It’s time for another brain exercise session, dear Pandas. Strengthening our mental muscles improves memory, focus, concentration, and creativity. Meanwhile, keeping these cognitive functions in tip-top shape allows us to enjoy our daily life experiences longer.
One way to keep our noggins sharp is to challenge them by learning something new. Therefore, today’s brain exercise is brought to us by the Instagram account ‘Amazing Facts’ full of fresh and captivating information about practically anything and everything. Scroll down to start your mental workout, and make sure to share it with people close to you.
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“Any activity that engages your cognitive skills can be called a brain exercise. These activities stimulate the brain and help develop memory skills,” explains Dr. Rashmi Byakodi.
Just like our body, the mind needs exercise in order to be healthy and serve us longer. The trick is that these activities have to be varied and difficult enough to challenge us. If something becomes too easy, it’s a sign that we need to change it. “The more something is second nature, the less our brain has to work to do it,” notes Dr. James R. Bavis.
If you solved the mini New York crossword puzzle in record time, it might be time to move on to something more difficult to get the most out of your brain.
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Everyone can benefit from incorporating a couple of brain exercises into their routine, all it takes is a few minutes a day. In fact, studies have shown that it’s most effective to do these activities little by little each day instead of dedicating a few hours every week.
Since our brain is at the core of everything we do, keeping it healthy can improve a lot. Mental workouts help older adults have a more positive outlook on life and be more mindful and aware of their surroundings. It also can make daily tasks quicker and easier to do, which saves time and brings much satisfaction.
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Aside from learning something new, one brain exercise that is approved by cognitive scientists is various Sudoku, board, and crossword puzzles, and other games that rely on logic, math, words, and visuospatial skills. Such activities engage multiple cognitive abilities, which get our brains working and improve information processing speed and memory. So this means that it’s okay even for adults to set aside some time in the day to play some games!
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Practicing meditation has also been proven to improve memory and processing power. Achieving a calm mental state engages our brain in different and interesting ways. “It helps stimulate the neural paths in your brain and thereby improves your observational skills, mental flexibility, focus, and concentration,” adds Dr. Rashmi Byakodi.
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In addition, research shows that one of the best ways to exercise our brains is to use our non-dominant hand. As we’re used to doing everything with either the right or left hand, changing it up can make your brain work harder. Socializing, reading books, expanding vocabulary, picking up a new language, playing an instrument, or listening to music are also great ways to improve our cognitive skills and be overall happier.
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However, mentally challenging the brain isn’t enough to keep it in tip-top shape. It’s important to exercise your body too, as our anatomy is interconnected. “We know that physical exercise, and aerobic exercise in particular, is very beneficial for maintaining brain health, even in people who are at risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease,” says neuropsychologist Aaron Bonner-Jackson, PhD. “With regular exercise, you can make a major difference in terms of how your body is functioning and, as a result, how your brain is functioning.”
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Physical activity helps to improve blood flow to the brain, reduce inflammation, and lower stress hormones. The brain itself also benefits from it. Exercise thickens the other layer of our brain and strengthens the white matter full of nerve connections. “In studies of the brain, they find that people who get recommended amounts of exercise see some improvement in their hippocampus, which helps improve learning and memory,” adds physical therapist Christy Ross, PT, DPT.
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To achieve this, the best type of exercise is aerobics like running, jogging, biking, swimming, or dancing. People should engage in vigorous physical activity three days per week for 15 minutes or 30 minutes five days per week if they can’t do intense workouts to experience the benefits.
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