Nothing can turn my frown upside down faster than receiving an unexpected, genuine compliment. If someone boosts my ego, I’m going to remember that moment for the rest of my life. And I’ll be on cloud nine for at least the rest of the day!
We all deserve to have our egos boosted every now and then, and it feels wonderful to spike your loved ones’ self-confidence too. So if you’re looking for ideas on how to do so, Reddit users have recently been sharing examples of wholesome moments that shot their egos through the roof. Enjoy scrolling through this list, and be sure to upvote the things that would totally hype you up too!
I was in the mall bathroom and it was packed. While I was gussying up, the toddler next to me points at me and told her mom ‘mommy look shes so pretty.’ I got shy because there were so many people. Ill never forget you little girl!
Image credits: anon
When my dog chooses to cuddle with me instead of anyone else in the room.
Image credits: SensualSilhouettee
Receiving a compliment from a woman as a man.
Image credits: DamagedWheel
Overhearing someone compliment or say something positive about you when they don’t think you are listening.
When the older black lady calls me sugar or honey.
Image credits: Joshuataporco
When someone genuinely laughs at my jokes ❤️.
Image credits: jenniferr3
This is weird, but here goes. When the vet tells me, genuinely, my kitty was a good girl, a couple grumbles, put liked the pets and lovies and was cooperative. She has a checkered past, and when I first adopted her, her foster family had been kicked out of three vets. Her first vet appointment I took her to required three very experienced vet techs and the vet to be in protective gear. I just loved her and was happy to have her even if she was just a stone cold psycho forever. I never expected she would become such a lovey and snuggler and be my little shadow. That she is a good girl for the vet makes me so happy for her and makes me feel like I did a good job helping her feel safe. I am also so happy other people get to love her too. ETA – this is important to me because growing up, as an adult I realize, pets in our family were not well taken care of. It matters to me that I grew up to be a person who cares for pets well.
Image credits: BnCtrKiki
When I get to exercise my vast collection of random information I have amassed over the decades of diving into rabbit holes on the internet. Being able to answer the questions most people say “Who TF even knows this s**t?” feels so good! Makes me feel smart and educated even though I’m a dumb dropout.
Image credits: DaGoodSauce
Whenever we go camping I always light the fire. Every year someone will try to usurp me and every year I will be dragged away from building my tent because they can’t get it going. I am the fire queen. .
Image credits: Big_Art_4675
When my son tells me that I’m the “best mama ever”. It makes me feel like I can conquer the world.
Image credits: ohh_em_geezy
At my first proper job the team in my office started becoming toxic and the one guy I was on good terms with called his girlfriend and I overheard him tell her that I was the only decent guy in the office. As someone who struggled with making and maintaining friends, this made me feel like I am no longer the a*****e schoolboy heavily influenced by my a*****e father.
Image credits: EnchantingEva35
When a child tells me I am pretty. Kids are genuine. I believe them.
Image credits: ArtisticPossum
Recently a guy a the grocery store said “wow, you have the most vibrant eyes”. Then he turned to his girlfriend and said “aren’t they amazing?” It felt like a huge compliment because I’m a guy and he clearly wasn’t hitting on me….and yes, I’m sure it was his girlfriend because he was all over her.
Image credits: ccc1942
When the girls and the gays compliment my outfit.
Image credits: avocadotoastt1
I work at Walmart as a picker(I shop for online orders). WM can be overwhelming anyway, and when the store is busy, customers hate us, always saying we’re rude and in the way, but one day I was in an aisle waiting for some customers to get by me and an older woman said to me “you have the sweetest smile” when she walked by and it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. My mom or no one else in my life has ever said anything nice to me like that and I’m 57.
It really made my day.
Image credits: AFurryThing23
I am a large straight man, at my last job the two lesbians that worked there were STUNNED that I was single.
I have been riding that high for almost 6 years.
That’s the TLDR version, the verbatim conversation was…
L1 – “You’ve got a girlfriend right?”
Me – “Nope, still single.”
L2 – “Really? You aren’t dating anyone?”
Me – “That’s right, haven’t dated in a few years.”
*Both girls look at one another, then back to me, and say in unison*
Image credits: Spurnch
Making someone I care about happy.
Image credits: GreenMirage
Being told I’m the reason someone didn’t give up.
Image credits: Aggressive_Rope8421
The compliment I got from some random woman at a bar a few weeks ago where she said I (a man) had nice hair and then disappeared into the crowd never to be seen again. I remember your words random lady and thank you for them.
Image credits: jrubs38
When you haven’t seen someone in a while and they say “You look great” and you know it’s genuine.
Image credits: tmac588
Multiple people have commented on my laugh before but it never really sank in until one of my buddies says “Man, your laugh is one of my favorite things to hear” and that’s when I realized “Maybe I do have it pretty good”.
Image credits: aDistractedDisaster
Image credits: BagelCatSprinkles
When my photography gets appreciated.
Image credits: Vegetable_Honey7658
My grandma reminding me I’m a cutie patootie.
Image credits: mexicana09
When someone laughs at my jokes and genuinely finds me funny.
Image credits: anon
People calling me a hacker in a game.
Image credits: projent
Knowing I’ve left a lasting impression.
When someone says their pet likes me, or if an animal chose to sit in my lap instead of someone else’s. That always makes my day.
Usually when i’m done weed eating and I can perform ‘hand on hips/nod/yep’ stance.
Someone remembering small details about me.
Image credits: Whole_Boysenberry165
Knowing my writing resonated with someone.
Receiving an unexpected bonus or gift.
Image credits: Old_Breadfruit_6115
Seeing my work published or recognized.
Image credits: SuddenWorth1479
When my wife handles her own when men are chatting her up.
Image credits: katabe3006
When I’m on aux and my friends pull up Shazam.
Image credits: anon
Out of the blue compliments of my abilities at something I love doing.
Being able to help someone or to somehow improve their day.
When you crack a joke in front of a bunch of people and they all laugh.
When my fiancee smiles at me. I wish I could explain it.
Making a big sale or business deal.
Getting high grades on a difficult exam.
Being praised for my creativity.
Making my chest bounce like Terry Crews. Once i found out I could do that after I’d been hitting the gym for a while, it was the best day ever.
Random compliments from ladies that you have never seen and won’t see again in your life on public transport or supermarkets or anywhere public.
When I am complimented by a stranger to my face. :).
Receiving a public thank you.
When people notice my weight loss or fitness progress.
Being invited to speak at an event.
Opening a jar when your girl can’t.