Man Transforms Himself Into ‘Black Alien’ And Reveals He Can’t Find A Job

After undergoing extreme body modifications, Anthony Loffredo has amassed 1.3 million followers on Instagram.

But the man, who is also known as the Black Alien, has said that people “judge” him and it makes his everyday life quite difficult.

Speaking on an episode of the Club 113 podcast, Loffredo said: “I can’t find a job, there’s lots of negative stuff. It could be positive because you feel better, but you have to know there’s also a dark side.”

34-year-old Anthony Loffredo has been transforming himself into a ‘black alien’

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

He covered most of his body in dark tattoos, including his eyeballs

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Loffredo also had implants installed under the skin on his head and arms

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Loffredo added that, “This type of change, it’s not just a tattoo, it’s something bigger.”

“It’s a fight every day, because every day you find new people who don’t understand, who want to judge.”

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

He even had two fingers, parts of his nose and both ears amputated

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

After getting his tongue modified so it is split down the middle to create a forked effect, Loffredo wanted to continue

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

“It’s life, not everyone understands everything. Like me, I don’t understand lots of things about lots of people,” he continued.

“You can’t judge someone, no one knows what’s inside someone’s head, why they’re doing that, you need to talk with this person.”

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

So he is now planning to have his penis split in half too

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Loffredo explained that people often have an “interesting” reaction to how he looks.

“I’m human,” the man who calls himself the Black Alien said. “There’s people who think I’m just crazy. There’s people, who when they see me, shout and run and many things.”

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Loffredo documents his transformation on Instagram and has amassed 1.3 million followers

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Image credits: the_black_alien_project

But he insisted that he doesn’t “like playing with people” and goes out of his way to try and make others feel comfortable around him.

“I think it’s dangerous to not try to do that,” Loffredo added.

“At night when I go past people in the street, I move to the other side.”

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

However, everything has consequences

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The man admitted there’s a lot of negative reaction to his unique style

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Image credits: the_black_alien_project

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

And the judgement comes not only from people in the street, but also prospective employers

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Loffredo finds it very difficult to land a job

Image credits: the_black_alien_project

“When I cross with people, like old people, I change sides in the street. Also with kids I’m careful. I know it can be a shock,” he added.

Loffredo highlighted that he just wants to be seen as a “normal” person, just like anyone else.

“I like being looked at like a normal guy with a job, with a family, who has a friend, girlfriend, all of that. That’s what makes me normal.”

But people aren’t surprised

The post Man Transforms Himself Into ‘Black Alien’ And Reveals He Can’t Find A Job first appeared on Bored Panda.