They say that ignorance is bliss. And while most of us are interested in learning more about the world, there might be some knowledge that we really are happier being blind to. Especially if finding out about it leads to an incredibly awkward moment!
Redditors have recently been recalling the most uncomfortable moments that they’ve experienced while having to explain things to other people. From breaking bad news to a loved one to defining risqué terms for Mom and Dad, these stories might have your whole body cringing, pandas! So good luck making it through this list, and be sure to upvote the tales that sound too painful to be true.
I had to tell my parents that my girlfriend was having a baby when I was 15.
Image credits: Knight-Rhys
That my 9 year old 4th grade student wasn’t bleeding to death or hurt. She’s just started her period. I stayed with her in the nurse’s office because she wanted me there for comfort until her grandma could pick her up, and the library assistant covered my class.
Then I had an even worse conversation when Grandma got there because I had robbed her of having the “womanhood” talk with her granddaughter.
Image credits: Belle0516
I had to tell the love of my life I’m out of treatment options and I I’ve been given less than twelve months by my oncologist.
Image credits: MirSydney
Working as a case worker, having to explain to a little seven year old girl in foster care her adoptive family changed their minds. Family didn’t even show up for the conversation. She had been living with them already. I hugged her as she just cried.
She found her forever family a year later, so there was a happy ending for her.
Image credits: goodpeopleskills
I had to wake up my father (who had alzheimer’s at the time) in the middle of the night and explain to him that my mother had died in her sleep a few feet away.
Image credits: WhenTardigradesFly
When my mom first got Instagram I explained what hashtags were. A bit later she mentioned that she had been followed by several men she didn’t know who had women’s feet as their profile pictures.
I went and looked on her profile and she had posted a picture of her feet in a foot bath and hashtagged “footbath” and “tiredfeet”
I had to explain foot fetishes to my mom.
Image credits: Homo_erotic_toile
Having to tell a good friend of mine that his wife was cheating on him, and showing him the proof. I loathed having to be the one to tell him, but I knew he would want to know.
Called him up about 3 days (I think?) after seeing his wife, with a guy that was not him, being really handsy and making out in a bar. Had taken a couple quick pics and a short video for proof, and called him to come hangout because I had something important I needed to discuss with him. I wanted to tell him in person so I could be there if needed, rather than just over the phone. Went about as well as you’d expect, and he was divorced a couple months later. Thankfully they didn’t have kids yet, and due to the pics and video, she didn’t make off with a lot of his stuff.
Image credits: kazu-sama
Explaining personal hygiene to a friend like they might need to shower more often or use deodorant can be super awkward, but sometimes it’s necessary.
Image credits: fairygalxo
I had to explain to my cousin that my father had not died of his brain cancer, but the Covid that she gave him when she visited him.
Image credits: Dazzling-Raisin-2053
Had to call my mom and let her know that the reason her estranged brother stopped responding to her emails was that he’d died the year before, and the only reason we found out was that I got an email bounce back and started digging, eventually tracking down the realtor who handled the estate sale and the old colleague who took care of the estate.
Image credits: pepperbar
Volunteering at a library comicon event and my mom was wondering what all the wolves were from… Furries Mom. They were furries.
Image credits: smellslikebeans00
Telling my mother that there was nothing they could do to help her. Her organs were shutting down and hospice would do what they could to make her comfortable. Her replying, “You mean I’m dying?, was the hardest thing to hear as well.
Image credits: raidersensei
Having to explain my disability to assessors. In details, with examples of how crippled I am by it.
The subsequent rounds of (eventually successful) appeals converted what was an unfortunate and painful experience to one I’m not sure I can manage again.
In the early aughts friend A calls me telling me he had just tested positive for HIV and the only person he’d been with since his last test was friend B who I’d introduced him to. A asked me to call B to relay the news and it was quickly apparent that friend B had no idea he was poz. (They are both healthy and doing well.).
Image credits: Speckster1970
My son’s never had a biological grandfather. My dad passed 6 years before my first kid was born, and my wife’s dad just wasn’t even that interested in them.
My friends dad, we called him Papa, was amazing. They loved him so much, and he them. Last year he passed from cancer. I would take them to see him every time I would go to my friend’s house, so their relationship was deep and pretty much my kids entire life.
He went into the hospital, and I knew it was not going to end well. I took the boys each day, when they wanted to, and then one day I got the call her passed midday.
My youngest came home from school just as I finished working. He popped his little head into the stairway and very excitedly asked if we could go see Papa.
I tried to make words, but I started crying and my face scrunched up instead. I broke my kids heart, and he backed up and said, “Dad. I want to go see Papa. What’s wrong.” He knew Papa had cancer and was really sick. He knew without me having to say it, but I had to say it.
Good god, I thought I was going to stop breathing when he said, “But he said, ‘See ya later, Stinky,’ last time and I want to see him.” And I hugged him and we both went to the ground crying.
Definitely the hardest, least comfortable things I’ve ever told anyone.
I’ve had to explain to many mothers, wives, and even grandmas what a charge from OnlyFans was. That’s…..really awkward lmao.
Image credits: thezombiejedi
Explaining to my Aunt on Christmas Eve that I had had therapy that day and talked to the therapist about her husband making an unwanted sexual advance on my then 12 year old cousin, and explaining that I was unaware that therapists have to do mandatory reporting to law enforcement when something like that happens, and to expect a knock on the door from the cops. I’m glad though – the family rallied around said cousin and doesn’t have anything to do anymore with the creepy MAGA uncle.
Image credits: Ilovebeingdad
I work with special needs kids and the parents asked me when their child would “grow out of Downs Syndrome” had to explain that they would not.
I promised my son that he could ask me anything and I’d tell him the truth. The most difficult was explaining the meaning of MILF and answering the follow up questions. Thanks, South Park.
Image credits: XRaysFromUranus
“I asked a work colleague with terrible breath; how much do your gums bleed when you floss?”
“A ton, so I hardly ever do it, why do you ask?”
My dad had dementia at the age of 58 after having a brain hemorrhage. It was painful to explain to him why he was in a hospital, that he was in a hospital and not a train station. I did a little test I regret I told my dad John Lennon died because I wanted to see what his long term memory was like. My dad was so shocked and upset, I still beat myself up about it. In the end, I only explained the most crucial things and went along with his delusions; *yes, I am my brother; yes, we will get on the bus soon*. *We won’t be late, we need to wait here in this hospital room.*.
Image credits: AdamHunter91
My ex-boyfriend’s 7 year old daughter asked me what happens when we die. He wasn’t home, and I knew her mom was religious and I am not. THAT was awkward to navigate.
I hope I did an okay job and I hope she’s doing well now.
Having to explain to people over and over that I’m hard of hearing.
My hearing loss is actually fairly mild to the point that ordinarily its not noticeable and a hearing aid wouldn’t be necessary, but i have quite severe auditory processing issues, to the point I can’t understand someone unless they’re facing me 80% of the time. If it’s in a public space then I usually can’t understand them at all.
I frequently get accused of not paying attention, and I’ve even had a few ‘are you, deaf?’ comments as well. It’s very uncomfortable to explain that yes, I am, which usually results in people spilling out apologies and being equally as uncomfortable, but in worse case scenarios people get quite rude and dismissive when I have to explain exactly how my disability works. ‘Oh, so it’s isn’t real deafness’ ‘can’t you just concentrate harder’ and ‘I’m not going to coddle you every time I have to speak’ are comments I’ve received before. It can be quite humiliating and isolating. I also get told I’m too young to be deaf, since I’m only in my twenties, and I ‘don’t look deaf’, whatever that means. I can only assume it’s because I’m a 24 year old woman, and not an elderly person.
I had to explain to an overenthusiastic new dad who was telling everyone that having kids is the best thing in the world (and who had been pestering me several times about why I didn’t have children) that SOMETIMES people CAN’T have children and he needs to take the polite hints.
Image credits: Berylldama
Had to tell my dad that my mother, his wife of 57 years had died two weeks previously – my dad had brain surgery and the doctors told me the shock would [end] him if he knew straight away. I basically had to lie to him whenever he asked how my mum was.
Image credits: Prisoner3000
I had to explain to every family member, and guest who was invited to our baby shower a few days prior that there would no longer be a baby shower, and that we were no longer expecting a baby. I had to explain to all my co-workers we were no longer expecting a baby with a generic email. After living with the knowledge things weren’t going well for the previous 10 weeks but not knowing _what_ was wrong or whether the baby would be lost or not.
On a Tuesday morning, I had to tell my kids (20 and 18) that their Mom’s cancer had consumed 80% of her lung capacity, that she could no longer breathe without a mechanical ventilator, and that she would be dead by Friday evening.
I had to explain to my wife, Karen, what a “Karen” was, in reference to the name being brought up on a several news programs in a short time period.
It was like explaining the birds and the bees to your kids.
Her reaction was “I’m going to sue the internet!”.
Explaining to my grandma what ‘Netflix and chill’ actually means. Never again.
Damn a lot of these are a *hell* of a lot worse than “My 12-year-old asked me why the number 69 is always funny.”.
I was tutoring an 8yo that I’d only known for a few weeks. He asked me what puberty means. I carefully explained, keeping in mind that his 4yo sister was listening. And he kept asking questions, like my explanation didn’t make sense, because he claimed that it’s a place and that his friend went there yesterday. After a really long, confusing conversation, it turned out he meant library.
My family are nudists. I grew up that way. Its not weird to me, but i know the world thinks its weird . when we get the mail and stuff we’re dressed and we keep robes, shorts and towels by the door in case someone has to answer it. Well I was in the garage for literally one minute getting paper towels and the garage door was open. Just when the nieghbor walked up to get the mail. he didn’t know we were nudists. just bad timing.
Me: (reading a message) Oh, my friend just found out she is pregnant.
Coworker: Good for her!
Me: Not really. She’s only 19, and her boyfriend left as soon as she told him.
Coworker: Oh. … But, how did she get pregnant if they’re not married?
Me: … They had sex.
Coworker: Oh. … What do you mean by that?
Me: (multiple attempts to explain without graphic detail)
Coworker: (light bulb moment) You mean, he laid on top of her?
Me: Yeah, let’s go with that.
(In his defense, he was 22, had been raised in a very sheltered home, and had some type of undiagnosed autism.).
Why they may want to consider using deodorant, given that they serve people food and drinks for a living.
I’ve had to sit an associate down as a manager to talk to them about their intense body odor.
Informing parents that their child has been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
I had to tell my ALL of my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles,cousins, my own children) that they needed to get to the hospital because I was going to have my mother removed from life support.
Mom made me agree, as soon as I was old enough to understand, that I wouldn’t allow her to be placed on life support of any kind. She was a nurse, and she had strong feelings about prolonging suffering.
The religious hospital she was in after gallbladder surgery had placed her on life support in the night even though they absolutely had her advanced directive on file.
My family just didn’t understand that she was very clear on this. A few of them were quite upset with me but I promised her.
It’s been 24 years, and I still wonder, “What if?” but I am comforted that I did what she wanted.
Explaining internet culture to older relatives like I’m trying to explain memes, social media trends or why something is funny online can feel a little embarrassing when the person just doesn’t get it.
My Mom would ask where my father was and why he didn’t visit. He had died about 15 years before she was diagnosed. We would tell her that he was working and would visit soon. When we told her that he was dead, she was devastated all over again. The Dr said in that instance lying was less stressful for her.
My mom asking what “hawk tuah” meant ?♀️.
Image credits: LibertyCash
For some reason I decided to play the Call of Duty mission “No Russian” in front of my grandmother. She said whatever I was watching was too violent and to turn it off. I then proceeded to explain that I wasn’t just watching, I was controlling what was happening lol.
In my job as a speech-language pathologist, it’s my job to field questions like, “When will my mom talk again?” I strive to be as positive about stroke recovery as I can (because there is a lot of prognostic optimism to be found in the first year and perhaps beyond) but I also have to balance conversations with tempered expectations, considering what a patient’s language loss looked like immediately post stroke and after the acute rehab phase. It’s always hard having the cautious but tempered conversation with family who assumed their family member would be having full conversations by now (~2 weeks post-stroke, for example) when, in my experience, significant recovery is unlikely.
Telling my teacher, whose first language was not English, why he shouldn’t call roosters c***s. Mostly because he refused to take it seriously at first, not understanding the gravity of what I was saying
Edit: this was years ago, and I still remember it. I had to get backup from another teacher, and it was altogether hilarious.
Not me but my mom, having to explain to a police officer who was investigating a burglary at my mom’s office, that the term to “Jew someone down” was not just offensive as a term in general, but especially to my mother as a Jewish person. The cop had no idea.
(It means to bargain someone down in price but not in good faith. The cop was talking about how the thieves would likely sell her computer and other stuff to a fence who would, ahem, get a very low price).
“No I don’t think you should *be* a life coach, I said I think you should *see* a life coach.”.
I developed a polyp in my uterus that grew so freakishly big that it was coming out of my cervix and into my vagina. My doctor said he had never seen anything like it in his 40 years of practice as a GYN. I had to wait 2 months to get it surgically removed. While waiting for removal, I ended up hemorrhaging at some point and needed to go to the ER. Of course the nurse doing my intake asking why I was there was a guy I went to high school with who followed me still on Facebook. He knew who I was. I had to tell him I was bleeding profusely from my vagina. Then once in the back, with just my luck, it’s another nurse who I went to high school with who’s smirking. Then the doctor who helps me is a very attractive man who’s my age. Once again having to explain my situation with my vagina.
Then comes surgery time. It’s a tiny outpatient surgery room. The anesthesiologist tech is a guy who’s my age. The assistant is a guy who’s my age. It’s a room full of 7 people-6 men and 1 woman. I was about to be unconscious spread Eagle while they went up my vagina in front of all these people who watched. Fun times. I love being a woman!
Cunnilingus. Way back, my then girlfriend’s mum asked me what it was, after reading the word in a magazine. I rather nervously explained it to her. The uncomfortable part came immediately afterwards, when she pulled a ‘disgusted’ face and asked me if I ever did it to her daughter. That bit was really rough…
That they had mistaken me for someone else. I just waited too long. Much too long.
In 2010 I was in a car with my best friend when a drowsy driver drifted over the median and we had a head on collision at over 55 mph. My friend died on the way to the hospital but I escaped with only scrapes and bruises. After learning of his death I spent the rest of the night calling every one of our friends I could think of and breaking the news. I did it not just to spread the news but to distract myself from how close I had come to dying. The sounds of crying and heartbreak I heard on the phone that night will stick with me forever.
Physical therapist here. Having to explain to family that a loved one who has had a debilitating stroke that was previously walking/independent will not just “get up and walk” I’ve seen some amazing recovery but no matter what it will be slow and a lot of work.
When I was in high school my mother made the comment that she felt bad for gay men because they could only experience sex by kissing. I had to give that explanation a go. She truly thought I was kidding her at first? Traumatizing.
Tried to explain the concept of being “vers” to a teen girl who was translating for her father, who only spoke French. Vers as in the gay sex terminology. I work at a boutique and the word was on an item of clothing.
A very religious and sheltered college classmate asked a group of us why someone thought he was a big partier/club goer.
Group: Do what now?
Classmate: Some guy I see on my way home in the evening asks me every time I see him if I know of a place I can show him a good time at.
G: Uhhhh (all of us looking at each other like ‘do you want to break it to him?’) It means he’s propositioning you
CM: What does that mean?
G: He’s asking you if you want to have sex with him!
CM: look of shock on his face and he just freezes up for a second.
My sister suffered a traumatic brain injury around 7 years ago. She is in a vegetative state and her condition has not improved any over the years. My family keeps her comfortable at home.
When I speak to people who know what happened or knew my sister before, they always ask how she’s doing and most of the time it leads to asking if she has gotten any better. It never gets easier explaining that she has not and will not get better.
My stepsister and my stepdad’s ex wife, treated my mum in an awful way for many years and pretty much made my mum’s life hell, my stepdad saw (still does to an extent) his daughter as absolutely perfect in every way.
I had to tell him that my mum would not have wanted her at her funeral, even though my stepsister had taken time off work and leave from work for grief for some reason. I said I’d tolerate her there for his sake but everyone who knew my mum, knew what had gone on and it would be very uncomfortable for everyone and things may be said in the heat of the moment, he later agreed that it would be best for his daughter not to come, incase anyone says anything to her to upset her on the day of the funeral.
Their fetus had no fetal tones (heartbeat).
Different from the vibe of the other responses, but: I’m a SNAP/ Medicaid eligibility worker and at least a few times a week I have to explain that someone is completely ineligible for Medicaid and/ or food assistance due to their immigration status. A lot of times the people are in the country fully legally and following all the proper procedures, they just aren’t eligible due to their status. When I first started it was so incredibly uncomfortable, I would get so nervous. Sweaty, stammering the words out. I’ve gotten used to it and can do it with a calm heart rate, now lol. But it’s a very uncomfortable conversation.
That US immigration law does not accept unconsummated proxy marriage as valid for immigration purposes. “So… You need to go back and… SPEND the night together.” .