Bullying, unfortunately, still remains a big issue among young people. Around 40% report having gone through such torment in the last 12 months. But one way to mitigate it is to stand up, even though it feels like the scariest thing in the world.
Redditor FrenchToast0315 decided to do it on the last day of school. She chose to get back in petty revenge style, which made this day even more memorable for her longtime bully, but not in a good way.
Standing up to a bully might seem like the scariest thing in the world
Image credits: cottonbro studio / Pexels (not the actual photo)
But this woman did it, ruining the last day of school for the bully
Image credits: Phạm Anh / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: frenchtoast0315
Bullying is proven to have lasting negative effects on a person, both physical and emotional.
Unfortunately, people used to think that bullying was normal behavior and, in some cases, even seen as beneficial because it builds character, says Louise Arseneault, a professor of developmental psychology. “It took a long time for [researchers] to start considering bullying behavior as something that can be really harmful.”
Now, bullying is proven to have lasting negative effects on a person, both physical and emotional. Kids who are regularly tormented tend to experience a wide range of emotions, including anger, vulnerability, helplessness, frustration, and isolation.
Feelings of low self-esteem often make it harder to find friends and interfere with maintaining healthy relationships. As they step into adulthood, some may resort to medications and alcohol to numb the pain. Others develop chronic illnesses like anxiety or depression.
Kids’ academic performance also declines if they are bullied. In fact, it’s one of the first signs indicating that this is happening to them. They may also feel the need to skip classes or school to avoid being tormented.
Eventually, children can develop “learned helplessness.” Meaning that the target of bullying gives up all efforts to change the situation. As a result, they start feeling hopeless, believing there’s no way out.
Parents should teach children to treat others with kindness and respect
Learning to stand up means that the bully’s action won’t have a long-term effect on their targets. However, this doesn’t necessarily call for confrontation or fighting with the tormentor, as they can be intimidating and get frustrated quickly.
Instead, what they can do is remain calm, don’t bully back, and try not to show any anger or tears. A good alternative is to tell them to stop or simply walk away. Afterward, they should immediately report the bullying to their teacher, parent, principal, or whoever they can trust and confide in.
It’s important not to stay silent and to not let this happen regularly. It may also be beneficial to avoid being alone where there are no other students or teachers. Try eating in a group or sitting near the front of a bus.
However, the best way to stop such oppression is to prevent it. Parents should educate their children about bullying before the child brings this topic to them. Some children have trouble understanding social signs and aren’t aware that what they are doing is hurtful. They should be taught to treat others with kindness and respect and to be aware that the opposite behavior isn’t tolerable. Parents should instill a sense of empathy in their kids for those of different races, genders, sexualities, religions, etc. The best way to do so is to lead by example, reinforcing positive behaviors instead of negative ones.
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The post “I Got Revenge On A Long-Time Bully On The Very Last Day Of High School” first appeared on Bored Panda.