102 Times Men Spoke About Women’s Bodies Despite Having 0 Clue What They Were Talking About (New Pics)

Alright class, today we’re going to be labeling a diagram of the female reproductive system! Do you know the difference between the vagina, vulva, ovaries, uterus and urethra? Well, if you’re a man, there’s apparently a 50% chance you don’t.

While some women enjoy having a little mystery in their love lives, being with someone who knows absolutely nothing about their anatomy is not what they mean. So in honor of all the overly confident men out there who make ignorant claims about women’s bodies, we’ve gathered some of our favorite posts from the Bad Women’s Anatomy subreddit down below. Enjoy reading through these facepalm-worthy posts, and be sure to upvote the ones that make you weep for straight women everywhere!

#1 Maybe Because Babies Come From Women’s Womb

Image credits: witchy_princess011

#2 I Can’t Believe This Is Really A Thing

Image credits: wilymon

#3 A Girl Posts A Selfie For Her 18th Birthday… Cue Men Being Confused And Rude About The Fact That Women Have Body Hair

Image credits: catdarkless

If you’re a straight woman, chances are the photos on this list will disappoint you but not surprise you. Unfortunately, many women have found themselves in relationships with men who couldn’t find a clitoris if their life depended on it. And while it does require being curious and caring enough to listen to women and learn about their anatomy to actually be able to label the female reproductive system, that’s certainly not rocket science. But if you ask any of the men featured in the Bad Women’s Anatomy subreddit, it might be even more challenging than rocket science…

This online group, which was created in 2014, has documented countless occurrences of men demonstrating just how little they know about the female body, but with great confidence. The group has amassed an impressive 566k members, and it showcases just how failed sex education is in many places (in schools and in homes). From judging women for having hair on their bodies to assuming you can tell who is a virgin based on how they feel, there seems to be no end to the amount of ignorant things men have said about women online. 

#4 Women Are Like…* Shuffles Deck *… Avocados!

Image credits: amerix

#5 Nice Try, Guys

Image credits: anon12xyz

#6 It’s Not Like A Woman Is 72% More Likely To Be Seriously Injured And 17% More Likely To Die In A Car Crash

Image credits: DeviousAmoeba10

Now, I want to be clear that this group is not shaming men in general. There are plenty of men out there who have no problem doing research on their own and talking to their partners to understand the female body. But the guys who feel comfortable spewing ignorant, misogynistic and downright ridiculous claims online about women’s bodies deserve to be called out. According to one survey, 17% reported that they didn’t think gynecological health issues was anything they needed to know or worry about, and a quarter admitted that they weren’t comfortable discussing gynecological health with their partner.

This is unsettling considering that gynecological cancers, including those of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vulva and vagina, are the fourth most common cancer among women in the UK, killing thousands of women annually. It’s important for women to feel comfortable discussing these issues and for them to feel safe bringing them up in front of their partners. Plus, when men view women’s reproductive health as shameful or taboo, they’re likely to pass those beliefs onto their children as well, furthering the stigma surrounding women’s bodies.  

#7 “We Can Always Tell”

Image credits: aegisthus11

#8 Time Zones Are Weird. France Is In 2023 And The Us Is In 1823

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#9 Woman Above +25 Are Old Hags…

Image credits: arnau9410

Unfortunately, men aren’t the only ones who have trouble identifying parts of the female reproductive system. According to a 2020 poll, one in ten women were unable to correctly label a diagram of their own reproductive system. 57% even admitted that they didn’t have as much knowledge about their own bodies as they probably should. When asked whose fault it was for having such a poor understanding of the female body, over a third of the women blamed teachers, while 28% pointed the finger at their parents. A quarter also said the government’s education standards were lacking, and 24% said religious organizations were a factor.     

#10 “9 Periods Per Year”

Image credits: parrotsaregoated

#11 There’s People Who Really Think Virgins Can’t Use Tampons

Image credits: CarlaDazzi6

#12 Trans People Live In This Dude’s Head Rent Free (Cw For Transphobia)

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

This lack of knowledge can have serious impacts on women’s health as well. 52% of those surveyed said they don’t feel like they can properly advocate for themselves in doctor’s offices. And the top issues women want more information about are what the different organs do, menopause and perimenopause, when a woman is most fertile, how the reproductive system works, the stages of pregnancy, menstruation and puberty. While it’s easy to laugh about the unfortunate state of education we receive on the human reproductive systems, it’s not so funny to know that this leads to women being diagnosed later than men on average for over 700 diseases.    

#13 The Secrets Out, Plus Size People Are Just Staying Super Hydrated

Image credits: karmaxkarmm

#14 Apparently The Sperm Makes Choices

Image credits: megsie72

#15 The Gallopan Tube

Image credits: Important_Gas_3802

In the United States, in particular, part of the reason we understand so little about women’s bodies is because they weren’t required to be included in clinical research until 1993, when Congress finally passed the NIH Revitalization Act. And for some reason, decades later, the gender health gap persists, Priyanka Jain and Laine Bruzek write for Fortune. “To this day, we don’t truly know how women metabolize and react to many medicines, why some adverse reactions are more common in women, nor how women experience or manifest pain,” Jain and Bruzek note. “The efficacy, dosage, and side effects of many drugs were never tested on women.”

#16 As A Guy, I Can Definitely Say This Is What We Expect Now

Image credits: Horatio_ATM

#17 Oh Yes! We Would Be Nothing Without Our Breasts

Image credits: pups-revenge-cake

#18 “If You Start Giving Oral Sex To A Guy, All You Are To Him Is A Hole.”

Image credits: neroisstillbanned

Clearly, as the photos on this list show, having a lack of understanding doesn’t stop many men from mansplaining away online about women’s bodies and health. But if you’re a man or a woman who’s actually interested in learning something about the female reproductive system you might not have known already, let’s start with discussing the menstrual cycle. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Menstruation refers to the periodic shedding of your uterine lining when pregnancy doesn’t occur that cycle.” Most menstrual cycles take about 28 days and include three phases: follicular (when the egg develops), ovulatory (the releasing of the egg), and luteal (when hormone levels decrease if the egg doesn’t implant). 

#19 On A Post Discussing The Misconception Of Intact Hymen=virginity

Image credits: jeffreyepsteinsmom

#20 “Your Womb Records Your Sex Life”

Image credits: parrotsaregoated

#21 Unclean

Image credits: HopelessinSoCal

Women are born with all of the eggs that they’ll ever produce, which is typically about 1 million eggs at the time of birth. “By the time you reach puberty, only about 300,000 remain,” the Cleveland Clinic explains. “The number of eggs you have continues to decline as you age and menstruate each cycle. Fertility also declines with age due to the decreasing number and quality of your remaining eggs.” 

#22 Women Just Constantly Pee Themselves Now I Guess

Image credits: hanzosrightnipple

#23 Maple Syrup Can Do What???

Image credits: LeahAbbie

#24 Women Lose Their Autism If They Have A Kid

Image credits: SabishiSushi

During this day in age, when many states in the US have enacted extremely strict regulations against abortion, spreading misinformation about women’s bodies can be incredibly dangerous. It’s funny to see an ignorant man tweet about how little he knows about vaginas, but it’s frightening when various aspects of women’s health are overlooked. Cardiologists aren’t even trained to recognize heart disease symptoms in women, and 53% of women who had heart attacks were turned away by their doctors. Women deserve better, and we deserve health care providers who understand our bodies. The information we need to stay healthy is out there; let’s make it mainstream.  

#25 There’s No Other Function For Boobs Than Sex Appeal

Image credits: Ehrenlauch3000

#26 “Dna Binds To Cells In The Brain”

Image credits: The_Dickasso

#27 Just Hold The Blood In

Image credits: Comfortable_Pen3589

Are these photos making you want to send every man you know back to middle school sex education class? There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t know something and taking the time to educate yourself, but spewing ignorant and downright ridiculous claims about women’s bodies is certain to get you shamed online. Keep upvoting the pics you find most ridiculous, and then if you’re interested in viewing even more photos that will make you facepalm, you can find Bored Panda’s last article featuring Bad Women’s Anatomy right here!

#28 This Is Abhorrent, Even As A Joke

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#29 Because Women Over 30 Are Supposed To Look Like Prince Philip?

Image credits: calebsaysthings

#30 When Questioned About The Blood All Over His Car, Convicted Serial Killer Said His Girlfriend’s Period Got All Over The Front Seat And Was Blown Out The Window Into The Backseat

Image credits: Shugazi

#31 A Place Full Of Girls

Image credits: SectorCompetitive564

#32 “Females Need To Reach Orgasm By Penetration. It’s Biology.” -Someone Who Most Definitely Failed Biology

Image credits: Other-Cantaloupe4765

#33 Fell Over Laughing

Image credits: DistressedSunbeam

#34 It “Rings The Eggs Down”

Image credits: itseddyornot

#35 That’s Actually False

Image credits: fedorasharkk

#36 Can’t Find His Brain

Image credits: Emil8ner

#37 Wrong, Periods Get Synched With The Moon!

Image credits: DejaRu22

#38 Stay Active Ladies

Image credits: PrairieOrchid

#39 Um What

Image credits: eat_mypotato

#40 Skill Issue, Git Gud

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#41 This Reads Like Satire

Image credits: ErraticRuntimeError

#42 “5min Of Continuons Sex”

Image credits: TheRealSnorkel

#43 Psa: Don’t Dye Your Hair While On Your Period

Image credits: Fussilydictate216

#44 I Think This Is The Dumbest Thing I’ve Heard In A Long Time

Image credits: arafello

#45 Pov: You’re A Woman In A Doctor’s Office

Image credits: PhoenixQueenAzula

#46 Idk What To Say About This

Image credits: SlytherinQueen04

#47 The Cathedral Is A Myth

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#48 That Rare Example Of Bad Anatomy Done Intentionally For Humour. That Is Actually Funny!

Image credits: Dixielandblues

#49 Official Art

Image credits: SmilingVamp

#50 Ah Yes, Put Water Inside Your Privates Girl!

Image credits: poisoned_corpse

#51 Super Creepy Poem (?) Framed And Hung In My Hotel Bathroom (??)

Image credits: projectbadasss

#52 Trust Me, I’m A Gynecologist

Image credits: ArriettyWasHere

#53 Let This Serve As A Reminder To All Women That The Size On Your Tag Doesn’t Determine Anything About You. Not Even Your Actual Size, Apparently

Image credits: paperairplanetomars

#54 Fellas, Is It Gay To Eat Pussy?

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#55 This Is What Happens When You Have Ai “Design” Your Book Cover

Image credits: jjujjukes

#56 From A Forensic Medicine Textbook

Image credits: Ill-Inevitable1387

#57 This Just Seems Incredibly Painful. No Hecking Thanks. And Yes, This Was An Actual Ad I Saw On Pinterest

Image credits: PeanutButterPants19

#58 Til Thigh Gap= Not “Virg3n”

Image credits: anon

#59 I Thought Snakes Needed Air To Breathe? Also The Snake Wouldn’t Fit Into A Fallopian Tube

Image credits: JustAGirlWonder

#60 The Sims Is Amazing

Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx

#61 Expectations For Women Are Off The Charts

Image credits: bl00d_luster

#62 Found One In The Wild

Image credits: lindzeh

#63 Saw This On A Conservative Group

Image credits: PlasticYou9295

#64 Claiming A Woman Has Face Piercings To “Stop Skin Sag”

Image credits: allpurposefloyd

#65 Not Sure What Is Going On With The Boobs In This Ad

Image credits: WifeofTech

#66 On A Post Where Op’s Fiancé Admits To Previously Being A Sex Worker

Image credits: s0larium_live

#67 “Watching Too Much P**n Warped My Reality” Starter Pack

Image credits: db0company

#68 For Taut Boobies

Image credits: ineedaconfidant

#69 Hernias Are When Balls

Image credits: SnowDoodles150

#70 Comment From Someone Regarding A Suggestion That Period Products Should Be Free

Image credits: SpacePolice04

#71 Why

Image credits: Yourlovelypsychopath

#72 Huh, If Only I’d Known Sooner

Image credits: funpolicebendover

#73 “Women Are Only Horny When Ovulating”

Image credits: someonee404

#74 Just Wow

Image credits: SmuttilyBrood

#75 That “Little Period” Can Cause People To Not Walk And Be Nauseous 24/7

Image credits: parrotsaregoated

#76 Sis Sex Education Has Failed You

Image credits: pearceharris

#77 Can You Even Imagine Trying To Put In 3 Tampons At Once? (Post About Lifting Weights While Having Your Period)

Image credits: aoi4eg

#78 What.. How… Why

Image credits: Aroundscald53

#79 He’s Right That Breasts Change Throughout A Woman’s Life, But A “Rounding” Stage That Only Occurs Within 2 Years At A Specific Age?

Image credits: NuclearSunday

#80 Til All Thin/Small Girls With Smaller Breasts Are Not Good For Having Kids

Image credits: dytrlove

#81 Apparently Women Spawn Like Frogs

Image credits: Marisa_latex

#82 Meirl

Image credits: SpookiewithdatBootie

#83 Humanity Would Have Become Extinct A Long Time Ago

Image credits: redditisshitaf

#84 A Guide On How To Spot A Woman With A High Body Count

Image credits: love_from_a_stranger

#85 Found In The Nsfw Wilds

Image credits: Suri-gets-old

#86 It’s Unhealthy For Women To Have 6 Packs

Image credits: masterzeus2

#87 This Was A Comment Under The Carrie Period Scene

Image credits: Artzyhobo

#88 This Terrifies Me On A Visceral Level

Image credits: ailingtor390

#89 He Might Get Cooties

Image credits: publiclyGloss

#90 This Is 100% How It Works

Image credits: Noblereef227

#91 Not This Old Chestnut

Image credits: Caro_rheubo_cop

#92 Perfectly Logical!

Image credits: yarancew

#93 Hot Gem From My Twitter Feed

Image credits: Outside_Survey_5837

#94 “Normal Female Anatomy In Virgins”

Image credits: RadiantEarthGoddess

#95 Will They Ever Learn?

Image credits: sandradee_pl

#96 On A Video Of Zendaya Braless In A T-Shirt

Image credits: cassroxtorb

#97 It Is Physically Impossible To Menstruate After 45 Years Of Age

Image credits: cyaron12

#98 Guardian Chief Sports Writer: Cis Women Are Bad At Rugby Because They Didn’t Evolve To Throw Spears

Image credits: Tattieaxp

#99 A Vagina Bones

Image credits: mandafancypants

#100 This Alpha-Creep Is A Biohazard

Image credits: ithinkilikegirlstoo

#101 Apparently Only Men Can Be Colourblind?

Image credits: anon

#102 Under A Tiktok Of A Woman Who Had A Mastectomy To Lower Risk Of Breast Cancer Lmao

Image credits: PositivelyPokie