Spooky Halloween wishes to you, dear Pandas!
What better way to celebrate the most frightening day of the year than by looking at some cursed images? The strange and eerie aura that surrounds them is guaranteed to send the heebie-jeebies down your spine, and that’s what this occasion should be all about.
Courtesy of the Instagram account “Hand Over Your Organs” (eek!), we invite you to scroll down and embark on a list full of photos that are beyond bizarre. While you might not encounter any skeletons, ghouls, or ghosts, these photos can be just as, if not more, unsettling.
We also reached out to spiritual healer, coach, and author Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, spiritual advisor Nicole Colella, and spiritual life coach Kristin Masliuk, who kindly agreed to talk us about bad auras and energy on the spookiest day of the year.
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
While looking at some of these photos, it might feel like they’re exuding bad energy. Even if you’re a nonbeliever in everything spiritual, it can be interesting to ponder about the invisible world, especially on an occasion like Halloween.
“Negative energy is energy that is of a lower frequency and vibration,” explains spiritual advisor Nicole Colella. ”Because it is of a lower frequency than we are used to, we tend to categorize it as “negative” or “non-beneficial.” Common signs of being around this lower-frequency energy are feeling tired or drained.”
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Spiritual life coach Kristin Masliuk further explains that all energy has a frequency or vibration. “Positive energy holds a higher vibration, which can help you manifest and attract positive relationships and opportunities. Negative energy, on the other hand, has a lower vibration. Lower-vibration energy can be associated with emotions like sadness, anger, frustration, and hopelessness, and it can often feel heavy or draining.”
But instead of labelling energy as positive or negative, she encourages us to imagine it as a spectrum. “Every feeling and emotion falls somewhere along this spectrum, from higher vibrations that uplift us to lower ones that can weigh us down. By tuning into your own energy, you can better sense the vibrations of others, groups, or even spaces you enter. Building self-awareness helps you understand when you’re encountering negative energy and gives you insight into how it might be affecting you.”
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Spiritual healer, coach, and author Dr. Joy S. Pedersen says that we live in a world of duality, so there’s always higher and lower, positive and negative, and light and dark. “Everything is also made up of energy, so everything will always fall on either side of the spectrum. Those who are sensitive and empathic can often feel the energy even if there is no specific evidence otherwise. But it can also be attached to the words someone speaks, regardless of the words spoken.”
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Experts confirm that inanimate objects like these photos can hold negative energy. “Photos can carry an energy imprint based on the emotions, intentions, and environment captured in the picture,” says Masliuk. “Images of sadness, conflict, or hardship often resonate with a lower vibration, and they may make viewers feel discomfort, sadness, or even heaviness. For example, photos from tragic events or images of abandoned places might feel “heavy” or unsettling because they hold the energy of what occurred in that moment.”
Pedersen also adds, “If someone had karma with a person or place in a photo and they had negative memories of that place or individual, they could become triggered by the photo.”
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
The easiest way we can protect ourselves from negative energy is by staying well-rested, calm, and grounded, says Colella. “Cinnamon is a great way to also clear negative energy from your home, and you can do this by adding cinnamon sticks to a pot of water and simmering it on your stove. The lovely scent and the steam will fill and cleanse and clear the energy of your home,” she shares.
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Meanwhile, Masliuk says that protecting ourselves from negative energy is all about managing our thoughts and surrounding ourselves with supportive, positive people. “Your mindset and the company you keep are powerful influences on the energy around you and what you allow into your field, so focusing on uplifting thoughts and relationships naturally strengthens your energetic boundaries.”
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Another effective way to shield yourself includes visualization techniques. “Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of protective light—a simple but effective mental image that filters out any negative energy. This light bubble is easy to create in your mind’s eye whenever you feel uncomfortable or need extra protection,” advises Masliuk.
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Image credits: handoveryourorgans
Setting daily intentions and creating an uplifting space can also help. “Begin each day with an intention like, “I choose to remain in a positive vibration today.” This proactive mindset can help keep your own energy high and shield you from external negativity. While surrounding yourself with objects and images that bring joy and calm—photos of loved ones, meaningful artwork, plants—creates a positive environment that helps ward off negative energy.”
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Image credits: handoveryourorgans