One of the biggest advantages that people living in the digital age have is access to the collective wisdom and intelligence from all of human history. Working hard and being disciplined have intrinsic value, but working smart can help you grow where and when you need to incredibly rapidly. So, it’s no wonder that people place such high value on shortcuts, good tips, and life hacks.
Today, we’re featuring some of the practical advice that internet users shared in two viral online threads that are so useful that they’re practically real-life cheat codes. They’re bound to help you level up your life and upgrade your social, financial, health, career, and any other stats you care about. Check out the best tips below!
Bored Panda wanted to learn how we can all make our positive relationships a true priority in life, as well as how to stop procrastinating by consuming endless self-help content. So, we asked Jodi Wellman, MAPP, for help. You’ll find our full interview with the founder of Four Thousand Mondays and the author of You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets as you read on.
Cheat codes? 99/100 times, being polite and kind will get you much further in life. It seldom pays to be a d**k. In general, default to kind.
An 85-year Harvard study determined that the positive relationships you cultivate in your life have a huge impact on your longevity, health, and happiness. They make you more resilient to stress. However, you have to be intentional about investing in these relationships while also steering clear of people who make you feel awful.
“Relationships affect us physically. […] To make sure your relationships are healthy and balanced, it’s important to practice ‘social fitness.’ We tend to think that once we establish friendships and intimate relationships, they will take care of themselves. But our social life is a living system, and it needs exercise,” CNBC writes.
In other words, you need to be intentional with your relationships. Be honest with yourself about the people in your life, how much time you’re spending with them, how they make you feel, and then adjust as needed so you thrive, not just survive. You might realize that there’s only a handful of real friends in your life and a bunch of acquaintances who drain you with their chronic negativity. Spend more time with the first group of people and less with the rest.
Giving random compliments to people improves their day.
You can get away with any crime as long as you have enough money to pay off the authorities.
Wellman was kind enough to shed some light on the importance of positive relationships, and how we can all invest in our social fitness more like we’d ideally want to. “The empirical evidence pointing to the well-being-boosting benefits of positive relationships is almost overwhelming; it’s a good nudge to prioritize social interactions, even when we’re pulling our hair out with work and other life demands,” she said.
“I like the FITT model when thinking about social fitness (or any other kind of fitness for that matter): what’s the Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of social interaction that would serve you best right now? How often would you like to socialize, how deep do you need/want to go when hanging out with friends, how long does each ‘friend event’ need to be, and what kinds of social activities suit you now?” she shared a few things that we all should consider.
“Maybe frequent get-togethers aren’t possible with your current schedule, so you plan a really intense quality-filled lunch with a friend for an afternoon. Maybe you aren’t able to spend a lot of time with friends because you have a screaming toddler at home, so you might text more frequently just to stay in touch, and maybe have a friend over while you’re folding laundry,” Wellman told Bored Panda via email.
A well-fitting suit can make the most average man attractive.
Image credits: anon
One I learned from a close friend recently. Whenever you find yourself in an awkward one-on-one social situation and you don’t know what to say, just start asking the other person questions about themselves. I’m not talking about “how are you?” or “how’s work going?”, but deeper questions like “what’s your favorite hobby?” or “have you ever traveled outside of the country?” This makes the other person happily take the burden of doing the talking and you get to learn something new from them. It’s a win-win situation 90% of the time and a great way to start genuine conversations and find common ground.
Image credits: 1canmove1
Tell your wife or girlfriend to guess where you’re taking her for dinner. Then take her to the first place she says. Instant indecisiveness breaker.
Image credits: sendintheotherclowns
“One of the best ways to fit friendship into a well-rounded life is to combine social stuff with activities that you’ve already routinized or goals you’d like to aspire to. For example, if you want to get more fit, you could arrange a weekly walk/hike/yoga class with a friend. If you want to learn something new, you could register for a class/lessons with a buddy.”
Bored Panda also wanted to better understand how someone can get out of the loop of consuming self-help content without taking any action. “Self-help is alluring because it feels deliciously productive to read about/learn about/take a retreat about bettering oneself. Deep down we know that’s only part of the equation of living a life worth living though, right? We feel good about ourselves by planning and plotting a great life, and some of us know we’re planning but not doing. We’re dreaming but not doing,” Wellman said.
“The first step is to notice your inclination to keep ‘up-skilling’ yourself without applying it. You must bust yourself! The next step is to practice self-compassion. It’s okay to feel fear and trepidation about taking action on the life you’ve imagined for yourself. It’s normal to conceive of a ‘best self’ and then stumble on the follow-through,” she explained.
People remember you for how you made them feel.
Image credits: failed_install
Wrap your noodle.
Image credits: danny6690
When I realized that I’m not in fact the center of the universe and service to others really does matter…my life got WAY better.
Image credits: moviesthronesclash
“The next step is to pick one small thing to take action on: not a big thing (which can daunt us), just a small thing. For example, if you’ve been reading about starting a business, but feel reluctant, what’s the smallest step you could take today? Maybe you register online for an LLC. Done! If you find yourself registering for course after course and reading book after book, but you’re not taking action, it can help to set a date on the horizon, like, ‘I am allowed to gather more info and build my resources until April 17th. Then I am launching the business!'”
Wellman added that some people also benefit from setting a money and time budget for self-help. “You can allow yourself seven hours to read about meditating, for example, and then once the eighth hour hits, it’s time to actually meditate.”
Respect from your subordinates is infinitely more important than respect from your superiors, and respect from your subordinates is earned by protecting them from the disrespect of your superiors.
Learned this when I picked up E-5 in the Navy and was put in charge of a shop. We were doing workups, which is s****y and stressful for everyone. Some of my younger sailors were having a hard time adjusting, and our chain of command was making it worse on them. One of them was struggling with mental health, and I had to escort them to medical when he confided in me that he was contemplating suicide. I stepped in between that as a buffer, and took the s**t myself to make life easier for my sailors. My life sucked slightly more, but my sailors lives got better. At one point, my chain of command really didn’t like me, and were threatening to send me up to non judicial punishment, because I sacrificed a work day in favor of protecting a sailor from BS. When my sailors found out, they said they were all going to write a letter to the Captain about how great of a leader I was, and sign it. Beyond that, they were great workers. I never had to micromanage them, because they knew if I asked them to do something, there was a reason for it, and they didn’t want to screw me over by doing it wrong. It was so hard to leave that ship when they told me they were going to miss me, and I was the type of E-5 they all wanted to be.
Respecting my sailors and truly putting their well being above my own not only earned me the loyalty of them all, but it also ensured they all made it home to their families alive. I was passed over for a promotion to E-6, but it was worth it.
It’s far easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape, and being in decent shape pays dividends for your quality of life when you’re older as it keeps you mobile and healthy longer generally. So build those exercise and healthy eating habits early in life, but it’s never too late to start either.
Your biggest power in interpersonal relationships be it friendship, romantic or business lies in your ability and willingness to walk away….
Image credits: ScallywagLXX
Many people are constantly looking for the freshest and most cutting-edge shortcuts to be more efficient with their time and effort. And that makes sense from an evolutionary perspective because nobody wants to waste energy needlessly when there’s an easier way to get something done.
However, the best advice is usually deceptively simple but hard to implement. It’s one thing to be open-minded, learn new things, read new sources, and stay up to date with the news. But if all you ever do is collect smart tips without putting any of them into action, you’re essentially procrastinating. There has to be a balance between theory and practice, no matter if you’re thinking of being a better friend, taking better care of your body, or putting your finances into order.
The odds are that you’ve procrastinated by looking for ways to improve your life at some point—we all know we have! It’s very easy to get caught up in a loop of reading self-help books and watching YouTube videos about how to get your life on track. At some point, the advice (or at least the core principles) start getting repeated. The reality is that taking a piece of advice and putting it into action—no matter how imperfectly—is the best strategy.
Life goes by fast. Do that thing that you want to do, do it now.
Image credits: Pm-me-ur-happysauce
Volunteering in an industry you want to work in will give you backdoor connections to job openings and let you skip some of the crappy entry-level roles.
Image credits: Deathexplosion
Money is a real life cheat code.
You’ll never perfectly optimize your life or be in an environment that has zero distractions. The best thing you can do is to form healthy, positive habits, step by step, incrementally, while also moving away from bad habits. Be decisive, focused, and patient. Because no matter how brilliant you (think you) are, you’ll have setbacks and moments of doubt. In short, whatever you choose to do, just start. And try to maintain the momentum by making that new behavior a habit instead of waiting for motivation to strike (the latter is notoriously fickle!).
You have to consider what changes you can make right now that will have the biggest impact on your quality of life as a whole. For us, the research is more or less clear: you should prioritize your social fitness as well as your physical health.
In terms of getting (and staying!) healthy, you need to find ways to keep moving that you genuinely enjoy and listen to your body’s needs. For instance, you might love tennis or swimming but hate jogging or martial arts. If you find sports and ways to exercise that make you feel good, it’ll be easier to stay motivated in the long run. Meanwhile, if you feel like you’re only doing something because it’s trendy, you’re likely to drop the habit when its popularity wanes.
Can’t beat the main quest? Do the boring side quests. Next thing you know the main one is barely a challenge.
Unable to make the big life changes? Do the tedious small daily ones. Next thing you know the big ones are barely a chore.
Image credits: TheEpicIrishman
In 2024 this is like a cheat code : IF you sleep more than 7 hours, every day, you will feel so much better, its incredible.
Image credits: Arespect
If you be young while you’re young, you won’t be an embarrassing middle aged person. In fact, if you be young properly, you’ll even appreciate getting older where life slows down a bit.
Thats the closes thing to a cheat code I know of.
Image credits: ROBYoutube
The CDC recommends that adults aim to get at least 150 of moderate-intensity exercise every week. Regular exercise helps you sleep better, lowers your blood pressure, and reduces anxiety. When you move more, you’re also reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases, from heart disease and various cancers to type 2 diabetes.
Try to remember to take care of the basics. Drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep, spend time outdoors, walk just a bit more than you usually would, and eat nutritious food. Meanwhile, avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating ultra-processed, sugary, and salt-laden junk food.
Admit when you are wrong, don’t know something, or have made a mistake. People will respect you for it (as long as you show you have learnt from it).
Drop a piece of toilet paper (or 2) in the toilet bowl before pooping to prevent splashing on your family jewels.
Image credits: SSIpokie
Baking soda helps treat the sores in your mouth.
Image credits: 5ft6manlet
Which of these real-life cheat codes did you find the most helpful? Which ones are you raring to try out today, dear Pandas? What are the best pieces of advice that you’d give a total stranger to help them live a higher-quality life?
Meanwhile, what tips do you wish you’d gotten when you were younger? Tell us all about it in the comments!
If you need a question to be answered online, write it, then in another account answer yourself badly. People don’t like answering questions, but like correcting others,
Applicable to Chile: Buy groceries on Santa Isablel only on Tuesdays, use the national ID number of an eder person to get 6% off in every product.
Image credits: Blubari
Do everything in moderation.
Life is kind of long if you practice something for 5 years you get pretty good. Even if you only spend like 15-30 minutes a day. Consistency is key.
Also working out helps literally everything, health, confidence, sleep, energy, appearance, mental health, and it’s basically free.
Go to Krispy Kreme a few minutes before closing, and they’ll probably give you the donuts free.
Image credits: yaboytim
Look at people doing worse than you and you’ll always be grateful. Look at people doing better than you and you will never be satisfied with what you have. Sure you can use the latter as motivation but always be grateful for what you have.
If your straight up with an officer or sheriff your most likely getting that ticket knocked down a bit or getting a warning. I’ve had lucks and tickets.
Image credits: fluffioso
I read somewhere years ago that that if you stare at peoples foreheads instead of direct eye contact you make them feel uncomfortable. So I have proven that in my life to be true. Especially in a situation where you don’t have the upper hand.
Image credits: mikesrewardsclub
Humility is way better than pride ever will be. If you’re humble (not insecure), you’ll do way better in life than any prideful person ever will do.
Driving is significantly less stressful or dangerous if you aren’t in a hurry. Stay in the right lane, throw on that cruise control, and relax. Let the cars go around you.