60 Examples Of People Posting Something So Awful It Made Others ‘Facepalm’ (New Pics)

It’s often said that two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. While the first is still up for debate, the internet seems to prove the latter every day. Because frankly, the ridiculous and offensive opinions people express online sometimes make you wonder if common sense is even real.

Fortunately, there’s a place where these moments get the attention they deserve: r/facepalm. This subreddit calls out all sorts of cringe-worthy blunders, and we’ve pulled together some of their most outrageous posts. Check them out below!

#1 Absolutely Unreal ??

Image credits: 0riginal_Poster

#2 The Truth Hurts

Image credits: jellylemonshake

Of course, none of us are immune to slipping up and saying something questionable online. However, there’s a difference between a simple mistake and a pattern of constant stupidity or rudeness. It often seems like people let their thoughts run wild on the internet, behaving differently than they would in real life.

This phenomenon is actually well-documented. Researchers call it the ‘online disinhibition effect,’ a concept introduced by psychologist John Suler in 2004. In simple terms, it means users drop their usual social restraints and inhibitions when communicating online, saying things they’d normally keep to themselves.

#3 Good Guys With Guns Not Allowed?

Image credits: h20poIo

#4 These Social Media Influencing Is Getting Out Of Hand

Image credits: Evie_Magazine

Internet psychologist Graham Jones suggests that, in some ways, our online behavior mirrors what happens in face-to-face interactions. “Having said that, there is a feature of the online world that makes such negative behaviour more likely than in the real world,” he explains. “In the real world people subconsciously monitor the behaviour of others around them and adapt their own behaviour accordingly… Online we do not have such feedback mechanisms.”

#5 They Should’ve Trust Him

Image credits: memory_lane80

#6 Something Important

Image credits: eriffrost

#7 America

Image credits: Monsur_Ausuhnom

These feedback mechanisms include body language, facial expressions, and other clear signals that reveal how people respond to what we’re saying. For example, if we make a hurtful comment towards someone, we might notice their visible discomfort, or if we do something embarrassing, others might laugh. These cues guide our behavior and help us follow social norms. However, in digital interactions, these immediate responses are missing, leaving us without the usual prompts to adjust our behavior.

#8 Man

Image credits: fragasaurus_rex

#9 How Come Women Have Freedom

Image credits: sawalm

#10 When You Pretend To Be Religious

Image credits: Benton_Risalo

Moreover, on the internet, we can easily go incognito or share only limited information about ourselves, which can make it feel like our actions and words have no real-world consequences. We can choose usernames instead of our real names, avoid sharing personal photos, or even hide our IP addresses. Suler refers to this as ‘dissociative anonymity.’ It creates a sense of detachment, making us feel less accountable for what we say, and some might even convince themselves that their online personas “aren’t me at all.”

#11 By Watching Movies For Several Hours Is A Waste?

Image credits: negligible_madness

#12 Epstein Maxxing ?️

Image credits: duMb-pLus_uLtra

#13 I Have A Question

Image credits: Rave4life79

Many of our online interactions also don’t happen in real time. When we post something, send a private message, or leave a comment, it can take minutes, hours, or even days before we hear back from anyone. “In real life, the analogy might be speaking to someone, magically suspending time before that person can reply, and then returning to the conversation when one is willing and able to hear the response,” writes Suler. The delay in feedback means we often don’t connect emotionally with the situation, allowing us to “run away” from the moment and retreat to our safe space where nothing feels wrong.

#14 Just Well

Image credits: Uddashin

#15 American Cops Scare Me

Image credits: jellylemonshake

#16 To Make America “Great”

Image credits: Mr__O__

In some cases, the internet can create a false sense of closeness with people we interact with, leading us to reveal things we wouldn’t normally share with just anyone in real life.

“Often, people will consider their online ‘friends’ and connections much closer to them than they really are,” explains L. Gordon Brewer, a therapist who specializes in working with individuals and couples. “This results in lowered boundaries, which makes people feel more comfortable venting and discussing controversial topics, and more likely to share intimate details that are traditionally reserved for their inner circle.”

While our friends and family might easily forgive us for going off on a tangent or saying something awkward, the same comments can sound odd or even mean to strangers online.

#17 America

Image credits: Monsur_Ausuhnom

#18 Maybe Teachers Should Get A Raise?

Image credits: BrightCase5604

#19 Makes No Sense

Image credits: GlooomySundays

On the other hand, being less guarded on the internet can sometimes lead to surprisingly positive outcomes. People may find themselves being kinder, more compassionate, and more willing to open up about their struggles and thoughts. For example, a British study found that teenagers felt comfortable discussing their mental health issues in online forums where they could remain anonymous. This freedom made it easier for them to get support and connect with others who provided helpful advice.

#20 People Are Monsters…

Image credits: Quirky-Material9725

#21 Right Wing Groups Afraid People Will Learn What Happens When You Oppose Them In Texas

Image credits: Anarchyantz

#22 Everything’s Going To Be Alt-Right

Image credits: ExactlySorta

At the end of the day, some people will be intentionally hurtful online simply because they want to be. “There are just people who are mean-spirited and who will say something cruel just because they know it hurts,” says Brewer. “This is often caused by a sense of insecurity and, somehow, lashing out makes them feel more secure in themselves.” Chances are, those who behave this way are struggling with deep personal issues and use their internet presence as a way to gain some control over their own lives.

#23 Did The Mistake Of Calling My Coworker Bro

Image credits: No-Good-5707

#24 Can’t Like Fit Girls Without Being Gay

Image credits: jellylemonshake

#25 Europe

Image credits: FoxxyysShow

So if you ever feel tempted to post something mean or inappropriate online, consider if there might be something else troubling you. Likewise, if you come across a comment that really gets under your skin, keep in mind that the person behind it might be dealing with their own struggles. And when in doubt, remember that you always have the option to block or mute—sometimes, it’s the best way to maintain your own peace of mind.

#26 Delusional People

Image credits: depressedsinnerxiii

#27 What In The World?

Image credits: prucha13

#28 Smartest Man Ever!

Image credits: jellylemonshake

#29 Creepy 101

Image credits: depressedsinnerxiii

#30 Man Ages Over Two Decades, Public Shocked

Image credits: tom030792

#31 Wh-What Did I Just Read

Image credits: jellylemonshake

#32 Nope, All Above The Law

Image credits: Monsur_Ausuhnom

#33 Bro Doesn’t Even Know That He Doesn’t Know

Image credits: JoeyZasaa

#34 This Is Gold Medal At The Olympics Levels Of A Weird Take

Image credits: ChairmanMeowOfficial

#35 “Climate Change Is A Hoax”

Image credits: PupperPocalypse

#36 I Don’t Even Know What To Say

Image credits: Ilnerd00

#37 S**t Americans Say

Image credits: cyberchrono

#38 Hmm, I Wonder Why No One Wants To Go To Her Wedding

Image credits: EvaLilBaby

#39 Boobs Are The Biggest Personality Trait

Image credits: depressedsinnerxiii

#40 Oop!

Image credits: Broad_Sun8273

#41 Wait… What?

Image credits: SirenaLoverrr

#42 Heat Stroke Is Woke Now

Image credits: bookworm8232

#43 I’m Done

Image credits: Slavorino

#44 Because, They’re Supposed To Move On?

Image credits: springheeledjack69

#45 No, We Don’t Support Her

Image credits: Quirky-Material9725

#46 How Is That Obesity?

Image credits: Johnsharklasers

#47 A Child Named Sexy

Image credits: momo12345321

#48 Oh Yeah?

Image credits: jellylemonshake

#49 “Mainland Italians”

Image credits: Soldier_OfCum

#50 Instagram Loves Blood Diamonds

Image credits: adminsaredoodoo

#51 This Dude Is A Walking Red Flag

Image credits: Frequent_Course5399

#52 What Did She Expect?

Image credits: Merchant_Alert

#53 376 Good Guys With A Gun

Image credits: Suddern_Cumforth

#54 Now Wait A Damn Minute

Image credits: Aneriox

#55 A Man Changes His Gender So He Could Retire Earlier In Argentina

Image credits: Rave4life79

#56 What Was She Thinking

Image credits: nillancool

#57 How Can Humanity Disappoint So Much

Image credits: Novae224

#58 On Declining Population

Image credits: Monsur_Ausuhnom

#59 I’m So Done With Boomers And Facebook

Image credits: lets_just_n0t

#60 Yeah About That

Image credits: Melodic_Abalone_2820