetic reasons,” she explained, expressing her excitement as she went through her initial removal session last month.

“This is really removing a part of me that I no longer represent or live in.”

People were moved by Karridy’s act of kindness

The post Woman With ‘Obscene’ Face Tattoo Done Against Her Will Gets Life-Changing Help From Stranger first appeared on Bored Panda.