A female student was detained at Tehran’s Islamic Azad University last Saturday (November 2) after stripping down to her underwear in an act of protest that netizens labeled as “courageous.” The action followed her harassment by campus security forces, who sought to enforce the country’s mandatory hijab laws.
The altercation occurred inside the establishment’s science and research center. Eyewitnesses reported that guards attacked the student, “ripping off” her hoodie during a confrontation, which led to her furiously removing the rest of her clothes in defiance.
Viewers were left stunned after footage surfaced of the student being forcibly removed from the premises by a large number of security guards, who ganged up on the woman, violently shoving her into a car.
“God only knows what will happen to her. She’s a fearless young girl,” wrote one viewer concerned. “This is nothing short of a human rights violation!”
An Iranian student was violently detained and taken into custody after stripping down to her underwear in protest over being attacked for not wearing a hijab
Image credits: AlinejadMasih
As the clip began circulating on social media, the student became a “symbol of resistance” in her country under the hashtag “Girls of Science and Research.”
A newsletter from Azad University reported that the woman had suffered injuries during the arrest, including head trauma from being struck against the vehicle in which she was eventually taken away. According to witnesses, traces of blood were visible at the scene.
The woman’s current condition and whereabouts are unknown, and netizens worldwide are worrying about her safety.
Image credits: nurhakkengizek
Human rights groups, such as Amnesty International, condemned the violent arrest and demanded the student’s immediate and unconditional release.
“Iran’s authorities must immediately & unconditionally release the university student who was violently arrested on November 2 after she removed her clothes in protest against abusive enforcement of compulsory veiling,” the organization’s Iranian branch wrote on X.
“Pending her release, authorities must protect her from torture & other ill-treatment & ensure access to family & lawyers. Allegations of beatings & sexual violence against her during arrest need independent & impartial investigations.”
State-run media and the university’s public relations team delivered a joint response to the controversy, labeling the student as a “mentally ill person who was performing an indecent act”
Image credits: nurhakkengizek
Representatives from Azad University addressed the controversy through Seyed Amir Mahjob, their public relations director, who claimed the student suffered from mental health issues and that she was transferred to a police station after performing an “indecent act.”
“This student is a repeat offender with a mental disorder,” Mahjob wrote on X later that day. “She’s been warned in the past by both students and security officials, but she escalated the situation by insulting everyone who disagrees with her.”
Image credits: KhosroIsfahani
Mahjob’s words were backed by the state-run newspaper Farhikhtegan, which reported that the student had been hospitalized in a psychiatric facility and characterized her actions as “indecent and offensive.”
The public relations director also commented on the student’s private life, revealing that she was a mother of two who had separated from her husband and mentioning how her actions would “tarnish her family’s reputation in the future.”
Human rights organizations have long been warning about the abuses perpetrated by Iran’s security forces, who have gone as far as to use sexual violence to silence protestors
Image credits: Nervana_1
The female student’s arrest comes just one year after Amnesty International published a concerning report detailing the usage of sexual violence by Iran’s security forces during the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising, with many believing she might’ve been subjected to a similar fate.
Iran’s authorities must immediately & unconditionally release the university student who was violently arrested on 2 Nov after she removed her clothes in protest against abusive enforcement of compulsory veiling by security officials at Tehran’s Islamic Azad University. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/lI1JXYsgtm
— Amnesty Iran (@AmnestyIran) November 2, 2024
Video credits: AmnestyIran
The 120-page document, released in December 2023, features the crushing testimony of 45 survivors, 26 men, 12 women, and seven children, who were subjected to various forms of sexual violence by intelligence and security forces following their arrest for protesting against gender-based discrimination.
Image credits: AhouDaryaei_Sol
“Sexual violence is a key weapon in the Iranian authorities’ armory of repression and suppression of dissent to cling to power at all costs,” Amnesty International’s Secretary-General Agnés Callamard explained.
Image credits: AhouDaryaei_Sol
“Iran’s prosecutors and judges were not only complicit by ignoring or covering up survivors’ complaints of rape but also used torture-tainted ‘confessions’ to bring spurious charges against survivors and sentence them to imprisonment or death.”
The student’s violent arrest elicited outrage and support from viewers worldwide. While a large number of viewers praised her courage, others expressed their concern about her well-being
— Nurhak Engizek (@nurhakkengizek) November 2, 2024
Video credits: nurhakkengizek
“These women deserve empowerment and equality. Unfortunately, patriarchal norms and laws often favor men, restricting women’s autonomy. I see this every day in Nigeria,” one user wrote.
“Hopefully, she won’t be punished too severely. I don’t blame her for doing what she did, although I’m afraid the repercussions of her action will be pretty bad,” another stated.
“Brave act of defiance to bring attention to this regime’s brutality and oppression and violation of fundamental human rights. Bravo, young lady,” wrote one viewer.
“She’ll be remembered as a hero by many women,” a university student told The Telegraph. “After this regime falls, her picture will be everywhere in Iran, like Mahsa Amin’s and many more.”
“I shudder to think what may happen to this young girl.” While many were impressed and inspired by the student’s defiance, others expressed concern about her safety
Image credits: cmoretti520
Image credits: iamgabrielms
Image credits: sudha_lakshmi
Image credits: Realshiva9
Image credits: ItzTheSchnitz
Image credits: Hiddenmtn63
Image credits: rhtbapat
Image credits: philliphodson
Image credits: GodPenuel
Image credits: Flyingmonkey014
Image credits: Truthseeker_58
Image credits: SparrowsFlying
The post “Brave, But Foolish”: Viral Video Shows Woman Removing Clothes In Public To Protest Hijab Law first appeared on Bored Panda.