“The Bathroom Floor Was Suddenly Always Wet”: BF Keeps Missing The Toilet, GF Gets Resourceful

Moving in with your partner requires time to adjust. Some things they do might be annoying or frustrating even, which often leads to recurring discussions and trying to find a solution.

Redditor u/weeweepadwoes told the AITA community about having to deal with a wet bathroom floor after her boyfriend moved in. She opened up about having multiple talks with her partner about him missing the toilet bowl, but since they didn’t help, she found a different way to deal with the problem. Her solution, though, left the boyfriend fuming.

Moving in with your partner might require some time to adjust as well as patience at times

Image credits: svitlanah (not the actual photo)

This woman had to deal with a constantly wet bathroom floor after moving in with her boyfriend

Image credits: Kira_Yan (not the actual photo)

Image source: weeweepadwoes

The majority of couples in the US move in together before they hit the two-year mark in their relationship

Image credits: Soroush Karimi (not the actual photo)

Every person has a different routine, certain habits, which is why it’s no surprise that merging two worlds might require adjusting to. Whether it’s cooking or cleanliness-related, or something else completely, the roomies might not see eye to eye, often resulting in fights or long discussions. This is true with any people living together, including—and arguably commonly so—romantic partners.

Quartz revealed that according to Stanford University’s survey of How Couples Meet and Stay Together, roughly a quarter of couples in the US who move in together decide to do so after four months of being together. Half of them take the step after a year, and as much as 70% live together by the time they hit the two-year mark.

Pew Research Center’s 2019 data suggests that love is the main reason couples decide to move in together, followed closely by a need for companionship. During the somewhat isolating period of the coronavirus, this need arguably grew stronger, encouraging more lovebirds to take the plunge—including the OP and her boyfriend.

According to Sky News, a study in the UK revealed that roughly 60% of couples in the UK who lived together during the pandemic believe their relationship has grown stronger because of that. Roughly as many of them say they feel more committed to their loved one after the period.

In some countries, men tend to urinate while seated

Image credits: Pressmaster (not the actual photo)

The problem the OP encountered is seemingly a relevant one in households all over the world, which is why men in some countries are encouraged to sit down while urinating. A 2020 survey revealed that as much as 70% of men in Japan do so, while the Germans even have a word for such a male—Sitzpinkler.

Germany is actually the country where men are most likely to sit down to pee. Encouraged by an article in the Guardian, YouGov conducted a 13-country study on men’s restroom habits, revealing how different countries line up when it comes to this. Reportedly, only 10% of male Germans say they never sit down; 12% and 17% in Sweden and Denmark (the second and third places on the list respectively) say neither do they. The other end of the list includes Britain, Poland, and Mexico, where roughly a third of men never take a seat on the throne to urinate.

The Guardian article delved deeper into the problem of aiming as well; aiming and splashback, to be more exact. An American professor of mechanical engineering, Tadd Truscott, explained that a stream might start breaking into droplets, which then start to impinge on each other, creating the so-called satellite droplets. “They splash off at very large angles and this is what causes it to splash on to your toothbrush,” the professor said, painting a rather vivid picture.

The OP didn’t emphasize the extent of the backsplash, but it was seemingly enough to make her have to use the dog’s wee-wee pads. It was also enough for redditors to conclude that the OP wasn’t a jerk in the situation, at the same time condemning her boyfriend for it.

The OP provided more details in the comments, fellow redditors unanimously agreed she wasn’t a jerk

The post “The Bathroom Floor Was Suddenly Always Wet”: BF Keeps Missing The Toilet, GF Gets Resourceful first appeared on Bored Panda.