21 Y.O. Is Puzzled After Arriving To A New Job And Getting Scolded For Showing Up

It’s no big news how taxing job hunting is! It takes a toll on your well-being, is incredibly time-consuming, you have to deal with rejection and the process’s competitive nature, and it’s generally very unpredictable. 

Take this Redditor’s nephew, for instance. The 21-year-old finally landed himself a job and was scheduled for training; however, upon arrival got booted out, as the company claimed to have sent him a nowhere-to-be-found email telling him that they no longer wanted to proceed.  

More info: Reddit

Guy lands a position in a warehouse and gets scheduled for training

Image credits: Burst (not the actual photo) 

He arrives nice and early, but instead gets asked why he is there

Image credits: Thirdman (not the actual photo) 

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo) 

Image source: u/beefSupremeChicken

“21-year-old nephew applied, showed up for training, and was asked why he was there – why?” – this internet user took to one of Reddit’s most favorite communities dedicated to work-related struggles to vent to its members about a company that wasted his nephew’s time. The post managed to garner over 18K upvotes as well as 1.1K comments discussing the situation. 

Trying to score a job is no walk in the park; it’s a very slow-going process that, according to this 2023 piece from Zesty– a career site fueled by some of the best experts with 40 million readers a year – took 58% of the survey respondents two months or less and about 13% seven months or more! 

We’re all busy individuals with our own responsibilities, meaning that the majority of us don’t have the opportunity to be jobless and still be able to live comfortably. 

Layoffs, automation, outsourcing, company closure, end of contract or project, downsizing – whatever it is that leaves you with no stable income, we all rely on cash, and having businesses waste your time is a hell of a setback that nobody can really afford. 

Not only is this activity psychologically burdensome in terms of rejections – it’s also challenging to find suitable positions in general. An overload of job seekers competing for the same place, mismatched skills, lack of experience, economic conditions that impact the job market, specific requirements, a 27-step application process, discrimination, etc.; it’s no wonder so many of us want to throw in the towel and become a hermit!

However, when you do finally get a callback, the relief you feel is truly indescribable – but life’s a so-called witch, so you can’t know for sure that you’ve secured a position until your bottom starts hurting from sitting in that office chair, as you still risk getting yourself into a similar scenario as the nephew of today’s story’s author.

A few hours later, he receives an email from the company telling him they don’t want to proceed anymore

Image credits: Stephen Philips- Hostreviews.co.uk (not the actual photo) 

The thing is, u/beefSupremeChicken’s 21-year-old nephew scored a gig at a warehouse for a large US retailer after being interviewed over the phone. 

The guy got scheduled for training, and as a respectful employee, he showed up nice and early – but instead of a welcome aboard message, he received a rude “Why are you here?” 

Weirdly enough, he was also told that he couldn’t just show up for work whenever he wanted and that they had emailed him a different day and time. Naturally, the whole experience was highly confusing and very disappointing, so once the guy got home, he went straight to his emails. 

Surprise, surprise, there was no email to be found – however, a couple of hours later, he did receive a letter from the company stating that they were no longer pursuing his employment any further and that they, again, had already emailed the poor guy a week prior about not wanting to hire him, which was, of course, a bunch of nonsense. 

What is your take on this situation? Have you ever experienced something similar? 

Fellow online community members shared their thoughts and opinions on the matter

The post 21 Y.O. Is Puzzled After Arriving To A New Job And Getting Scolded For Showing Up first appeared on Bored Panda.