Hiker Refuses A Ride Home To A Rude Older Woman Who Approached Her And Attempted To Get Into Her Car While Claiming That She Needed To Go Home

I believe many people feel uncomfortable when a random person comes up to them and requests something. In general, it’s not a pleasant feeling seeing that somebody you don’t know is coming your way, especially when you are alone, there are no people around and you are basically in the forest. Well, if they need help with something (like directions, food, etc.), it’s one thing, of course, if they are not rude. However, to insist on getting in your car because a storm is coming and they can’t be caught in it – it’s a bit suspicious.

More info: Reddit

Insisting and trying to open a random person’s car doors because you need to go home most probably will not get you far

Image credits: Christine Warner (not the actual photo)

Woman wonders if she was being a jerk for refusing shelter from a storm to an older woman that she met on a hike

Image credits: slugkittenmow

Image credits: Jussi Ollila (not the actual photo)

A strange woman approached the hiker, noticed that her car was parked right there and tried to get into the car because she needed to get home

Image credits: slugkittenmow

Image credits: Best Picko (not the actual photo)

The hiker felt a little bit scared and refused to drive an unknown woman home as she felt uncomfortable with having a stranger in the car

Image credits: slugkittenmow

She got into her car and, shaken up, drove home, though right after she got back into cell range, called fire and rescue for the strange woman

A few days ago, a woman shared her not-so-pleasant encounter with a stranger to one community. She was wondering if it was the wrong move to decline to drive a creepy woman home after she insisted due to the upcoming storm. The story caught a lot of attention and in 4 days it had over 21K upvotes and 3.4K comments.

To begin with, the woman begins by saying that she is an avid hiker. Recently, as she was just coming off the trail, a strange older woman came straight to her. Then, without any introduction or greeting, the woman came close to the hiker, pointing to her car and asking if it was hers. The OP also added that the place where she met this woman is almost impossible to reach without driving.

Following this, after the stranger made sure that the car was the hiker’s, she just stated that she had to go home before the storm started. No questions asked, just facts. The author says that the interaction was weird, to say the least, as she even tried opening the car’s doors. Then followed the same words as before, that a storm was coming, she needed to get home and couldn’t be caught in the storm. 

However, the author explained that she felt uncomfortable having a stranger in her car. After hearing this, the stranger just stared at her, anger dropped from her face and she went fully silent. The OP shared that she still felt uncomfortable and a little bit scared, but she just got in her car all shaken up and went home. Once she got back into cell rage, she called fire and rescue so that they would send somebody.

The author received the ‘Not the A-hole’ badge. “Yeah, that whole situation didn’t sound or feel safe. Better to let a professional handle it,” one user wrote. “You have to listen to your gut instinct,” another added. Many people agreed and assured the OP that she did the right thing: “Who knows where she would have had you drop her off or who would have been waiting there. I’m glad you listened to your gut and called for help.”

Image credits: Mitch Barrie (not the actual photo)

Moreover, Bored Panda got in touch with the author of the story who kindly agreed to share more insights regarding the encounter.

“I felt somewhat threatened when the woman became frustrated and angry,” she started. “I say somewhat as I am an athletic person and can hold my own if it really comes to it, but I am not confrontational at all. To be honest the whole encounter was very unsettling and triggered my fear response in a way that is hard to explain,” the woman emphasized.

Speaking about the decision to contact fire and rescue, the hiker says that “It’s always a good idea to call for help when someone could be in danger and you’re not in a position to help them. I specifically didn’t call the police because of their poor record dealing with people who are mentally unwell.”

“Looking back I don’t think I would have done anything differently- the responses I got from Redditors seem to resoundingly imply that if I stuck around any longer I would have been either murdered or possessed!” the woman shared. “I got many responses suggesting that the woman I encountered was a spirit from another world. While it is probably much more likely that she was just suffering some kind of episode, I am a spiritual person and am not quick to dismiss the otherworldly option.”

“While she seemed corporeal enough, the whole thing was extremely strange and left me with a feeling of extreme discomfort. Either way- roadside ghost or person in crisis- I feel now that I made the right decision,” the hiker shared with Bored Panda. And finally, she mentioned that it was really surprising to get so many reactions from the folks online. “Honestly a little overwhelming.”

Image credits: Engin Akyurt (not the actual photo)

People in the comments assured the woman that she did the right thing and that the stranger’s behavior was really worrying

The post Hiker Refuses A Ride Home To A Rude Older Woman Who Approached Her And Attempted To Get Into Her Car While Claiming That She Needed To Go Home first appeared on Bored Panda.