Feminism has seen a lot of wins in the past century. Over 60 countries have had female leaders since 1960, and the 2022 Winter Olympic Games were the most gender-balanced Olympics in history. However, despite the fact that it’s 2023, some men feel the need to act like they’re living in the 1800s with the way that they treat women.
Below, you’ll find some of the most blatantly sexist and downright ridiculous things men have said about women online. From believing that men should never have to change a diaper to comparing women with dating histories to used shoes, prepare to be infuriated by these pics, pandas. Be sure to upvote the ones you find most egregious, and feel free to send this list to any men you know who are in need of a reality check!
#1 Stay Away From Girls With Bright Unnatural Hair Colors
Image credits: reddit.com
#2 The Hero We Needed
Image credits: Project2506
#3 Oh, Burn
Image credits: AmbitiousCaroba
Life is not black and white. And making huge, sweeping blanket statements such as, “I hate men” usually does a disservice to conversations about feminism and misogyny that require much more nuance. However, when I see posts like these online, I can’t help but think for a moment, “Okay, I understand why some women might feel that way.” And sadly, our exposure to sexism starts young. According to one UK survey, 66% of 16-18 year old girls reported experiencing sexist language at school. But even women in high-ranking positions aren’t spared, as 67% of women parliamentarians in Africa admitted to frequently being subjected to sexist remarks and attitudes.
There’s no question that our society is still biased towards men. One 2018 Pew Research Center survey analyzing the traits Americans associate with each gender found that they are much more likely to use the word “powerful” to describe men in a positive way, while the word often has a negative connotation when referring to women. Americans are also twice as likely to use the word “honest” to refer to men than women. “Beautiful” was almost exclusively used for women, and “provider” was only used for men.
#4 Nawww
Image credits: Justthisdudeyaknow
#5 Gatekeeping Bad Words
Image credits: LTower
#6 Women Who Wear Pants
Image credits: ele31
And when it comes to why men feel the need to spew blatantly sexist views online, psychotherapist and author Joan Kavanaugh says, “Men behave badly because they can.” They’re taught from a young age that traits like emotional sensitivity, kindness, compassion and understanding are signs of weakness, while “real men” are stoic. And without a conscious effort to reverse the effects of this teaching, men are likely to continue in the paths of many misogynists before them.
“I try to teach my sons that being sensitive to other people’s feelings is part of being a good guy,” one concerned father told NBC News. “But in this world, with the role models they have, it’s not an easy job to convince them.” He shared that when one of his sons was bullied at school, the teacher not only failed to punish the bullies for their actions, they also added salt to the hurt’s wounds by saying, “What’s the matter with you? Are you some kind of sissy, that you can’t take a little teasing?”
#7 Ah Yes, 16-Year-Olds And Their “Elastic” Bones
Image credits: FantasyBanana
#8 So We’re Not Allowed To Have A Life
Image credits: Solareclipse06
#9 Apparently, Women Don’t Use Computers
Image credits: ExitTheDonut
While educating men on the topic of sexism to ensure that younger generations feel no shame about expressing their emotions and respect women as equals is key, it can also be an exhausting role to take on. Rebecca Cox at Harper’s Bazaar notes that, “You can bang your head against a brick wall/attempt difficult discussions with men, over and over again, but sometimes something happens that crystallizes why you might be better off simply abandoning your quest.” This might be because, in 2016, 56% of men in the United States believed that sexism was essentially over, agreeing that “obstacles that made it harder for women to get ahead are largely gone.” Why would they be worried about fixing a problem they don’t even think exists?
#10 Ah Yes, Women Equal Shoes
Image credits: _u_whats_this
#11 One In Eight… Like, How Deluded Are We?
Image credits: longwall26
#12 “Your Wife Is Your Firstborn Daughter”
Image credits: justlurkingnjudging
One of the reasons Cox says she’s done explaining sexism to men is because it’s nearly impossible to get them to understand the “fear that women have when walking or running alone” or to convince them to believe victims without immediately jumping to skepticism. While many men are quick to ask questions about what a woman was wearing or how drunk she was when she was raped, it might be informative for them to learn that they’re 230 times more likely to be raped than falsely accused of rape. So perhaps they should care about believing victims.
#13 “Stuck With The Leftovers”
Image credits: AristonD
#14 Today I Learned Women Are Actually Farms
Image credits: amerix
#15 Interesting. So Like Men And Sin?
Image credits: SeroquelEnjoyer
“The world is not only set up in a way that culturally and financially benefits men, it is genuinely dangerous to be a woman, even here in the UK, one of the most progressive countries in the world,” Cox writes for Harper’s Bazaar. “However much I read about gender, feminism, the patriarchy, however many conversations I attempt to have with men; as a woman, I am at risk of harm at the hands of men, over and over again.” Every man is not a predator, and many are allies who do a wonderful job parenting and educating the youth about social issues. However, when one out of every six women in the United States has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime, something has to change.
#16 Don’t Think He Quite Understands How It Really Works
Image credits: trounceheart
#17 Women Can’t Be Software Engineers, Apparently
Image credits: aethericallum
#18 Facebook Never Seems To Disappoint
Image credits: sgtjuju776
It may seem harmless to see memes and tweets about how women are men’s property when they’re told as jokes, but to many women, sexist jokes are no laughing matter. According to a study from Harvard University, men who have been told sexist jokes by women have a higher proclivity for rape, or are more likely to admit that they would be willing to commit rape if no one would ever find out. Jane Gilmore, at The Sydney Morning Herald, wrote a piece discussing the danger of sexist jokes, where she notes, “They are not going to turn a man who abhors men’s violence against women into a wife beater, but they can confirm a violent man’s belief that all men do what he does and he is therefore not responsible for his choice to be violent and does not need to change.”
#19 The Hell
Image credits: reddit.com
#20 Hormone Ain’t A Thing According To This Guy
Image credits: finigian
#21 I Can’t Believe It. We Found “Chad”
Image credits: mousehonrada
The internet can also create dangerous echo chambers for misogynistic men to share their bigoted views and encourage one another to do the same. On TikTok, however, there was a trend last year where women began calling out sexist male podcasters to show audiences how ridiculous their messages are. One example of male podcasters that were criticized were the hosts of “Fresh & Fit,” who last year made racist and misogynistic remarks about their dating preferences on their show. “Instead of airing out their grievances and half-baked ideas to a therapist, they use podcasts to spread hateful, regressive messages about women and gender roles,” TikToker Kimber Springs told NBC News, in reference to the alpha male podcasters. “It is open season on misogyny in 2022!”
#22 Women Are Not In Fact Commodities
Image credits: eatingpeas4estrogen
#23 Sounds Like Someone Got Rejected On A Bumble Date
Image credits: FWPlayboy
#24 Seen On R/Niceguys
Image credits: bughugzz
“I think comedy is a great tool to mirror back the ridiculousness of society, especially when these ‘alpha male’ types claim to be speaking with such objectivity,” TikToker Hayley Hirsch told NBC News. “We’re basically telling them: ‘No, you actually don’t have that power. Your opinions are not scientific facts. On top of that, you sound absurd.'” Perhaps mocking these sexist men online through funny lists like this is a great way to call out how ridiculous they sound as well. While it’s important to have constructive conversations about sexism, sometimes, a little humor can be helpful too.
#25 Wow, Is That All!?
Image credits: BigEdsBun
#26 Wearing Gym Attire To The Gym Is Apparently Too Triggering
Image credits: BigNik
#27 I Don’t Know Why But This Is So Funny To Me
Image credits: dartheavader
We hope this list hasn’t made you lose faith in humanity, pandas. Just because misogyny exists doesn’t mean that all men are a lost cause. In fact, most of them are pretty great. We just have to make sure that we all keep educating the younger generations, so one day sexism can be ancient history. Keep upvoting the pics you find most infuriating, and then if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article discussing how prevalent sexism still is today, look no further than right here.
#28 Not On The Same Level As Men
Image credits: opinionated_idiot_
#29 Welcome To Today’s Episode Of “What Inanimate Object Are Women Being Compared To Today?”
Image credits: mcraftgoodfnitebad
#30 Who Needs An Education When We Can Have This
Image credits: Lippy30
#31 Clearly, It’s The Women’s Fault
Image credits: Yamamba78
#32 That’s Simply Not True
Image credits: dizzycrazycheesy
#33 Women Can’t Have Genuine Male Friends Apparently
Image credits: _lesbihonest_
#34 Oh Phew… He’s Gonna Study The Issue
Image credits: reddit.com
#35 Wow, And I Never Even Knew
Image credits: brosley77
#36 Ladies, Be Warned About The Power Of Ankle Bracelets
Image credits: enigmaticbloke
#37 Or How About Because They Like Them
Image credits: shaeshayrose
#38 Women Shaming On Facebook: Hygiene Edition
Image credits: skullsquid1999
#39 All She Did Was Smile Bro
Image credits: bennyfor20
#40 Women Have… Veins?! Impossible
Image credits: ExpertAccident
#41 When Wearing A Uniform Isn’t Enough To Stop Men From Shaming Women For Their Bodies
Image credits: MVPJunkie
#42 This Looks Like Satire
Image credits: ColdRuhr
#43 Visible Frustration
Image credits: Milestroy
#44 Guy Complains He Has No Luck With Women Despite Believing They Should Be Flocking To Him
Image credits: WheredoesithurtRA
#45 Here We Go Again
Image credits: realmcsnackers
#46 My Ex After He Found Out I Stopped Covering Myself Like He Wanted To
Image credits: girlinsane08
#47 Always Love It When Men Try To Tell Women How They Should Live Their Lives
Image credits: StefanMolyneux
#48 It Doesn’t Make Sense
Image credits: amerix
#49 Guess Who Made It
Image credits: Cobratate
#50 If This Guy Thinks Older Men Are So Hot Then Why Doesn’t He Date Them?
Image credits: numbufera
#51 Stop Comparing Women To Objects
Image credits: Tikitoitoi
#52 That’s A Lot Of Assumptions Based On Shoe Choice
Image credits: xxxSexMan69xxx
#53 Found In The Wild
Image credits: trotski83
#54 Women Only Wear Makeup Because They’re Insecure
Image credits: ASadPieceOfCheese
#55 Welp, Guess I Gotta Prepare For My Expiry Date Coming Up
Image credits: magoobi
#56 This Is What Control Looks Like
Image credits: menlearnthis
#57 Our Action In Our Lives Are Not Made To Be Only “Hot”
Image credits: CJDipper1212
#58 Be Glorious
Image credits: Brian_Sauve
#59 It’s A Way Of Communicating How Someone Feels
Image credits: Twelve-Majestic-Lies
#60 Mind Games
Image credits: FrazzleDazzzled
#61 They Should Just Go Back To The 1800s At This Rate
Image credits: chlachair_chav_027
#62 I Bet He Was Really Offended
Image credits: Ehansaja
#63 Real Men Would Just Go Off-Road
Image credits: xbhaskarx
#64 Making Money Requires Adopting Masculine Trait
Image credits: reddit.com
#65 Apparently, You Shouldn’t Travel Without A Man
Image credits: Dry-Pineapple2854
#66 This Gem On Twitter
Image credits: Lungelo__95
#67 Women, Why Do You Gotta Ruin The “Vibe”?
Image credits: ASIK-1952
#68 Great Collection Of Misogyny From Instagram
Image credits: I-Passed6789
#69 Childfree Women Being Unhealthy
Image credits: Halinowiec
#70 Attorney?
Image credits: LittleBreadBun
#71 Unveiling The Madness
Image credits: ManlyMindBytes
#72 Never Thought I’d Actually Spot Anything Worth Posting In The Wild But Here We Are
Image credits: TragicCilantr
#73 Apparently, You Can’t Have Achievements And Morals Simultaneously
Image credits: Shadaya_Knight
#74 Man Tries To Prove He’s Smarter Than Women By Saying A Random String Of Words
Image credits: HelpMePlxoxo
#75 “Stop Wearing Leggings If I Can’t Sexualize You”
Image credits: brattysammy69
#76 Women Aren’t Your Pets Or Your Servants
Image credits: MistakeWonderful9178
#77 This Was Under A Video About A Teen Mom
Image credits: Enough-Implement-622
#78 I Feel Bad For This Guy’s Wife/Girlfriend
Image credits: Tiberius_Jim
#79 Bro Huh?
Image credits: OhBirb
#80 Huh?
Image credits: vamp_valmet
#81 Interesting
Image credits: ask_aubry
#82 I See Your Post And Add To It
Image credits: kcy_Melek
#83 Here We Go
Image credits: themasculinehub
#84 So I Guess Over 30 We Should Just Give Up?
Image credits: robotpatrols
#85 All Women Have The Inherent Desire To Be A Mother. If You Disagree, You’re A Demented Moralist
Image credits: jordanbpeterson
#86 Apparently, That’s What Being A Girl Is All About
Image credits: ihyjuju
#87 Ah Yes, A Man Who Knows More About Women Than Women Themselves
Image credits: BishImSleeping
#88 Apparently, Faithful Women Are Only With No Tattoos
Image credits: No-Loss-9758
#89 Why Is This Even Upvoted?
Image credits: Mjay_300
#90 My Eyes Are Bleeding From This
Image credits: DumbledoresAtheist
#91 Is Any Man Willing To Adopt Me? I’m Responsible For Myself At The Moment Unfortunately
Image credits: Ok_Application_5802
#92 Women Cannot Be Valued For Their Career Achievements
Image credits: CHeartiste
#93 Punish Her, Reward Her
Image credits: achrisvet
#94 How Do These People Exist
Image credits: International_Land33
#95 What’s The “Reasoning” Behind Hypocrisy Like This?
Image credits: _TheRealKeel_
#96 “Reputable Mining Organization” On Today’s Episode Of “What Inanimate Object Are Women Being Compared To”
Image credits: trotski83
#97 Lady With Tattoos = Corrupt
Image credits: thokozani.nhlapo.35
#98 This Comment
Image credits: KeyUpstairs2306
#99 Apparently, Women Are Naturally Expensive, Like An Object They Are
Image credits: RitikK22
#100 High Value
Image credits: BigEdsBun
#101 Why Are Almost All The Comments Under Women’s Posts On Social Media Like This? This Is Depressing
Image credits: Katherine_Black
#102 Guess I’m Brainwashed
Image credits: ExpertAccident
#103 This Guy Has “Seen Many” Women, But Only 15 Have Been Funny
Image credits: MarfaMcfly