40 People Share “Really Dumb” Hobbies That Only Rich People Seem To Like

To each their own, people often say, referring to, well, basically anything in life. And hobbies are in no way an exception. While some people spend their time enjoying the thrill of kitesurfing, others might be equally content with staying at home and doing some knitting. And who’s to say that one is better or worse than the other?

The internet community, of course. When it comes to Reddit users, for instance, they seem to approve of certain hobbies more than others; and they don’t shy away from sharing their opinions. That’s what they did after Redditor u/zer0w0rries asked the ‘Ask Reddit’ community what are some dumb hobbies mainly practiced by wealthy people. Scroll down to find the answers on the list below and see what hobbies redditors see no point in taking up.


Fox hunting

Image credits: Verlorenfrog


i live in Germany.
a guy in my neighboorhood hit the lottery, first thing he did was to fly to Russia and go Bear Hunting.

I cant understand why its someones dream to kill beautiful animals. Almost like the movie Ghost Dog

Image credits: Dry-Ad-4264


Golf. Let’s cut this forest down so we can build hundred of km2 of field for the most boring sport in existence

Image credits: tell_no_tale


Rich christian people traveling to impoverished countries and calling it a “mission”

Image credits: gutsplatter


How is horse racing not up in the top? It is also cruel and deadly. Something like 8 horses died for the Derby alone this year.

Image credits: Tyraxus


Shooting elephants. They just stand there facing off to you, and you just shoot them. Sounds like a waste of time

Image credits: Not_my_fault2626


Flying to a convention against climate change in your private jet.

Image credits: Gekkedutchy


Recording yourself giving s**t to the poor

Image credits: Ok_Research_8379


Paying to go see the titanic

Image credits: sugarw0000kie


Breeding and showing dogs, especially the tiny ones with the f****d up noses and tiny heads where their brains don’t even fit anymore

Image credits: Ellenvanity


Talking down on poor people with things like “stop buying coffee and you’ll be rich one day”

Image credits: Strawhat-Shawty


Canned hunts.

We can argue the ethics of hunting all day long. On the one hard, you have the cruel barbarism of fox hunting. On the other hand, you had paid permit hunting for big, exotic game (*where the permit only allows for specifically designated culls and profit goes directly to conservation).

But canned hunting? F**k. At least fox hunting and permit hunting require some measure of skill and afford some opportunity for the animal to escape.

Canned hunts are often marketed as “exotic game ranches;” places people go to get a guaranteed kill of a particular species. You know how you get that guaranteed kill? Because the game are fenced in and are often reliant on human care (so they have limited fear of humans compared to their wild roaming counterparts). There’s nothing sporting about it.

Imagine going to a dairy farm and bragging about how you bagged a big cow. That’s what canned hunting sounds like to others.

Image credits: thatsharkchick


Collecting the same Rolex in different variations. And never wearing any because it’s in a safe.

Image credits: Smegma_Surfer


Paying to disturb an underwater gravesite because they got too bored in their mansion


Playing at who builds the biggest rocket to ‘colonize other planets’

Image credits: thenizzle


Lobbying politicians to enrich themselves and cut corners for their respective businesses to the detriment of everyone, including themselves in the long run. They have to breathe the same air everyone else does.


“Climbing” Everest.

Image credits: ThePizzaNoid


people that collect luxury clothing brands and shoes and than never wear them.

Image credits: Senpailightning


Buying solid gold toilets and other items

Image credits: Mysterious-Glass6620


Being cheap. One of my friends has the money to buy the restaurants we eat at, but if we split an item she’ll fraction out how much she puts towards it. “I only ate 1 slice of pizza and there are 6 in total, so I’ll put down 1/6.” She also factors this into tipping. Drives me mental.

Image credits: Big-Buy8579


I just watched on Netflix rich Arabs cloning camels by the dozen because that first camel was really pretty.

Image credits: SnooComics8268


Buying an expensive car and then keeping it in your garage without ever actually driving it.

Image credits: zerbey


I used to work at a very pricey private school and one the big donors took it upon himself to make these big-a*s sculptures of extinct birds from around the world and then he would make a big deal of installing these things in the last place the bird was seen, even if it was in the middle of the jungle. And he paid people to follow him around and make a documentary about it. The sculptures weren’t even good, but can you imagine disrupting an ecosystem to put your piece of c**p homage to an extinct animal in it?! How does that even make sense?

The school had to kiss his a*s to keep the money flowing and allowed him to install one of his sculptures on the school grounds. Then they made all the middle schoolers spend an afternoon watching his vanity—oops I mean documentary—and making carrier pigeons out of paper cutouts. It was a big joke.


Making one dollar bets with other rich people that disrupts and ruins normal people’s lives. Social experiments and such.

Basically using regular people as playthings.

Image credits: dirtymoney


12 metre yacht racing. Like standing fully clothed in a cold shower and tearing up hundred dollar bills. By the million.

Image credits: AchillesNtortus


Even though I enjoy the taste, collecting ultra expensive wine and not ever drinking it. Technically it can be an investment, but if they never sell it then its not really an investment IMHO.

Image credits: Additional-Bag-1961


Submarine rides to ship wrecks.


Challenging other wealthy individuals to cage match MMA fights.

Image credits: Flizatt


My mom used to love watching the Barrett-Jackson Car Auction, specifically the one held in Scottsdale, AZ where they sell very expensive cars. She would always tell me that if she ever bought one of those expensive cars she would never put it away in storage, she would drive that thing all over the place.


Collecting high-end trading cards. Even worse is buying high-end unopened boxes/cases to open. Drake spent an estimated $200k on unopened cases looking for [one specific card.]

Image credits: Jmac0585


Going to space

Image credits: _Shape-Shifter


Cavediving. What motivates someone to wedge themselves into tiny spaces that human’s don’t fit into? Let alone in water?

Image credits: chick3nslut


Collecting rare butterflies and rare fish. Having seen how it’s done and basically all the rich do is buy them, it’s f*****g insanity. Exotic fish are caught by villagers who are caught in nets, caged in water to the knees and not seen by family for weeks.


Someone once told me that Jerry Seinfeld owns a massive garage in which he stores one model of every single Porsche car ever made by Porsche. Like… why?? I understand collecting some cars if you’re wealthy, that’s a cool hobby but.. EVERY Porsche ever made?! Like what does he do with all these cars? Pour himself a drink and just look at them? You know damn well he’s not driving all of them


Going on exotic vacations to resorts in remote locations and not actually learning anything about the culture of the place they’re temporarily colonizing

Image credits: dirtyhippiebartend


Betting 6 or 7 figure sums on games of pure chance like roulette and baccarat.


Guitar/gear collectors. People that buy high-end $5000+ guitars/basses, amplifiers, and pedals and literally can’t play more than a few basic chords, badly. They never play these instruments and either hang them on the wall or keep it in the case year-round only taking it out to look at it for a few minutes. Then tell you you can’t play or get good tone without spending (X) amount of money on magical mythic pickups, tonewood, or diodes.

I can outplay these mother f*****s on a $77 DiY guitar, $21 distortion pedal, and $25 second-hand amp from the 80’s, and do so every single day, and it sounds great.


I heard once, some rich people pay sexually active older couples to have sex in front of them. I dont know how much is true. But I know for sure, one of my college class classmate who looked like Ryan Gosling in college was hired by two wealthy couples for a summer and had sex binges for hours. Most of the time he was watched by their husband’s. He said these woman are probably in 60’s and sex maniacs.

He didn’t liked that after that assignment and found religion. Later got married and happily living with his wife.


Going to restaurants and ordering expensive raw delicacies that are often HORRID

Image credits: Garbage_Street


Buying and collecting rare/expensive art.

Image credits: Ralphroberts603