You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t like comedy! Luckily for us, the internet is chock-full of comedians—amateur and veteran alike—who light up social media with their quips and funny insights.
Today, our team at Bored Panda is featuring some of the most hilarious posts and comments, as shared by the women of X (formerly Twitter). Scroll down to check them out! These should brighten your day. And we hope you have a notepad handy because if you’re looking for humor-related inspiration, this is digital gold!
Image credits: SundaeDivine
Image credits: kristabellerina
Image credits: paymusclemommy
The BBC reports that it’s not just human beings that enjoy a good laugh. Some species of animals are into humor as well! Not only that but they might also use it to strengthen the bonds between them.
A study from the University of California Los Angeles looked at great apes’ daily routines. Our closest living relatives, including orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas, were found to tease each other.
Image credits: diarybydanni
Image credits: VeryBadLlama
Image credits: hansmollman
“What we saw often was that a juvenile would sneak up behind an adult that was busy grooming another ape, and proceed to poke them or hit them on the back, sometimes even surprising them,” Isabelle Laumer, one of the researchers of the study, told the BBC.
Image credits: clareblackwood
Image credits: lottelydia
Image credits: christapeterso
“They’d then wait and watch for the adult’s response. Usually, the target would just ignore them, and so they’d persist in their teasing, making the behavior more and more elaborate and difficult to ignore, until they sometimes ended up slamming the adult with their entire body.”
This sort of behavior is akin to human beings sticking their tongues out at someone else and then running away.
Image credits: evelyngfrick
Image credits: juliacgriffin
Image credits: AshleyAlready
Other species of animal are likely to have a sense of humor, too. Other species of animals are likely to have a sense of humor, too. Dogs, foxes, wild coyotes, and wild wolves also tease each other, as researched by Marc Bekoff from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
The ecology and evolutionary biology expert added that he’s also heard stories of some species acting like stand-up comedians and jokesters. Among these animals are horses, Asian black bears, and the scarlet macaw.
Meanwhile, the BBC also reports that rats are ticklish while dogs and chimps can actually laugh.
Image credits: RiotGrlErin
Image credits: VeryBadLlama
Image credits: heldutson
It’s hard to argue about comedy because each of us has a unique sense of humor. What you find funny can be subtly different from what makes your family and friends giggle. Meanwhile, a coworker or passing acquaintance of yours might not even smile at the things that make you wheeze with laughter.
The same holds true for social media posts: a lot depends on your personal taste and what humorous content you grew up with. Some internet users are huge fans of dark humor with an edge. Some prefer cheesy and silly dad jokes. Others might enjoy more subtle, nuanced, and layered jokes that really make you think.
Image credits: sablaah
Image credits: CaitCamelia
Image credits: steph_mcca
At the end of the day, no comedian is going to satisfy their entire audience. Not everyone will laugh. However, that’s the way of the world.
You can’t make everyone happy, no matter what. But if enough people are giggling and guffawing at your content, you can add your joke or quip to your list of successes.
Image credits: lizzzzzielogan
Image credits: KatieDeal99
Image credits: caseyjohnston
However, if your skits and posts don’t make much of a splash, whether in person or online, you may want to consider changing things up. You should also consider the feedback you get. There will always be folks who hate what you do, no matter how high you rise.
So, you need to look at what criticism is valid and helpful and what’s simply people venting because they’re in a bad mood. If you take every negative comment to heart, you’ll soon lose any and all motivation that you had.
Image credits: Ceilidhann
Image credits: LeenMcBeans
Image credits: amandajpanda
Like Bruce Lee once said, “Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” Finetune your comedy until you’re making more and more people laugh. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It requires a ton of patience, lots of passion, and the willingness to experiment until you get things right.
Image credits: anticapitalizm
Image credits: laurapeek_
Image credits: sonyashea3
Truly successful comedians iterate and polish their quips over time. They have a growth-oriented mindset and see failure as a lesson in the making, not as the mark of something ‘bad.’
When you stop avoiding failure and set your ego aside, you can grow incredibly quickly. It also helps if you can quickly get to grips with what your audience likes. You wouldn’t try to amuse a crowd full of cheesy joke-lovers with edgy humor, and vice versa.
Image credits: beatonna
Image credits: _chase_____
Image credits: Joelle_o
Which of these tweets made you chuckle the most, dear Pandas? Were there any that genuinely got you laughing out loud? What kind of comedy do you prefer in person, and what quips do you enjoy the most on social media? What’s the best joke you’ve recently seen pop up on your social media feed?
We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comments.
Image credits: whingewine
Image credits: kryzazzy
Image credits: fklein907
Image credits: rchlltrmn
Image credits: roastmalone_
Image credits: theashleyray
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Image credits: lanadelslayee
Image credits: youregoodtome
Image credits: brvttybat
Image credits: DerikcaDesiree
Image credits: goldimocks
Image credits: roastmalone_
Image credits: emilykmay
Image credits: _chase_____
Image credits: cuteasstyy
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Image credits: SydneyBattle
Image credits: NoEmmeG
Image credits: hipearlrose
Image credits: edgykristina
Image credits: KatieDeal99
Image credits: verysmallriver
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Image credits: doritenholm
Image credits: missmollymary
Image credits: Samwitch11
Image credits: flowerfacemusic
Image credits: 1followernodad
Image credits: GailMyerscough
Image credits: _chase_____
Image credits: lllliatttt
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Image credits: MorganJerkins
Image credits: CartoonsHateHer
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Image credits: amandajpanda
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Image credits: deloisivete
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Image credits: AbbyHiggs
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Image credits: RdotSpoon
Image credits: IsabelSteckel
Image credits: lolennui
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Image credits: gracejarvisohno
Image credits: RaxKingIsDead
Image credits: RohitaKadambi
Image credits: banalplay
Image credits: Mom_Overboard
Image credits: sewistwrites
Image credits: CoraCHarrington
Image credits: ElyKreimendahl
Image credits: delia_cai
Image credits: BisHilarious
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Image credits: OkSoMik
Image credits: RaeWitte
Image credits: sophitgoesss
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Image credits: SydneyBattle
Image credits: emilyagain
Image credits: MeekyBlinders
Image credits: _chase_____
Image credits: lucyj_ford
Image credits: thesarahyork
Image credits: exilehive
Image credits: kelsaywhat
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Image credits: justky1018
Image credits: Tajeline
Image credits: giamorx
Image credits: RiotGrlErin
Image credits: deloisivete
Image credits: caitiedelaney
Image credits: mcmansionhell
Image credits: sehahaj
Image credits: gracecamille_
Image credits: ErinChack
Image credits: SydneyBattle
Image credits: thecityofjules