Wife Finds Out About Husband’s Coworkers’ “Game”, Can’t Even Look At Him Anymore

It’s nice to get along well with co-workers and maybe even get together after work sometimes. Though, for some people, it happens on a regular basis, and sometimes it gets pretty wild.

This redditor shared that her husband, a senior partner at a banking firm, spends time with his co-workers after work quite often, which has led to some pretty serious bad behavior, presented as fun drunken antics in the past. The woman opened up about one of such antics that has left her feeling hurt and violated, though her husband believed it was something they should be able to laugh at.

It’s not unheard of for people to spend time with their co-workers after the workday is done

Image credits: Oscar Söderlund / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Though this woman felt that her husband’s drunken antics with his co-workers had crossed the line

Image credits: Chris Yang / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Adept-Pepper-5859

People in the comments sided with the woman; they didn’t think the co-workers’ games were appropriate

The wife shared more details with fellow netizens

A couple people shared similar stories about their partners

The post Wife Finds Out About Husband’s Coworkers’ “Game”, Can’t Even Look At Him Anymore first appeared on Bored Panda.