Man Overhears About Wife’s Plans To Leave Him After A Career Change, Beats Her To It

Unfortunately, not all relationships are able to stand the test of time; often even after partners promise to have and to hold each other until the end of their days.

This redditor, too, found himself at the brink of divorce. After overhearing about his wife’s plans to end their relationship, he decided to beat her to it, which wasn’t well-received by his now soon-to-be ex-wife. Scroll down to find the full story in his words below to see why.

Unfortunately, many relationships fail to stand the test of time

Image credits: Image by Freepik (not the actual photo)

This man, a dad of two, decided to end his marriage before his wife beat him to it

Image credits: Image by Freepik (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Shoddy-Armadillo-312

The dad answered some of the netizens’ comments, providing more details

Many people didn’t think the man was a jerk in the situation

Some, however, shared a different opinion

The post Man Overhears About Wife’s Plans To Leave Him After A Career Change, Beats Her To It first appeared on Bored Panda.