Anyone with a great relationship with their father will have at least one memorable moment that stands out. It could be a time during their childhood, a milestone event, or a turning point in their life for which they have their dad to thank.
With Father’s Day just around the corner, X user feyisayo wrote a one-liner post: “Tell us one thing about your dad.” It drew a mix of responses, most of which were heartwarming memories. Some took time to remember their fathers who had passed on, while a few had some not-so-nice things to say.
Bored Panda compiled a list of notable replies, some of which may tug at your heartstrings.
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Many ladies seek a partner who resembles their father in some way. This is especially true for those who grew up close to their dads. Apparently, there is research to explain this.
According to Durham University psychology professor Dr. Lynda Boothroyd: “It shows our human brains don’t simply build prototypes of the ideal face based on those we see around us, rather they build them based on those to whom we have a strongly positive relationship.”
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Those who grew up without their dads around may suffer from what family and marriage therapist Jed Diamond describes as a “father wound.” Having experienced it himself, he defines it as “the psychological, relational, and physical dysfunction” that happens in people with an absent paternal parent.
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Some people who didn’t have their dads around while growing up may receive care and guidance from an uncle or grandfather. Diamond says having that paternal figure helps but does not heal the father wound.
“You can’t avoid the fact that there is still going to be a deep question of what you lost when you didn’t get your father, and you’ll need to come to an understanding of what is still unhealed.”
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According to Diamond, the father wound manifests differently between men and women. He says males tend to be angrier as a way of masking both pain and fear, while women are more emotional.
Diamond also shared advice for people who may be experiencing rage brought on by their internal turmoils.
“Instead of just being angry with your spouse or being afraid of losing them, you can say, ‘Where was the anger when my dad left? Where were the hurt and the fear because he was no longer there when I needed him?’”
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Diamond says the father wound could be generational and passed on to children in some form. If you fear having your kids suffer the same fate, Diamond assures you that it will fade once you establish your life path.
“Once you recognize it, you realize you can fix that. You can heal that past,” he said. “You can work through the things with your present relationship. You can actually heal it so you can feel real, lasting love, and your children will grow up with parents who are present in their lives.”
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There is a saying, “Dad is a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.” It is an excellent description of how fathers play a role in a boy’s and a girl’s life growing up.
The Association of Child Psychotherapists published a piece to delve deeper into these distinctions. According to the article, a father may strongly influence how sociable boys are. On the other hand, dads have a profound impact on a teenage girl’s self-esteem and sense of identity.
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There are situations within many families wherein the fathers must be away from their families because of work obligations. The article stresses the importance of making their presence felt during special occasions like birthdays, even when they are far away.
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But regardless of the challenges and difficult moments, most men will cherish fatherhood and the moments that come with it.
A few men shared their favorite things about being a dad with the lifestyle website Sunday Edit. For Nick, it’s catching his daughter unknowingly mimicking some of his mannerisms.
“For example, I always hum or sing to myself when I clean up and sweep and do dishes, and I notice that’s something she does all the time with her chores now, too. I don’t even think it’s on purpose. It’s adorable.”
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Jay is at a point in parenthood when his daughter is beginning to experience things for the first time. This brings him back to a time in his life when everything was brand new.
“She’s at an age where she’s really starting to pick up on things. So, things like this last Christmas and her getting to play in the snow. It makes me feel like a kid again.”
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Jim is the father of a two-year-old boy whom he lovingly describes as a “goofball.” And he is getting a kick out of his son’s efforts to entertain everyone around him.
“He always tries to make everyone laugh, and I love that. He runs around dancing and making funny noises and putting toys on his head. He cracks himself up, and that makes me laugh so much.”
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