Annoying behavior from your partner is nothing new; we all have a habit or two that our partners might find insufferable. In fact, one poll of 2,000 people revealed that people think their partner is “the most annoying person in the world.”
While that sounds harsh, it may be the truth for many partners on this list. We’ve scoured the Internet and found the most angering examples of boyfriends and husbands acting in ways that make their partners’ blood boil. Opened cabinets, piles of undone dishes, and just general untidiness: just looking at them can make you furious!
#1 Gone For Two Weeks. My Husband Piled His Clothes By The Washer Instead Of Doing His Own Laundry
Image credits: Own-Anteater5996
#2 Brand New $72 Moisturizer. Husband Said He Needed Something For His Elbows
Image credits: Ucyless
#3 Never Letting My BF Stock The Tp Again
Image credits: cozy_hugs_12
The same poll where people said that their partner is the most annoying person on the planet revealed the most annoying habits people cite their partners having, too. The most common pet peeves people mentioned are snoring, passing wind, loudness, messiness, and rudeness.
The less common offenses include never listening, talking through TV shows, being bad with money, leaving crumbs on the kitchen counter, using their phone mid-conversation, and tossing their dirty clothes onto the bedroom floor. Despite that, 41% of the respondents said they secretly love these bad habits and wouldn’t have their partner any other way.
#4 My Husband Will Never Close A Draw Or Shut A Cupboard
Image credits: j-lind
#5 My Boyfriend:“Don’t Put The Socks Away, I’ll Still Wear Them“
Image credits: SabrinaTranThi
#6 My Wife Said Measure The Door, I Told Her All Doors Are The Same Size
Image credits: BlahMehUgh
According to Mary Jo Rapini, M.Ed, LPC, the bad habits our partners have aren’t the problem. We are. “Everyone has blind spots and what annoys you in others is often a reflection of yourself,” she writes. She claims that we project our controlling needs onto our partners, be it about a pristine kitchen or a clothes-free bedroom floor.
“If you’re honest with yourself, you should be able to see flaws or weaknesses within yourself,” she observes. “No one expects you to be perfect; thinking you are superior or better than others is not mentally healthy. Living a life where you see flaws in everyone but yourself will lead to a very lonely and limited life.”
#7 My Husband’s Attempt To Fold A Fitted Sheet
Image credits: No-Understanding4968
#8 How My Husband Cut The Pie
Image credits: Mimi4Stotch
#9 I Asked My Husband To Stir My Drink, Aaaaand This Is What He Did. Thank You. Exactly What I Had In Mind
Image credits: MichaelanneMc
A 2003 study suggests that men and women find different things annoying in their partners. What annoys men are things that threaten their autonomy, for example, jealousy, their partner’s moodiness, etc. For women, in turn, it’s about the behaviors that threaten the relationship: condescension, aggression, being emotionally distant, and so on.
#10 My Husband ‘Helping’ By Consolidating All Our Pasta
Image credits: reddit.com
#11 My Husband’s Empty Contact Cases. And The Garbage 2 Ft Away
Image credits: mrg158
#12 Husbands Bedside Cup Holder
Image credits: rosiesugarpie
In a previous interview for Bored Panda, clinical psychologist Forrest Talley, Ph.D., offered some advice on how to differentiate between bad habits that are just minor annoyances and those that are deal-breakers. First, consider whether your partner cares about the impact their bad habits have on you. Maybe what you’re calling an infuriating bad habit is just a personal quirk.
#13 How To Get Out Of Doing Laundry
Image credits: brandjournalist
#14 My Partner Moves The Drain Catch Out Of The Way Before He Rinses His Cereal Bowl In The Sink. We Do Not Have A Garbage Disposal
Image credits: MasCaraLVB
#15 My Husband Insisted This Chicken Was Perfectly Cooked
Image credits: matthproject
Second, consider if your behavior is reasonable. Echoing what Mary Jo Rapini said about projecting your controlling tendencies, Talley, too, suggests that it may be a “you” problem. “Let’s be honest; all of us are capable of overreacting,” he told Bored Panda.
#16 My Boyfriend Dropped My Makeup Bag
Image credits: dinklederp
#17 The Boyfriend Left A Sharpie In His Jeans Pocket The One Time I Didn’t Check Them
Image credits: firebolt113
#18 How My Boyfriend Stores His Cords
Image credits: reddit.com
However, perhaps the most important thing to ask yourself is whether you can live with these “quirks” or “bad habits” long term. “For example, if every time he eats something, the love of your life smacks his lips loudly and slurps, can you imagine sitting across the table listening to that for years upon years?” Talley recommends asking yourself.
#19 My Husband Unnecessarily Seasoned The Stainless Steel Pans I Bought Today, Making Them Look Burnt And Like They’ve Been Used For Years
Image credits: mareloquent
#20 I Present To You My BF Who Eats A Block Of Cheese Whiteout Anything While Driving
Image credits: NakumaWolf
#21 Is This Grounds For Divorce? Does Anyone Else Empty The Dishwasher Like This?
Image credits: Bloody-smashing
Relationships are about choosing your battles, Talley told us back then. “If the behavior appears innocent and harms nothing other than your sense of annoyance, try to let it go. No relationship is perfect, and every good relationship is packed to the brim with compromise and forgiveness.”
#22 The Way My Husband Wears Socks When He’s Relaxing
Image credits: M00seLov3r
#23 Rate My Husband’s Paint Job. “It’ll Be Fine After A Second Coat”
Image credits: Every-Swimmer458
#24 I Asked My BF To Freeze The Leftover Meat And This Is How He Did It
Image credits: _pastelbunny
However, that doesn’t mean that we have to completely overlook every gross and questionable habit our partners have. “Those things that annoy you today will very likely annoy you five years from now,” Talley explained. “Consider all the qualities of the person you are with and weigh this against how disruptive the annoying behavior is to your relationship. The results of this comparison will tell you whether to put energy into making changes or simply let it go.”
#25 The State My Husband Leaves Our Kitchen In
Image credits: RedHeadRedeemed
#26 We Had 6 Sliders Left Over From Dinner Last Night, And This Is How My Fiance Stored The Leftovers
Image credits: meatbunpie
#27 The Way My Partner Stores Produce He Already Cut Into
Image credits: lik3r_of_things
The key to avoiding drama about infuriating habits is in the ability to listen and empathize with your partner, whether you’re the offender or the annoyed one. The Gottman Institute, for example, found that 81% of men who don’t listen to their partners are more likely to have their relationship end.
#28 I Bought A Spoon With A Built In Rest That Keeps The End Up Because My BF Always Makes A Mess With Them. This Is How He’s Left It
Image credits: flanface87
#29 The Way My Boyfriend Eats Pizza
Image credits: sillybantering
#30 My Mom’s Boyfriend Threw Away My 9 Year Old Collection Of LEGO Just Because I Hadn’t Played With It In A While. There Are Sets From The 1990s In There And Also Sets In The Harry Potter Series
Image credits: SecondNo1399
So, Pandas, how furious are you after scrolling through this list? Have you got any annoying and infuriating habits of your partner to share with us? Feel free to go off in the comments. And if you want to see more moments that made people rethink their relationships, head over here and here!
#31 BF Put An Empty Box Of Double-Stuffed Oreos Back In The Pantry
Image credits: StormyStormz
#32 Husband Leaves His Dirty Clothes And Boots On Just Changed Sheets
Image credits: Beebamama
#33 I Was Feeling Unwell, So My Partner Decided To Surprise Me With Homemade “Sushi”
Image credits: thellamajew
#34 I Left My Husband Alone For 5 Minutes While Painting
Image credits: Demolicious1995
#35 The Way My BF Opened A Pack Of Clorox Wipes
Image credits: KiwiNervous8740
#36 And *this * Is Why I Can’t Trust My Husband To Put A Load Of Washing Going
Image credits: sam_carrington1
#37 So I Just Learned That Apparently This Is How My Husband Eats A Sandwich?! Thanks In Advance For Your Thoughts And Prayers For Our Family During This Difficult Time.
Image credits: AllisonRBond
#38 My Boyfriend Told Me This Was Just The Top Of His Canoe When He Was On His Trip This Weekend
Image credits: stupidsometimes
#39 Are These Really Still Ok?
Image credits: qweenmothraaa
#40 The Way My BF Makes His Tea
Image credits: ReeKyu
#41 I Made Brownies. My Fiance Wanted To Irritate Me
Image credits: KelseyMew173
#42 My Husband Wanted A Bagel, Apparently
Image credits: eleanora_
#43 Fiancé Regularly Leaves Dirty Clothes Directly Next To The Hamper
Image credits: bobilygarvelan
#44 My Husband Left A Bag Of Gummy Bears In A Hot Car. I Give You…gummy Bear Turkish Delight
Image credits: campfiregirl
#45 My Boyfriend Going To My Female Friend’s Place Multiple Times A Week Despite Him Claiming He’s “At Work”
Image credits: Total_Average_9177
#46 Where The Toilet Paper Goes vs. Where My Husband Chose To Put It
Image credits: Uh-lee-shu
#47 My Husband’s Eggs That He Made In The Microwave
Image credits: mother_of_angelpuffs
#48 Who Does This To The Cream Cheese?
Image credits: jenniferheath
#49 Imo There’s Too Much “Waste” When My BF Cuts His Strawberries
Image credits: chocho808
#50 I’m Grateful To My Husband For Cooking Dumplings For Me When I’m Tired, But… I Usually Add 2-4 Bay Leaves, He Adds 24-∞
Image credits: Linorelai
#51 My Husband Refuses To Replace It
Image credits: this-is-not-relevant
#52 How My Husband “Opens” Spices
Image credits: theberg512
#53 Husband Thinks He’s Funny
Image credits: Spuzzle91
#54 My BF Offered Me Half His Banana
Image credits: owlhie
#55 The Way My BF Holds His Glass
Image credits: Sicut_the_Polymech
#56 I Hate My BF
Image credits: SamEnZoYT
#57 My Boyfriend Left A Smushed Up Soap Bar And A Leaf In The Drain After Taking A Shower
Image credits: AdvertisingPhysical2
#58 My Over 6 Ft BF Never Lowering The Showerhead For Me 4’11
Image credits: Imcovidlength
#59 This Is How My Fiancé Set Up The TV
Image credits: cmack4life
#60 My Husband Says “I Help You At Home”. The Help At Home:
Image credits: theMothmom
#61 Hubby Is Letting Our Neighbor Use Our Oven…
I’m good w him borrowing the oven but thought maybe since he was cooking several things, he would use our oven for one of his less messy items. Like, something inside a pan or dish or…
Image credits: jveck718
#62 How Boyfriend Has Been Eating This Brownie
Image credits: MoistCrouton
#63 Are You Kidding Me? You Drove It Last Night, Even Came Back Home To Get The Gas Can For Someone That Had Ran Out Of Gas And This Is How You Leave My Car? Glad I Didn’t Go Into Labor Over Night. It’s A Good Thing I Love You
Image credits: angih1
#64 By Boyfriend Broke The Stove Top With A Cast-Iron Pan
Image credits: loopyboops707
#65 This Is How My Boyfriend Carries Shopping Bags
Image credits: TheSpasticSheep
#66 I Hate When My Husband Opens The Non-Resealable Side Of The Tortillas And Puts Them In The Refrig To Harden
Image credits: MsAnnabel
#67 The Way My Fiancé Puts Away Cereal Boxes
Image credits: mommy2be717
#68 My Husband Swears He Doesn’t Hog The Covers And Says I Framed Him Last Night
Image credits: cntbeseez
#69 How My Boyfriend Drinks A Capri Sun
Image credits: TammyWhySnot
#70 How My Partner Stacks The Dishes To Dry
Image credits: Oplacute