Breaking up is hardly ever easy. But sometimes, it’s the right thing to do. Respecting each other’s boundaries is absolutely essential if you want your relationship to thrive. So, if your partner constantly walks all over them, it might be best to move on.
However, there are situations where no matter how much time passes, you still feel resentment toward them. Prompted by user u/Upright_Eeyore, some members of the popular r/AskReddit online group opened up about why they’ll never forgive their exes. We’ve collected the most candid and dramatic stories to share with you. Scroll down to check them out.
Being rude and reducing my grandma to tears.
Image credits: No-Industry-3030
Emotionally and verbally abusing me. So let other things.
Image credits: Eurogirl80
For hitting me. Nobody deserves to be abused.
Image credits: runningfrommyprobz
We all deserve to be with someone who loves, respects, supports, and trusts us. A big part of making any romantic relationship work is learning to coexist without intentionally hurting each other. A bit of stress and emotional pain is inevitable, but that’s very different from being with someone who goes out of their way to manipulate, gaslight, or harm you.
If you feel that you and your partner are fundamentally incompatible and that they’re always making you miserable, talk to them about this. But if after a series of honest conversations, you feel like there’s no chance they’ll change for the better, it might be best for both of you to break up and move on with your lives.
Being in a good relationship might make you more resilient to the stresses of life, but being in a bad relationship is going to be more stressful than being single.
Threw me away for a girl he promised me I didn’t need to worry about… Who was also my friend… I introduced them.
Image credits: CrabbiestAsp
She forged my signature to cosign on a loan to get fake breasts. We broke up shortly after, and months later I got calls from creditors asking me for the payments while I was on a ski trip with a new ladyfriend. I had no idea that the ex did this in the first place, and was beyond pissed when I found out.
Image credits: RustyShack1efordd
The fact that he completely abandoned our son when he abandoned me.
Image credits: foxylady315
Some actions are beyond forgiveness, even if you have the outlook of a saint. However, you may still want to consider forgiving your ex. If not for their sake, then yours. Living with anger, shame, and regret is toxic. It’ll eat away at you emotionally, mentally, and physically. Accepting what has happened, embracing the harsh reality, and then moving on from it might just be the healthiest thing to do. You can always speak to a therapist for some practical advice on how to do this.
Verywell Mind points out that one sign of an unhealthy relationship is that your partner tries to control you through intimidation or manipulation. They might appear kind and loving on the surface, but in reality, this might be their way of exerting control over what you do, how you behave, and who you talk to.
Going on an unplanned bender with all his friends on a boat while I was at home grieving my father, who had just passed.
Image credits: Floralees
Cheating on me. I gave her everything, and it wasn’t enough.
Image credits: Mr_Soup234
He hit me, he broke my things, he was just awful and abusive. The one thing that finally made me kick him to the curb was hitting my cat. My deaf, 18 year old cat that I had since he was born.
Image credits: denimsaddle
One indicator that your partner might be controlling you is if they try to isolate you from your social circle, e.g., your family and friends. Moreover, they might try to cut you off financially, making you depend on them and making it harder for you to leave the relationship. Others might be so possessive that they accuse you of infidelity and get upset when you spend time with anyone else but them.
Unhealthy relationships also lack trust. There’s definitely something wrong if you either feel like you constantly have to hide something from your partner or if they’re doing the same thing. At the end of the day, if you’re unable to be honest with each other, you need to work on your relationship until you can be open without judgment. Otherwise, it’s a superficial relationship.
Got pregnant on purpose. Didn’t tell me until 4months before giving birth. Lied about hospital appointments so I would miss them. Didn’t let me see the baby after 1 year. We were 16. There were no laws for underage fathers at that time in my country.
Image credits: EmanResu-33
Cheating. Found out my wife (now ex-wife) was having an affair. Completely destroyed the trust that any relationship is built on.
There were some really dark times, but, thankfully, my life is 100% better now.
Image credits: wstreefrog
Stealing 20k from me wasn’t ideal.
Image credits: Fr3shAvocado
What’s the very worst thing that your ex has done, dear Pandas? Did you ever manage to forgive them? How do you enforce healthy boundaries in your relationships? Tell us what you think in the comments. We’d love to hear your thoughts on all of this.
He slept with my mum.
Image credits: Ok-Wait6648
Getting pregnant when I was in Iraq for 8 months.
Image credits: BDaddy-50
I guess leaking my nudes counts.
Image credits: FALSE_Uchiha
A week after we broke up she started f*****g one of my best friends at that time. So I lost 2 people from my life because I don’t tolerate this s**t, even tho we weren’t in a relationship anymore.
Image credits: Maleficent-Humor7909
Telling our 13 year old (at the time) daughter that he was having an affair and that if she told anyone, he’d never speak to her again.
Image credits: burnmeup82
He watched the movie He’s Just Not Into You with me and broke up with me as soon as the movie was over. Also found out later he was sleeping with my best friend at the time.
Image credits: thatcrazyflorist
Handed in a resignation for me without telling me for my dream gig! What a schmekel!
Image credits: Few-Preparation533
Ghosting me when I got pregnant. Later I found out he had a secret girlfriend the whole time.
Image credits: manykeets
Ghosting his own kids. How he feels about me is irrelevant but he’s an a*s to make them suffer.
Image credits: RossiCarr
Gaslit me to the point I actually thought I was crazy and a bad person – which I def turned out to be for a while, but it wasn’t for no reason.
Glad to say I’m now surrounded by people who will never purposely provoke me to step out of character.
Image credits: OrangeNostalgia999
Leaving when they find out you’ve been diagnosed with cancer.
Image credits: Were_not_a_Match
7 out of 9 of my ex’s cheated on me, all at various points in the relationship. Always been an instant deal breaker.
Image credits: sheburger2
Used me like a sugar daddy.
Image credits: Secret_Show29
She cheated and stole my truck. I miss that truck.
Image credits: pluto9659
Told me that I was completely unlovable and would never be good enough for anyone and that they hoped I died in the army. All because I sat down to have a discussion about me wanting to enlist.
I hadn’t even decided. I wanted to talk about it with them and get their opinion. We broke up right there, and a week later I was taking the ASVAB.
Image credits: _MatCauthonsHat
He never added me to his insurance when enrollment time came at his new job because he was planning on leaving me for his coworker.
I have fibromyalgia and it was during Covid.
Image credits: IsAPartOfSabre
He turned out to have knocked a student up (he’s a professor) and hid it all from me during our relationship. I found out about it once I left him and the student felt it was safe to reach out to me. She proceeded to show me irrefutable evidence as well as photos of her daughter who looked JUST LIKE MY EX. I divorced him over his abuse towards me, but truly, his abuse of that student and her child was what made him completely unforgivable to me.
Locking me in the basement and beating the s**t out of me everyday.
Image credits: Lex2467
In a divorce, I got the dog. I was looking for a pet friendly place. I couldn’t find one but I found a really good place not pet friendly. My ex said she’d take the dog for 6 months so I could find a place. She decided 3 days later that she didn’t want to have the dog anymore and gave me 24 hours to claim him or he was going away. I had just spent $2200 on first and last months rent, and a security deposit and couldn’t get that back. He was given to friends of hers, so I’d still be able to see him (I was told). I went to see him a week later and those friends gave him away and didn’t get any contact information. It’s been 10 years and I’m still crushed.
Years ago my ex took naked pictures and video of me without my knowledge. The video recorder was hidden and the pictures were taken when I was asleep naked. He started to cheat on me and I caught him and tried to break up. He threatened to share my pictures on the internet and with everyone I knew. This was before revenge p*rn laws became a thing and I was young enough not to know what rights I had. I stayed with him months longer out of fear where he continued to sleep with others and pressured me into sex with him using the threat of my pictures. I eventually broke down and confided in my parents. My mom blamed me and said I was stupid for putting myself in the position where he got those pictures and video even though I didnt knowingly do it. Both of them told me to just ignore him and hed go away. I finally got sick of the threats and broke up with him. For a month he stalked me everywhere and continued to threaten. Eventually though, he did make good on his threats and sent copies of the pictures to some family, friends, etc and probably posted my videos somewhere online. It has left me screwed up to this day. I was parnoid amd checking for cameras for a long time. I never sleep naked. I never allow a camera phone in the room when having sex, and I have told every partner they will never get naked pictures of me. My husband was the first guy to take it in stride instead of pulling the “you dont trust me” card. He understood what I went through and has never asked me. .
Faking a pregnancy to try an manipulate me into staying with her(we weren’t married and i was barely 21), me calling her out in the first month, her continuing to lie and when i gave her an ultimatum she went to my dying mother and lied to her too… I will absolutely never forgive her for that. Luckily my mom knew me well enough that if i told her this wasn’t true she knew i wouldn’t lie about it, however for about 2.5 months it was constant hell and doubting myself daily. I knew she wasn’t pregnant but i also wasn’t 100% sure, that .1% lived in my head that entire time.
Edit: to help paint the picture a bit more. We got to the above bc i got pretty drunk she wasn’t and right before the fireworks so to speak she locked down on me (knowing I wasn’t trying to have children) and wouldn’t let me up during the finally, trapping me down (she was bigger than me) and saying how she needs my babies… that was the redflag that started the whole thing. As a 21 year old whom is somewhat responsible at least on that front (somewhat not completely…) this was a massive redflag that I couldn’t ignore and she played it off like it was nothing even though many times before I mentioned I didn’t want children until I thought we were both ready and responsible adults.
Interestingly enough just last month I got a message from her soon to be ex husband, whom when they got together i got a bunch of angry messages from him saying i was such a terrible person… I reached back out and showed him the messages that she was sending me begging to get back together, I tried to warn the dude “bro to bro” and sent him all the screen shots saying “hey man i know how this looks, it’s going to sound like i am trying to be a homewrecker here… But i promise i would never get back together with her and from bro to bro you should run… do what you will bc none of this will effect my life but she is going to manipulate you like she already has into you starting this conversation.” Now years later they have 3 kids and are going through a divorce caused by her. Poor dude is destroyed but he did reach back out to me and told me i was right and was sorry he didn’t listen. I didn’t even know how to respond other than “hey man if you want to grab a beer and talk s**t first round on me.”.
Intentionally caused a fight to prompt her to want to “take a break” over a one-month vacation, cheated on me with all three of her exes during that time and posted about it publicly. She refused to understand how I wouldn’t want to be her partner after that; we were “on a break” so it wasn’t technically cheating.
Image credits: Vertex138
Not the fact that he cheated on me, but that it was with my best friend who was engaged.
I found a stash of love letters in my college girlfriend’s closet one time. I also discovered that she had cheated on me with her old boyfriend, the person she was corresponding with. Now it’s 20 years later and she still tries to keep in touch with me, but I typically ignore her bc I will never forgive her.
We had dogs together and continued to share them after we broke up. We were on good terms overall and communicated well. One time when it was her turn to have them, she moved out of state, took them with her, and blocked me on everything. Not a word of warning. I found out by contacting her mom who I had a good relationship with, and she said she was told by my ex that it was discussed with me and that I agreed to it.
I hope she has a lifetime of misery and never experiences another ounce of happiness. I also just hope my dogs are okay. I’m still considering seeking legal action.
Manipulation through mind games for over 2 years.
– Having female friends during school was an issue (shared friendship group, most were also her friends)
– Having female flatmates at uni (couldn’t be helped)
– Wanting to spend time with my friends was an issue
– Being friends with an ex was an issue (this one I can understand but she was in a friendship group)
– Breaking up with me because “Mum said so” as I was a distraction.
In the end I wasn’t allowed to see friends or do anything by myself. Never cheated on her or gave her any form of concern, she was just massively controlling and manipulative.
This ex cheated on me twice during Uni with one of her friends (:
When I dumped her after finding out about the cheating, she lied to our friendship group and said I cheated on her, which I never did. She also threatened to cut herself if I broke up with her, which she did and then sent me photos of it over MSN.
F**k you Vicky.
Edit: I’m happy now, so no need to inform Reddit I’m vulnerable, but appreciate the concern. This was around 16 years ago.
We went through a rough patch but got together and she moved back in. We were living together for over 4 months before I found out she was still seeing someone else still. Guess she forgot to tell me, or tell him she moved in with me.
I forgave the cheating, the humiliating me in front of my loved ones, him drunkenly wrecking the car I loaned him money for and many other really dumb things I should’ve dumped him and ran from.
But the one that made me decide he’s dead to me was after a natural disaster hit our town and destroyed a ton of homes, including my rental and his own family’s home, he got mad that my parents’ house was untouched and said how he hopes it burns to the ground, they deserve it.
I think my spirit left my body and prevented a murder that day. It took about 5 years and moving 2k miles away to stop feeling like if I ever saw him again, I’m gonna run him over lol. He’s truly dead to me now, I don’t think I’d even notice if he walked up at this point lol.
I’ve been thru some bad stuff, but the worst was my ex husband knowing his friend attempted to assault me (and successfully assaulted other woman friends), and still continued a secret friendship with this man after assuring me he wasn’t going to hang out with someone like him. I felt violated all over again.
Confided to her that my brother (despite pushing 40) is an endless tattletale and will do anything to appease to any form of authority if he knows it will make him look good. Me and said ex once got into a big argument one night, so she decided to go to my brother’s house and claim I had been physically abusing her and our pet dog. My brother immediately told my parents and it took literal *years* to repair the damage. Sadly; I’ll never forgive my brother either for just immediately believing her and jumping at the opportunity to score points with my folks.
The sheer drama she gave me every single day. Even though she had borderline, I had to endure so much s**t because of her. I aged 10 years in 2,5.
My ex left me one week before we would go on vacation, it was all payed by me because it was a birthday present.
So Instead I had an amazing „romantic“ drunken vacation with a guy who I was friends with!
She let my dog freeze to death. We have kids together, so I won’t lie, I’m waiting until they’re 18 and seeing if the John wick emotion is still alive.
My ex wife said to me
“Stop shoveling your emotional s**t on me.”
This was in response to me trying to talk to her about my brothers death the month before.
My mother was calling me at all hours of the night weeping and drunk while I was working on wind turbines because of her grief, and so I thought I’d talk to my (now ex) wife about it.
That was painful and even at marriage Counseling she doubled down on it, saying
“You two weren’t close, stop trying to make it a big deal.”
Yeah, I’m glad to be out of that very bad deal.
Not only did she cheat on me and completely abandon me 6 months prior to our wedding date, but she took our cat from a quiet loving home to her mom’s where she most likely never had a moment of peace. Her mom’s dogs chase her cats and most of them won’t even leave the basement due to fear of those yappy little a******s. It broke my heart when I found out the love of my life was a cheating, lying wh*re…but, even 5 years later, I still can’t get over the thought of my sweet cat living in hell due to her selfishness. I will NEVER forgive her for that and I hope she never has a moment’s peace in life.
My ex and I were locked in a contentious custody battle. She claimed that my father had inappropriately touched our four year old son. If you knew these people you would know that accusation is completely unbelievable, and she is exactly the kind of person that would make it. By the way when all said and done she signed away custody and my boy who is now 36 is doing fine.
After we broke up because my ex gf was losing her temper and hitting me (knowing I’d never retaliate as she was a girl I was a guy etc) she still wouldn’t stop contacting me. I said I’d go to the police so she stopped contacting me….but a few months later I started dating a new girl, and my ex started contacting her (she’d stalked her on social media)!
She made outrageous claims like we had kids (?!) and that I was still sleeping with her (easily disproven as the time/date she gave I was luckily with my new gf) but after a few weeks of this harassment it had ruined my new relationship.
I did then contact the police, and my crazy ex was given a caution and has been “bound over” not to contact me or any partner again. She also lost her job (ironically, she worked for the police herself). But I lost a new relationship with someone I really liked, so I’ll never forgive my selfish, aggressive ex.
While I was overseas in the military my ex went out of her mind nuts. Screwed around, got into d***s, then kidnapped my 6 months old son. I didn’t see him again until he was 16. But during that time, she also abandoned him, now only 5 years old, and his younger sister (from another dad) onto the streets of downtown Dayton Ohio. He was then illegally (in my mind) adopted by a woman who never tried to contact me. That ruined my relationship with my son as he now has trust issues cannot overcome. He’s now 45. That, I’ve never forgiven, and I won’t.
Friend of a friend “Andy” asked me to go to prom with him and agreed to go to my prom with me. My boyfriend was away at college and would not be able to go to my senior prom with me. So it seemed like a fair exchange Andy needed a date to his senior prom and I needed one to mine so we would go as friends. I asked around about this guy Andy and everybody told me what a great upstanding guy he was. So I felt safe going to prom with him. It turns out that the only reason he took me to his prom was because the girl he had been crushing on for years agreed to finally sleep with him, if he made it seem like I had cheated on my boyfriend with him. Why would she do this? Because two years earlier she had wanted to date my boyfriend, and found out I was already dating him, so she started this mission to trying to destroy our relationship. She would report me and my boyfriend to the office for doing inappropriate things in the hallway, and she made other accusations about me to the principal. Her setting me up with Andy was her last ditch effort to not only ruin my reputation at school, but break me and my boyfriend up for good. She bribed Andy’s best friend with sexual favors as well to have him slip stuff in my drink at the prom. The last thing I clearly remember is asking my date why all of my sodas were open when his bestie brought them to the table. His response was “Donny’s just being a gentleman don’t be a b***h”.
A few years later I was hired to be the photographer at a wedding, it wasn’t until 2 days before the wedding I found out who the groom was. At his wedding Andy cornered me alone and told me how awkward it was for him to see me there, because of our sexual history together. As far as I knew we had no history together, because I have no memory of anything happening between us. When he saw the look of disgust on my face, he said to me “Oh relax it was just a joke what do I have to do d**g you again?”
Though I can’t say anything good came out of the situation itself, I can say that me and my boyfriend never actually broke up. We’ve been married for many years now. But I will never forgive Beth, Andy, or Donnie for what they did to me.
Used my childhood trauma of my parent being an abusive alcoholic against me when I called him out for his drinking behaviors and coming home blacked out from work. Told me I was projecting my trauma and issues with my parent into him and I needed help/ therapy bc I wasn’t a good partner.
We’re now divorced. Therapy worked wonders for me so jokes on him.
Used me for attention the entire time, made all of my personal life public, while cheating on me at the same time, her family supported her cheating which I know because her sister went with her and her ex to a concert as a group, along with her friend.
Honestly and it sounds simple, cheating. I don’t date anymore, I’m no longer interested. I’ll go out to a bar (just with some mates to socialise, I don’t drink) and spend a night with someone but that’s it. I can’t date. When I did I just asked my partner to give me two things, their honesty and faithfulness. They never did and it’s a more common problem nowadays than people like to admit. Edit: just a follow up someone went to Reddit on me concerned and I don’t need the help but it was the sweetest thing ever I don’t know you, but thank you.
Girlfriend at the time (and the woman who I thought was the love of my life) went completely cold and distant when my cat died. This woman was a dogwalker and helped special needs pets but when it came to me being inconsolable for the week or two that followed, she said she didn’t know what to do so she just ghosted me for good.
RIP Greta. Best kitty ever.
After we split I wanted to take our great dane. I was the one raising her and Iived in the bush. So figured I could provide her the life she deserved. My ex of spite kept her and her dad pulled a gun on me when I tried to reason with her parents. She told them I cheated on her and was coming to steal the dogs … Long story short she was 2 at the time. I found out through mutual friends she was put down at 3 because she couldn’t support her own weight. “Was kept in a kennel all day”. I can get over the lying the manipulation and cheating but don’t f**k with my dogs.
We had different goals. He wanted to settle while I wanted to travel, so I was about to leave the relationship and move to another country. He wasn’t happy with my decision but told me that he’d let me go for my own happiness.
He took me to a fancy dinner 1 month before my departure, got me drunk and then proceeded to have unprotected sex with me. It was dark and he assured me he was wearing a condom.
A month later i discovered I was pregnant. He expected me to keep it and got annoyed when I was adamant about the abortion.
When we finally broke up for good, he admitted he got me pregnant on purpose, hoping I would stay with him.
Makes my blood still boil that he could manipulate me like that. We were together for 4 years before and I trusted him completely.
I write fiction to blow off steam. Some novel ideas, some film ideas, some poetry, some song lyrics……a little bit of everything. I had/have no interest in getting published or having anyone else read any of my work. It is strictly a creative outlet that I had no plans to monetize or spread any further than my desktop. Not unlike playing guitar in your own bedroom with no intention of joining a band or booking any gigs. For me it just feels cathartic and gets challenging the more you get into it.
We had been dating for 8 months. She borrowed my laptop for her job. No problem. I have nothing to hide on it. Just don’t get a virus or anything. A week later, her new work laptop arrives.
I get mine back, and all of the files for my writing had been erased. Like, not just the dippy poetry or teenager level song lyrics. All of it. Gone. Literally hundreds of hours spent trying to improve each work. Gone. I didn’t back any of it up on disk (yes, it was that long ago—no cloud) because I assumed it would be safe in her hands.
We were supposed to meet up at a local rock club that night to watch a show. I walk in and break up with her right there. She tried to defend her actions and say she was sad that I didn’t write anything for her. All of the content was either completely fictional or about other people. I just told her never to talk to me again and left. We spoke maybe 2 times after that and she still didn’t comprehend the depth of loss and betrayal I was feeling. She knew she had f****d up and admitted to that. But these arguments further showed me that she was incapable of empathy towards me and what I consider important. Maybe she has grown up some since then, but I don’t care enough now to find out.
Caught him messaging and trying to get with minors.
She called me one time early in the morning to go pick her up at some random house, It turns out she cheated on me with a guy she found at the club and he didn’t bother to get her an uber or cab money just used and tossed her out, basically kicked her out before his girlfriend comes home from night-shift (she was a nurse) so she decided to call her boyfriend(me) to pick her up from the house she just f****d the whole night in.
Getting me into s*x work, living off the money he made me make. (I recognise he was more of a pimp than a boyfriend but that’s usually how s*x trafficking starts anyway.).
Telling me that he hoped my cousins (who were children at the time) and my uncle would die in a fiery car crash in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue just so the world could be rid of useless people.
Bonus points for the time he pointed a loaded gun at me with the safety off, in full preparation to fire it.
He’s now getting sued for medical malpractice, so I look forward to hearing the outcome.
The f****r threw away the teddy bear I was given on the day I was born. Y’know, that teddy that’s had all it’s fur hugged off and your mum had to sew the head back on because you cuddled it so hard.
The exploitation of my good nature and bank balance, along with the dead bedroom and alcoholism were arguably partly my fault because I enabled it for years. You can’t help somebody who doesn’t want to be helped.
But my f*****g teddy bear? No.
So happy RN though and with a wonderful partner who treats me like a queen. I hear that the ex is doing better now and is sober, so good for him too.
Literally yesterday. She was yelling at me and sneered “Happy Mother’s Day, edmanet”. Twice. Then laughed.
My mother died 40 years ago. That was more than mean, that was f****d up.
Coming to terms with the fact that my first time wasn’t legal nor was it consensual. Took me eight years to finally admit it, since during those eight years I’ve lived in guilt, shame and denial. J, if by chance you’re reading this- I give myself grace for experiencing your shame, for falling for your coercion disguised as care and love, and I forgive myself for being statutorily r*ped by you. Whether you can forgive yourself is your decision.
She regularly assaulted me. Then when my brother was no longer in a relationship, she dumped me under the pretenses that I was the second best thing, and now that he was free she didn’t have to settle for second place. Then when he didn’t want her, she came crawling back to me expecting me to happily take her back.
This has ruined me for life I feel, as I just cannot bring myself to trust romantic partners in meeting my brother.
And it was not just her, everyone – my entire life – has always liked my brother more. And I’ll never understand why. It’s not exactly like I’m supposed to just be him. I got my own god damn identity, and yet because I’m not him, all the pieces of s**t who’ve plagued my life act like I’m inferior. F**k those people. Everyone I’ve met who knows my brother, pretty much.
Her manipulation, which I didn’t realise.
But the one act/straw that broke camel’s back was she lashed out on me with things I told her over years in 5mins. She had compiled a lot of things I did or said which found as icks and spit it on my face with full vitriol. It made me uncomfortable enough to think something was wrong in our relationship. And she had the audacity to do it, after randomly oogling random men all through the morning.
I CAN ONLY SAY ONE THING?? Getting a dog after we already had three cats (a mutual choice we made together), and we had already had multiple conversations about getting a dog and I was firm in never wanting one. I even offered to move into an apartment by myself with the cats if he wanted a dog that bad. Instead, he secretly got one when I left the state for 24 hours for my birthday?
She turned my children against me. It took a couple of years for them to get wise to her, but they now see her for what she is, and we have a great relationship.
After 4 years of treating her like a queen and her repeatedly telling me **”you are so good to me”** she dumped me. She wouldn’t admit bc she is a narcissist who could do no wrong but she got attention from another guy. We were still talking and even had a nice dinner date. I caught her in a lie about her whereabout a couple days after our nice dinner date but didn’t confront her. A couple days later she tells me “I’ve been dating and I now realize **how bad you treated me.**”.
She told her adult family friend of my sexual fetish and SHE brought it up in a discussion.
He took me away from my friends and then tried to manipulate me into a different sexuality which I had nobody to help me see that it was happening.
So, getting involved with my friend…. Treating me and my love like s**t….
I have been cheated on and could forgive her fairly quickly, pretty much the next day. We still broke up, it was still over with no chance of turning back, I couldnt care less about a person that is so vile. I am certain karma got her a*s in the end and if not, fine with me too.
What I couldnt forgive her for was betrying my family like that. My family are kind people, they took her in, helped her establish her life here, treated her like a daughter only for her to betray them too.
I can remember the faces of them, they were more shocked than me. My mother still hasn’t forgiven her to this day.