According to YouGov, the most popular people in America right now are: 1. Morgan Freeman, 2. Samuel L. Jackson, 3. Tom Hanks, 4. Sean Connery, and 5. Denzel Washington.
However, public opinion, and, in turn, this list, are susceptible to change. So we asked our Facebook followers who became extremely unpopular, and they immediately started sharing names.
From opinionated singers and controversial actors to outspoken activists and beleaguered royals, continue scrolling to check out the ones they mentioned and upvote the submissions you agree with!
Brendan Fraser
Image credits: Sotiria Kalkani Iliadou
Pamela Anderson, I’m so glad she’s doing well these days because the world was absolutely horrible to her
Image credits: Becky Clarke
Jack Gleeson, the guy portrayed the most punchable character (Joffrey Baratheon) in Game of Thrones and did his job so well people hated him for no reason.
Image credits: John Michael Pilongo
Jonny Depp. Amber Heard was unstable from day 1 and they blamed him for ever that happened without hearing her version in person. Just seeing her lying in court proved everyone wrong immediately.
Image credits: Sapphire Kozak
Sinead O Connor…. she was right all along.
Image credits: Angel Ivany
School Teachers
Image credits: Claire Webb
The woman who got burned with the McDonald’s coffee. That was a pretty horrific injury she got and this was not their first rodeo with high temp injuries.
Image credits: Laura Phelps Brosi
Richard Jewel the guy discovered a bomb, saved countless lives, and was dragged through the mud by the fbi, and the press. When they vindicated him the damage had been done.
Image credits: Rich Daswick
Dr. Frankenstein’s “monster.” Grossly misunderstood.
Image credits: Kevin Jones
PeeWee Herman
Image credits: Camille Zengen
Nicholas Cage. So many people hate his acting. He might have picked the wrong movie here and there but there’s far more worse actors around than him these days!
Image credits: Koen Devogel
Nickelback. They sound like so many other 2000s bands and I don’t get how the hate for them started
Image credits: Catherine Ferreira
Anne Hathaway
Monica Lewinsky
Image credits: Erin Michelle Stewart
Winona Ryder
Image credits: Suzanne Sherrill
Bjork! She is a legendary artist. That Swan dress was maybe not the right choice, but they roasted her for a long time.
Greta Thunberg
Image credits: Jenna-Maria Andersson
Jane Fonda, for being anti Vietnam War
Image credits: Jeffrey Wallen
Harry and Meghan
Image credits: Lori Sanford Spradlin
Edward Snowden.
Image credits: Steve Wilson
Megan Markle
Image credits: Jamie Laufeyson
Women. All of the women
Image credits: Julia Fishenfeld
Jack Kevorkian. Death with dignity is important. He was a pioneer.
MC Hammer. He was called a sell out for doing a (Pepsi, I think) commercial and quickly became unpopular after that. Despite the fact that a bunch of artists made commercials after him and it didn’t matter.
Image credits: Jessica Lofgreen
I always thought Howard Dean got canceled by media, the same media that normalizes Donald Trump.
Chris Pratt. People were actually hating on *him* because of what Peter Quill did in Infinity War. I’ll never understand people who can’t separate actors from their characters.
Image credits: Stacey Goodwin
Janet jackson
Image credits: Ryan Bruce
Anne Hathaway and Brie Larson. There was a period when Anne couldn’t do right and nobody seems to know why. Brie, again, comes in for a lot of hate and she doesn’t seem like a bad person
U2. Yeah Bono has a big mouth but they got involved in loads of eco-warrior stuff decades before it become acceptable. And they released some tremendous albums too..
Victoria Beckham. Not a fan myself, but did she really deserve all the haters? Esp after Beckham was unfaithful? And then his lover became a z-list celebrity for a while? I’m not so sure. Usually the ‘sisterhood’ supports women when that kind of thing happens, but women just never warmed to her. I’ve never really understood why she became so unpopular.
Image credits: Joanne Johnson
Anyone that spoke out against the genocide early on.
Anita Hill
* I still believe her.
Al Franken deserved a little shade, maybe – but not nearly the amount of backlash that he got. Currently serving politicians have done 100x worse.
Image credits: Amhrán Menagerie
Every woman named Karen
Image credits: Conor Daly Music
Milli Vanilli. They wanted to be popular by being frontmen, and were sort of bullied into doing it because they were attractive. The real singers were in agreement, so I don’t know why Rob and Fab took the hit for everyone involved. The music and videos were great! Wish it had gone on for longer.
Vietnam Vets
Image credits: Jim Rice
Whitney Houston.
Drugs and domestic abuse are bad
Colin Kapernick
Image credits: Connie Stolz
Billy Ray Cyrus. Some gave all. is still one of my favorite songs to play
Any woman who cut her hair short in a popular TV show.
Michael Jackson. Imho. Totally setup by parents of kids that saw how they could make millions off of him. He was so cool.
Image credits: Richard Thorkilsen
They were a talented bunch of kids and they became a joke because they were kids singing a pop song. That everybody loved.
(sincerest apologies for misspelling Hanson!!)
Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps one of the few decent MP’s with integrity who doesn’t skim off the top for their own personal gain and who genuinely cares about people.
Justin Bieber when he was a kid, yes they over played “baby’ and it got annoying but that wasn’t his fault obviously as he got older the circumstances changed
Will Smith
Image credits: Robert-Jan van der Borden
Kyle Rittenhouse