110 Hilariously Relatable Memes About Mostly Everything

Many viral memes and social media posts point out the absurdity of life in a humorous way. But occasionally, you will encounter one that holds so much truth that you feel it sees right through you. 

You’ll likely get this vibe when you visit this page on X. Sure, you may snicker and giggle as you scroll through. But since these are also painfully accurate, you may also feel seen. 

The page covers everything, from 2 AM thoughts to working through lazy days and sleeping through problems that linger like dark clouds in your head. As usual, we’ve picked the ones you may relate to the most.


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick

Since these posts convey harsh truths and “real talk” about daily life, here are a few more from licensed therapist and life coach Matthew Jones. In one of his articles for Inc., he compiled 20 “brutal” truths no one wants to admit. 

One that sticks out is that you likely hold yourself to an unrealistic standard, which can lead to suffering. This problem is common among perfectionists. 

“Fight back against that negative voice, amplify your intuition, and start challenging your unrealistic standards,” Jones wrote.


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick

Many people rely on their natural talent to get by. However, it’s been repeatedly proven that talent alone won’t suffice. As Jones reminds us, talent without effort is meaningless. 

“Some of the most talented people in the world never move out from their parents’ basement,” he wrote. Let that sink in for a bit.


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick

Many of us fail to live in the present. Either we ruminate about the past or worry about the future. But in one of Jones’ brutally honest reminders, the only time that matters is what is in front of you now. 

“You can’t control the past, and you can’t predict the future, and trying to do so only removes you from the one thing you can control—the present.”


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick

It’s one thing to have ambition, but turning it into a reality (or just attempting to do so) is an entirely different conversation. In this case, Jones leaves us with a hard-hitting statement: “Ambition means nothing without execution.” 

“If you want to change the world, then go out there and do it!” he wrote. These could be your new words to live by.


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick


Image credits: Whotfismick

Let’s turn the tables to you, dear reader. Are you a fan of harsh truths and brutal honesty? Did any of these images connect with you? Comment below!


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