98 Of The Funniest Sports Memes You Don’t Need To Be A Fan To Appreciate

We love sports, we cheer for our favorite teams and athletes. Sports memes are trending on the internet and give us a lighthearted escape from the intensity of the game.

Whether it’s a comical image capturing an athlete’s epic fail or a clever caption encapsulating a fan’s frustration, sports memes have the ability to captivate and resonate with millions across the globe.

So, buckle up, sports enthusiasts and meme aficionados, and join us on a journey through the records of sports memes as we examine the best of them here. Let the games begin!


Image credits: oneandonlycvgamerz

Behind good performance in sports stands the psychology of it. According to psychology teacher Saul Mcleod, “Sports psychology is the study of psychological factors that influence athletic performance and how participation in sports and exercise can affect the psychological and physical well-being of athletes.” Researchers working in this field study how athletic performance can be optimized and mood/stress levels can be improved.


Image credits: Unlucky_Desk_5468


It is not only the professional athletes that sports psychologists work with. They help coaches, performers, organizations or generally anyone who exercises. It can be considered mental training alongside physical training and this combination is crucial in achieving athletic goals.


Image credits: tiagoaloncuri


Image credits: lol69lol420


Image credits: henryharp

The techniques of sports psychology include goal setting, pre-performance routines, self-talk and progressive muscle relaxation. Goal setting is self explanatory. The important thing is that they’re measurable and realistic. Pre-performance routines are athletes’ actions or behaviors that they implement before the show/performance. They increase stability and predictability. Self-talk is similar. It involves inner thoughts and monologues. Progressive muscle relaxation is alternating between tensing and relaxing muscles. It helps lower blood pressure, decrease stress and anxiety. 


Image credits: ImRoderick1303


Image credits: Qwaze


Image credits: MG-aka-MedMed

There are many unheard of and funny sports with people engaging in hilarious feats that you’ve never seen before. They push the boundaries of what you thought was possible. For example, bathtubbing – racing in bathtubs. They can have a propeller or be paddled like a canoe. There are world championships of this unusual sport with many cheering fans. 


Image credits: adamwintle


Image credits: instagram.com


Image credits: theraybenton

Another unheard of competition is the ‘Baby Olympics’, where young kids between the ages of 2-4 participate in various competitions. It was held by the Bahrain Olympic Committee in 2018 in order to inspire kids to get into sports. There were crawling and walking contests, and some more traditional ones like gymnastics, football, and basketball.


Image credits: rugbysfinest_


Image credits: chicken_n0gg3ts


Image credits: TheWeekendMemester

The last funny sport: the beer mile. It is a race where you have to run a mile while drinking a beer. It first took place in Canada, in 1989. The drink has to be a 12 US ounce (300 ml) can of beer, of at least 5% alcohol. The one who first finishes the mile and their drink wins.


Image credits: jodibwithoutane


Image credits: gmanskull31


Image credits: ratboy181


Image credits: MyUsernameIsNotCool


Image credits: Rupispupis


Image credits: Jaded_genie


Image credits: LHSbeaufort


Image credits: TovarishchFlashback


Image credits: Underrated_Fish


Image credits: Its_yer_dude_trevor


Image credits: BenA174


Image credits: TheCheechWizardUnit


Image credits: Amripal


Image credits: elch3w


Image credits: vegandnonvegpod


Image credits: DaRealPuggie


Image credits: KaptainMurica96


Image credits: nameismemepage


Image credits: swimmemesdaily


Image credits: naiksunny2


Image credits: Intelligent-Gene-768


Image credits: southcounty253


Image credits: TurtlesTurnMeOn


Image credits: the.inactive.memes


Image credits: Petaaa


Image credits: -coolcoolcool-


Image credits: NotMonsterii


Image credits: 8802


Image credits: Your_post_not_good


Image credits: Matticusd


Image credits: tracktribal


Image credits: PineappleClean


Image credits: Imposedcyclosis544


Image credits: ImtheEggMan_Walrus


Image credits: joesoldlegs


Image credits: SERG10callielover


Image credits: baileyzuzu


Image credits: Lacrimalepos307


Image credits: SpencerReid182


Image credits: tracktribal


Image credits: man-with-potato-gun


Image credits: Pitzu867


Image credits: DamnDudE3


Image credits: buttery-memes


Image credits: countdookee


Image credits: Bigez420


Image credits: weemellowtoby


Image credits: TalithePally



Image credits: The_Dank_Tortuga


Image credits: Joegre96402


Image credits: thesportsish


Image credits: CodyRhody


Image credits: rx7braap


Image credits: the_obamos


Image credits: dardofratz


Image credits: AshwinJackson


Image credits: NoahZittal


Image credits: Climber4x4


Image credits: The_Best_Gamer64


Image credits: booboomemes


Image credits: Big_Guy145


Image credits: TheNewSinatra


Image credits: jessica_smetana





Image credits: DarthNightsWatch


Image credits: SarcasticJerk98


Image credits: Del_SoulJah



Image credits: Fiestyelf8


Image credits: dudetheoperator


Image credits: Any_Professional_999


Image credits: 1BLEES


Image credits: dannydevitosmgnmdong


Image credits: Saikyo100


Image credits: Eligoodyggg


Image credits: Castle-On-The-Hill


Image credits: LuvYouLongTimeAgo


Image credits: alpha_zeppelin


Image credits: UwU_Warrior2211


Image credits: orangepeanutig