There’s nothing shameful about living with your parents. In fact, 19.2% of young adults in America still do. However, it can get a little strange when you’re 42. By that time, many people have a steady job, accommodation, and financial independence.
But not this guy. At 42, he’s still living at his parents’ house, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t do chores, and disrespects his parents. So, his sibling had no desire to take him in. They did, however, share a story of how they tricked the parents they were going to let him move in. Twice.
Many a family have their black sheep: the one sibling that might be a little bit of a freeloader
Image credits: daniskim (not the actual photo)
This sibling had no desire to let their deadbeat brother move in, so they got petty revenge on the nagging parents to stop the demands
Image credits: Iakobchuk (not the actual photo)
Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages (not the actual photo)
Image source: extraradishes
Many people related to the author, calling their plan “genius”
The post “Wonderfully Evil”: People Applaud Person For Refusing To Take In Deadbeat Brother first appeared on Bored Panda.