We’re deep into winter, the holidays are over, and you might be months away from your next day off. If the darkness and cold are getting to you and you’re in the middle of a January slump, we’ve got you covered, pandas. What you need to bring some sunshine to your day is a list of hilarious memes!
We’ve taken trips to ComedySlam, Beauty and Mockery and Boozy Betch on Instagram and gathered some of their most relatable memes down below. So take a few minutes to enjoy peace, quiet and silly pics, and be sure to upvote all of the memes you’ll be sharing with your friends!
Image credits: beautyandmockery
To learn more about where some of the memes shared on this list came from, we got in touch with the creator of Beauty and Mockery on Instagram.
“BnM started as a place to share some of the funniest memes and write new ones as well,” the creator told Bored Panda. “It’s a place to spread joy by finding the beauty in mockery.”
And clearly, many people resonate with the page, as it has amassed an impressive 190K followers!
Image credits: beautyandmockery
We also asked the creator how they decide what pics to share on Beauty and Mockery. “It’s mostly memes that make me laugh, and originals based off images I find or trending topics,” they noted. “A few are submissions from followers, but I haven’t done that as much as I’d like to yet.”
When it comes to what makes a great meme, the account owner says, “The shorter you can get across an entire concept the better. Having the words and image hit you at the same time is like a little puzzle your brain solves, and when it works, it’s pure delight!”
Finally, we asked about their plans for the future of Beauty and Mockery. “I plan to make it more interactive, possibly adding livestreams where people can submit and react to new memes as they come in.”
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
We were also lucky enough to get in touch with the creator of ComedySlam on Instagram, Declan. He was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and open up about what it’s like to run an account with 8.5 million followers.
“I started ComedySlam in 2012 purely for fun—there were no goals or expectations back then,” the creator shared. “I just wanted to share funny and comedic content that I personally enjoyed.”
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
“It’s been an incredible journey, filled with emotional ups and downs, but one of the most rewarding experiences of my life,” Declan continued. “After nearly 13 years, ComedySlam has grown alongside me, evolving from a passion project I started in my teens into something that feels like my baby. Watching it become so popular has been surreal, and I’m incredibly grateful for the community that’s formed around it.”
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
We were also curious about where Declan’s content comes from. Does he make it, find it online or take submissions from followers?
“It’s a mix of all three,” he told Bored Panda. “I create some of the memes myself, our fans submit some fantastic content, and we also discover gems online. Whenever we share something we find, we always make sure to reach out to the original content creators to get their approval and provide proper credit.”
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Next, we asked the expert what makes a wonderful meme. “A great meme delivers entertainment and laughter,” Declan says. “Whether it’s something that makes you chuckle quietly to yourself, laugh out loud with your friends, or share a moment of humor with the internet community, it’s all about sparking joy and connection.”
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Finally, we wanted to know if the creator has any big plans for the future of ComedySlam. “My plan is to keep doing what I’m doing! I’m genuinely happy with what ComedySlam has become over the years,” Declan shared. “That said, I’d love to continue growing the platform and entertaining even more people around the world.”
So if you’re looking for some hilarious content to add to your Instagram feed, pandas, be sure to give him a follow!
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: boozybetch
There’s no question that we all love memes. If you spend any time on social media or the internet in general, you probably come across several every single day. And according to therapist Theodora Blanchfield, AMFT, memes have even transformed the way that we communicate. She explains that these silly images allow us to easily share ideas with one another and “foster a sense of connection” by sending them to friends, colleagues and loved ones.
Image credits: betchwithnochill
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Memes can also make it easier to convey messages that you might not be able to find the right words for. If you’re struggling with mental health issues or simply having a rough week, you can easily communicate that to your friends or colleagues by sharing a photo of an exhausted-looking cat captioned “Mood,” rather than having to detail all of the reasons why you’re not feeling like yourself today.
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Blanchfield also notes that memes often allow us to feel seen. It’s easy to get in your head and assume that you’re the only person who has ever experienced what you’re feeling at that moment. But if you see a relatable meme online with thousands of likes, it can be a great reminder that you’re not alone. And even if you are struggling, what you’re feeling is normal and will pass. Don’t be scared to share those memes with your friends. They might open up important conversations, and you may even realize that you have more in common than you previously thought.
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
We hope you’re enjoying this silly list, pandas! Keep upvoting the memes that make you smile, and feel free to share even more hilarious content in the comments below. Then, if you’re looking for even more images that might turn your frown upside down today, we recommend checking out this Bored Panda list next!
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: meme.ig
Image credits: comedyslam
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: boozybetch
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: comedyslam
Image credits: comedyslam
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: beautyandmockery
Image credits: crazybitchprobs
Image credits: beautyandmockery