‘Missing’ Rudy Farias Kept In Prison In His Own Home For 8 Years By Mother

On June 29, the Houston Police Department received word that Rudy Farias had finally been found. Farias, who was reported as missing by his mother on March 6, 2015, when he was only 17 years old, was mysteriously found sleeping in front of a church, severely beaten.

Since this news came out, however, horrific allegations have come pouring in against Farias’ mother, Janie Santana. Farias and neighbors have revealed that he was never missing at all; his mother was simply keeping him at home, drugging and abusing him for years.

25-year-old Rudy Farias, who had been reported missing 8 years ago, recently mysteriously reappeared

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

Since then, horrific allegations of abuse have come out against his mother, Janie Santana

Image credits: houstonpolice

When Farias was found, he was almost unrecognizable from the photos released upon his ‘disappearance’ 8 years prior

Image credits: Bella Ninos

Image credits: Bella Ninos

He was found severely beaten and was immediately taken to the hospital to recover

Image credits: Bella Ninos

Image credits: Bella Ninos

Image credits: Bella Ninos

Image credits: houstonpolice

Upon his reappearance, Santana claimed that her son was “nonverbal”

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

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However, Farias revealed to community activist Quanell X that his mother treated him “like a slave”

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

Farias told community activist Quanell X that in 2015, when he was first reported missing, he actually had run away from home. But he returned after only 2 days. His mother then told him that he had to go into hiding, claiming that he would be arrested if he ever tried to run away again. “So she brought him back to the house and hid him in the home and initially whenever investigators would come, she would hide him in the house,” X says. “He just kept saying, ‘I don’t want to go to jail.’”

During the time that he was kept hidden, Santana subjected Farias to countless instances of abuse, including forcing him to take psychedelic mushrooms. “She was giving him drugs. She was punishing him by locking him in a room over and over,” an emotional Mr Quanell X said as he held back tears. “She convinced him that law enforcement wanted to put him in jail, that law enforcement was looking for him because he ran away and that because he ran away, he was going to go to prison.”

Farias says that Santana had been drugging and sexually abusing him for years

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

“I heard horrific things from that young man, and I didn’t want him to see me shedding tears but I couldn’t hold [them] back,” Mr Quanell X told reporters on Wednesday. “No child should ever be treated like that by their own mother.”

This time, he finally ran away from home because he was tired of living like a slave. “He said that she would make him sleep in the bed with her,” X revealed. “He said that she made him play daddy. He said that he didn’t like getting in the bed with her. That he would try to sneak out of the bed and sometimes hide under the bed, but she told him he had to be her husband.”

Neighbors have even confirmed that Farias was never missing at all, as he was allowed to visit them under an assumed name

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

Despite being reported missing, Farias was forced to go to work with his mother to do her job and even got to visit neighbors at times. “He was allowed to visit with some of the neighbors under an assumed name,” X explained. “She believed that after so many years, people have forgotten about the case and that under an assumed name, and convinced him to use that name, nobody would put two and two together. Never told anybody what was going on.”

Neighbors revealed that they were shocked to hear Farias had been missing. Kisha Ross told ABC News, “He used to come in my garage, chill with my cousin, son, and daughter. That boy has never been missing. Sometimes he would go to the park by himself.” Ross knew him as “Dolph,” short for Rudolph, his given name. She also noted that it had been several weeks since they had seen him. 

Santana claims that her son was kidnapped and taken to Mexico 8 years ago, but Farias says otherwise

Image credits: iamlegacy23

Santana told FOX 26 that her son had been kidnapped and taken to Mexico with a bag over his head 8 years ago when he was reported missing. She claimed that he walked back to Houston “following the moon to go north.” She also attempted to end her son’s interrogation with police early due to concerns about her son and how much he had been through, noting that he “wasn’t completely with it.” 

Quannell X revealed that Farias was forced to sleep with his mother and was told he had to be her “husband”

Image credits: ABC13Brooke

Houston authorities are still investigating, and the Houston Police Department will be holding a press conference on July 6. But as of now, no charges have been brought forth against Farias’ mother.

Viewers have continued sharing their thoughts on this case as new details emerge

The post ‘Missing’ Rudy Farias Kept In Prison In His Own Home For 8 Years By Mother first appeared on Bored Panda.