If you had to carry around a sign for a day, pandas, what would yours say? Perhaps you would want to remind others how important it is to wear SPF. Or maybe you’d encourage them to compliment another person to make someone else’s day! Or, if you’re really creative, you might want to write a confusing and chaotic message for all to see. You certainly wouldn’t be the first to do so…
If you’re interested in checking out some bizarre and hilarious signs, you’ve come to the right place. We took a trip to a couple of Facebook groups dedicated to sharing wild signs, Absurd Signs (Not Absurd Rules) and The Absurd Sign Project Uncensored 2, and gathered some of their best posts down below. Keep reading to find a chat with Chuck Darling, an admin of Absurd Signs (Not Absurd Rules), and be sure to upvote all of your favorite pics!
Image credits: Chuck Darling
Image credits: Marie Oakes
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
When it comes to signs, there are endless possibilities out there. And no, I’m not talking about signs from the universe. (Although, some of the signs featured here might be equally as cryptic and unintelligible.) We’ve got road signs, signs outside of businesses, billboards, stop signs, yard signs outside of people’s homes and more. Signage is a part of our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. But lucky for us, it can sometimes be hilarious and entertaining.
To learn more about this topic, we reached out to Chuck Darling, an admin of Absurd Signs (Not Absurd Rules), who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. According to the group’s description, Absurd Signs (Not Absurd Rules) is “for posting absurd signs, letters, banners, labels, and tee shirts.” The community also welcomes “any use of the English language you find awkward,” such as product labels and more.
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Illogical Reasoning
Image credits: Edo Schweihs
As far as how this group came about, Chuck shared that his friend Phil (also known as “Denton Vale”) created the group. “He made it as a result of his dissatisfaction with what he felt were pointless rules in other large popular signage groups (not naming any names),” Chuck explained.
“He asked me to help him with it, as I have a history of helping moderate other large groups like ‘a group where you get banned for saying the magic word’ and ‘Weird Meme,'” he added.
We’ve actually featured Weird Meme at Bored Panda before; feel free to check out that piece here!
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Jack W Mathews Jr
Image credits: Rob Eagy
The Absurd Signs group was created in September 2022, and it’s clearly had plenty of success, as it currently has over 32K members. And it seems to only be going up from here, as over 3,600 Facebook users have joined the group in the last week.
But thankfully, Chuck says being an admin isn’t too tough. “I don’t really have to do a lot of moderating with this group, mostly just making posts and removing spam,” he shared. “[And] kicking out bigoted hateful people that might show up, every now and then.”
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Eric Draven
Image credits: Lynne Uhl
As far as why so many of us are amused by these bizarre signs, Chuck says, “I think people like subversions of expectations, seeing memes and signs that don’t make sense right away, as well as ones that just make you wonder what the sign maker was even thinking.”
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Chris Hebden
We also asked Chuck if he could share any of his favorite signs that have been shared in the group. One of which is what he referred to as “party dog,” which features a sign of a dog who appears to be skateboarding, smoking and drinking wine all at once that’s “banned” from a park. His other personal favorite was a sign for “The Unbelievable Mystery Hole” in West Virginia.
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Jack W Mathews Jr
Image credits: Rob Eagy
If you’re looking to design a sign of your own, for your business or personal use, it’s important to remember that it’s pointless unless it actually grabs people’s attention. To do so, you might want to include a funny joke, an eye-catching image or a clever pun. Target Print & Mail recommends making sure your sign has a purpose and focusing on that first and foremost. For example, are you trying to make those passing by laugh, draw in customers, educate readers, inspire or inform?
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Wayne Lake
Image credits: Dashiell Merrick-Kamm
When it comes to designing your sign, don’t be afraid to stand out. There are infinite possibilities when it comes to colors, shapes, size, and how you choose to communicate your message. Get creative, and make sure that you play around with fonts and images to ensure your final product is as effective as possible. Bonus points if you create a sign that people will want to photograph and share on social media! That’s free advertising or exposure without any additional effort.
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Muk Esh
We hope you’re enjoying this scroll through these hilarious and slightly confusing signs, pandas. Keep upvoting all of your favorites, and feel free to share any funny signs you’ve come across in the comments below. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more bizarre signs that might make you raise your eyebrows, we recommend reading this Bored Panda article next!
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Chris Hebden
Image credits: Scott Hicks
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Robert Motor
Image credits: Irene Elsa Branstad
Image credits: William D. Kalt III
Image credits: Bud Mcfadden
This is an actual highway sign. Must suck to live in Idaho.
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Alex Canclini
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Jim Basinger
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Jim Basinger
Image credits: Amanda Clark
Image credits: Edo Schweihs
Image credits: Arthur King
Image credits: Robin Sinclair-Collado
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Jeff ‘ Jw’ Waddell
Image credits: Meme Of The Day
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Chuck Darling
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Jack W Mathews Jr
Image credits: Jim Basinger
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Rick Espinoza
Image credits: Janey Godley’s Fanpage
Image credits: Chuck Darling
Image credits: Donna Battista
Image credits: Dashiell Merrick-Kamm
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Lynne Uhl
Image credits: Jim Basinger
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Scott Hicks
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Katarina Cindrić
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Torben Christensen
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Alex Canclini
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Richard Slijk
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Muk Esh
Image credits: Daniel Allen
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Robin Holt Wilson-Snow
Image credits: Todd Wilbur
Image credits: Denton Vale
Image credits: Giyan Chand
Image credits: Leighton Perkins
Image credits: Dashiell Merrick-Kamm
Image credits: Philip Anderson
Image credits: Rob Eagy
Image credits: Richard Slijk
Image credits: Donna Battista
Image credits: Kevin Carrington
Image credits: Oscar Hedlund
Image credits: Lynne Uhl
Image credits: Rob Eagy