There are times ♪ when you try your best, but you don’t succeed. ♪ Like tripping on that step while walking a flight of stairs or dribbling coffee on a white shirt and hoping no one saw that. However, some people aren’t fortunate enough to power walk away from such embarrassing moments, as they somehow end up online for everyone to see.
Just like what happened to these folks from the An Attempt Was Made subreddit. The community is full of instances of people who, despite giving their best, still fail miserably. Scroll down to find some of their freshest posts, and don’t forget to upvote the ones that made you wince the most.
#1 An Attempt Was Made To Listen To A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Image credits: Bawonga
#2 To Get Out Of A Zoom Class
Image credits: reddit.com
#3 To Connect With The Youth
Image credits: sdghag
We often hear that we need to experience failure to learn from our mistakes, grow, and be better. Understandably, knowing the reason for our lack of success may prevent us from repeating the same errors in the future.
But is that really true? It turns out that when it comes to human psychology, things aren’t as simple as they may seem. In a 2022 paper, researchers claim that most people are highly resistant to learning from their failures. And when they do, they tend to take away the wrong lessons.
#4 New Dino Discovered
Image credits: altorelievo
#5 To Create A Chat Bot
Image credits: dacourtbatty
#6 To Make A Yo Momma Joke
Image credits: Opossum535
The first reason for such human behavior is associated with emotions. Our species is mostly invested in feeling good about ourselves. Being a failure isn’t really compatible with this; that’s why we tend to walk away from it and protect our egos.
The authors further explain, “Contemplating failure is hard because failure is a threatening experience. Indeed, when a failure threatens people’s sense of self-worth, they can react in ways that undermine not just their learning but also their mental and physical health in an effort to preserve their sense of self.”
#7 Lets Use Paper Straws And Wrap Them In Plastic
Image credits: Throwawayanonymoussi
#8 This Is How My Son Locked The Door When He Left
Image credits: reddit.com
#9 Boyfriend Tried To Wash A Down Pillow
Image credits: splanderson
They continue saying, “Thus, although people may want to learn from failure, they often hold a competing goal that wins out: to feel good about themselves. The desire to see oneself as a good, competent person is a strong motivational force. When this goal triumphs, people disengage from failure.”
#10 A 2000-Year-Old Giant Cat Geoglyph Was Discovered 4 Months Ago Amid Peru’s Famous Nazca Lines, A Unesco World Heritage Site [1600×1176]
Image credits: Fuckoff555
#11 Outside My Hotel
Image credits: matt120501
#12 ?♀️i Tried ?
Image credits: messydepressy6
The second factor that influences our dissociation from failure is cognitive. We tend not to like hearing information that contradicts our beliefs and expectations. Our lack of success does exactly that—disagrees with our anticipation for triumph. Why take on a project you know you won’t shine at?
#13 To Inspire At The Gym
Image credits: 0430MilkCows
#14 This “Disable Friendly” Ramp
Image credits: armando2311
#15 Saw This On A Walk Today
Image credits: bethanyflowerpots
“No one aims for failure. People almost never expect to fail. This makes learning from failure cognitively difficult because people tend to overlook contradictory or unexpected information.” In addition, when we feel defeated, we might start losing capacity and control. Therefore, it further diminishes our commitment and reduces the odds of success in the future.
#16 To Hide A Parcel
Image credits: bells864
#17 My Nana Said Her Laptop Hasn’t Charged For Over A Month, And When I Looked To See The Problem, I Saw She Had Plugged An iPhone 4 Charger Into The SD Card Slot
Image credits: winter_fax_machine
#18 Wrong Kind Of Pride
Image credits: SlitWrit
What’s more, learning from a negative experience like a failure is a more demanding task than taking something away from success, which tires our cognitive system that has adapted to save energy.
“For failure to be informative, people need to deduce what an incorrect response teaches about the correct response. Learning by elimination requires more mental effort. Because people are cognitive misers, they struggle to see the information in failure more than the information in success.”
#19 To Advertise Impressive Specs On The Box
Image credits: quequotion
#20 To Draw Elon Musk
Image credits: giuchiac07
#21 To Pass Inspection
Image credits: spierce21
However, there’s a way to improve our chances of learning from our mistakes, despite the inborn emotional and cognitive barriers. The first strategy that the authors propose is to remove the ego from failure. This can be done by learning from other people’s mistakes that we’re not personally and emotionally involved in. Another option is to work up our ego so it can withstand the possibility of failure. Improving our competence, knowledge, and expertise is a great way to do it. That’s why experts are often better at learning from failure, as they’re less threatened by it.
#22 The “Grilled Cheese Reuben” I Spent $15 And And Over An Hour Waiting For
Image credits: Antennaball23
#23 To Steal My License Plate??
Image credits: useless_bag_of_meat
#24 To Get A Driver’s License
Image credits: GamehengeRanger
To overcome the cognitive barriers, it may be useful to eliminate any tasks that may overload our brains. This means putting more time and practice into learning from failure instead of trying to juggle five other things at the same time.
#25 My Son Graduated 6th Grade Today. Between The Harsh Sun, The Mask, And Quarantine Hair The Pictures Turned Out Great
Image credits: knotalady
#26 An Attempt Was Made To Take Off A Glove
#27 To Take A Nice Christmas Picture With My Cat
Image credits: kaitie-babie
In general, learning from failure is important, but it doesn’t happen without effort. Training ourselves to overcome the emotional and cognitive hurdles helps us reflect on our lessons and improves the odds of success.
#28 To Accurately Represent Anatomy
Image credits: ARMbar94
#29 To Prevent Theft
Image credits: reddit.com
#30 To Do A Burnout
Image credits: Swungpancake95
#31 Eat Pant By Mart Timpson
Image credits: pocketsies
#32 To Advertise
Image credits: reddit.com
#33 To Communicate Why They Are Closed
Image credits: voiceofnoone
#34 To Call Someone By His Last Name
Image credits: the5thofjack
#35 Step1: Buy A Man
Image credits: AdditionalBlock8877
#36 To Build A Wall
Image credits: Stoney7642
#37 Duct Taped Flag
Image credits: vanillaicewherever
#38 To Not Tread On Snek
Image credits: CinemaslaveJoe
#39 To Scam Someone Who Clearly Wasn’t In The Mood
Image credits: dangern00dl
#40 To Relax A Bit More
Image credits: verbaltastic
#41 To Summon Picasso
Image credits: Satansownboi
#42 To Shoot Their Shot
Image credits: El-Inquisidor
#43 To Motivate
Image credits: maa2148
#44 To Recreate Homer
Image credits: Dinglemaniac
#45 Finally Trying My Hand At Painting
Image credits: Trash_Account_4103
#46 To Make A Belle Cake
Image credits: Chileansuperstar
#47 To Be Inclusive
Image credits: reddit.com
#48 To Build A Nest
Image credits: L00k_Again
#49 To Spell The Word Peace
Image credits: gothangelblood
#50 To Push For Equal Rights
Image credits: CanadaCannibal_II
#51 To Advertise Your Attributes
Image credits: poe-one
#52 My Daughter Bought This Phone Case. Much Of It Is In English
Image credits: Gaudy_Tripod
#53 A For Effort, Kiddo
Image credits: MightyBooshX
#54 Jaw Welcome
Image credits: NoDM_X
#55 An Attempt At Grammar By My Local News
Image credits: WholeAssVIBE
#56 Looks Like Harry Potter Will Be Joining The Poo Klux Klan
Image credits: byrobot
#57 I Tried
Image credits: reddit.com
#58 To Shame Dog Owners
Image credits: rgbeast
#59 At Least They Tried
Image credits: AnarchyChick3n
#60 Tlirkey And Hlimmlis
Image credits: FFJosty
#61 An Attempt To Check The Box
Image credits: Davidseptidog
#62 To Verify Age
Image credits: reddit.com
#63 To Stop A Vegan
Image credits: chiefrish
#64 I Attempted To Make An Among Us Cake For My Kids 8th
Image credits: black_algae
#65 There Was An Attempt To Rick Roll Everyone
Image credits: cpeyton78910
#66 To Avoid Starbucks
Image credits: CinemaslaveJoe
#67 By Sears To Explain The Legend Of Zelda In 1987
Image credits: MrCantPlayGuitar
#68 To Sell Avengers Toys
Image credits: reddit.com
#69 To Get A Raise
Image credits: cryme_ariver
#70 To Build Something Well
Image credits: The_Darth_Vacuous
#71 He’s Not Helping
Image credits: luddite-dave
#72 To Collect Rent On A House You Live In For Free
Image credits: ClapBackBetty