Bouquet tossing at weddings is a long-standing tradition that honors couples’ single friends and wishes them luck in finding love. Even if the person who caught the florals doesn’t meet the partner of their dreams and fails to walk down the aisle next, it’s a great way to have some light relief with beloved women during the celebration.
However, redditor iWorkWithPlanes decided to interfere with such fun by slapping the flowers to the ground before his girlfriend could catch them. Unfortunately, his attempt at a joke didn’t sit well with the crowd and even got him kicked out of the wedding.
Bouquet tossing is a perfect way to celebrate single friends and wish them luck in finding love
Image credits: Omelnickiy / envato (not the actual photo)
However, this guy completely ruined it by slapping the flowers out of his girlfriend’s hands
Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages / envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: iWorkWithPlanes
Readers unanimously agreed that he made a jerk move
The post Guy Interferes With Bouquet Toss At A Wedding As A Joke, Gets Kicked Out first appeared on Bored Panda.