No matter what level of comedian we think we are, it so happens that our brains occasionally freeze, making us completely oblivious to humor. For some, these unfortunate moments of weakness happen online, where they remain forever for everyone to see.
However, finding the bright side of it is better than trying to outlive the dread of making a silly mistake on the Internet. That’s where the r/woooosh subreddit comes in, nobly sharing missed jokes for anyone who needs a humorous pick-me-up. Check out the best they have to offer down below and don’t forget to upvote your favorites.
While you’re busy laughing and cringing at the same time, don’t forget to check out a conversation with business humorist, author, podcaster, and multi-TEDx speaker Lisa David Olson, as well as NY Times bestselling humorist, New Yorker cartoonist, and editor of the humor newsletter Bob Eckstein, who agreed to tell us why some people miss the joke.
#1 How Dense The Population Is
Image credits: DatHappyGamer96
#2 1918 Netflix
Image credits: ConanOBrien
#3 Core-Ean
Image credits: ExoticChef2
Eckstein tells Bored Panda “Nowadays, with so many avenues of media, so many TV channels, so many different shows and podcasts, and interests, someone can miss the reference being used in a joke easier than ever.”
He explains that our worlds have never been more different. Someone on the other side of the planet might curate a list of the most famous people in the world, and it’s possible he wouldn’t know any of them, and vice versa.
“We used to say humor is universal. That portion of comedy that everyone can understand and relate to is shrinking,” he adds.
#4 These Subtitles Are Really Immersive
Image credits: ThePbbLatias
#5 I Mean He Was Trying To Be Helpful
Image credits: USGrantWasTheMan
#6 Mews, Mewsment Park
Image credits: Sandesfinas
Meanwhile, Olson suggests that sarcasm may be one of the culprits behind a joke going over people’s heads. In fact, she tells us that it’s “the main essence of humor.”
While trying to understand witticism, she says that education levels matter as well. And if you have to add “you had to be there,” chances are that your joke is not going to resonate with your audience.
#7 How Could You Forget
Image credits: Jakememer
#8 Nothing Starts With “N” And Ends With “G”
Image credits: LunaBug235
#9 I Know A Fat Guy Who Likes To Grill!
Image credits: reddit.com
On the other hand, Olson mentions that self-deprecating humor tends to be the one people find the easiest to understand. She illustrates this with an example: ‘I’m a hardworking person. Everything becomes harder when I’m working on it. I made a pallet last week from an old coffee table.’
She adds, “Gently teasing yourself ensures others can’t be the first to make fun of you and shows, ‘Hey! I’m a joke-making machine!’”
#10 The Bad Doctor
Image credits: reddit.com
#11 Yeah, Why Is She On Them?
Image credits: TheGalvanian
#12 Clearly, You’re Not Smart As You Think You Are
Image credits: wainpot437
In his work, Eckstein occasionally tries to eliminate any language barriers that can interfere with humor by creating cartoons with no captions. “There are certainly also age barriers,” he adds. “This cartoon enclosed may be relatable only to those of a certain age group, but for many, it is all too relatable.”
#13 Right Over The Head Of An Anti-Vaxxer
Image credits: GillianMcKeith
#14 The World Goes On
Image credits: reddit.com
#15 Nope He’s From Star Trek
Image credits: lesterzeor1
We were also curious to know if it’s possible to improve one’s understanding of humor. Olsen says it can be difficult. “Sarcasm is a tough area for many. Especially if there are language barriers, age differences, or ethnic variations of those around. Sarcasm isn’t universal. If one has to say “Just kidding” or “That was a joke,” it’s time to switch your style for the group you’re with.”
#16 The Comment Got 9 Likes
Image credits: Zb0kn
#17 Bruh Moment
Image credits: BhargavFTW
#18 This Is A Drum Set
Image credits: TitanElectrons
However, it’s not impossible. To prove this, she kindly shared her son’s inspiring journey to humor. “One of our sons is on the autistic spectrum and used to laugh when others laughed. When it was realized he was mirroring, we worked to explain jokes in a broken-down method. Years later, he’s performing improv on stages. Taking the time to work at humor matters. It’s also how we learn from each other and about each other.”
#19 Russian Vaccine Go Blyat
Image credits: idekk_hemmo
#20 Definitely The Bird Hitching A Ride
Image credits: Ash_Dog_Magic12
#21 Looks Like New York To Me
Image credits: ystricap
Meanwhile, Eckstein believes that something that can help is being well-read and open-minded. He also adds, “There’s no crime for not getting a joke. I like to say that if EVERYONE gets the joke, it cannot be great but is probably bland enough that people with little or no sense of humor find it funny. When it comes to humor, quality over quantity.”
#22 The Government Controls Everything Stoopit
Image credits: ErickaLydon
#23 You Didn’t Solve It
Image credits: reddit.com
#24 I Can’t Believe Da Vinci Would Do Something Like That
Image credits: UnderstandingFuture6
Olsen concludes by saying that humor can be universal and connect people if you’re including them and taking ideas from a current moment. “Even with strangers in line at the store. “If this line were moving any slower, we’d look like we’re here for a group photo.”
She adds, “Humor is a connector. Including those around you in on the fun is a fantastic way to share a laugh, experience joy, and leave laughter in your wake.”
#25 Facebook Never Disappoints
Image credits: loko5929
#26 Yes, Dorothy
Image credits: nimeshudawattha99
#27 9/11 Is A Conspiracy
Image credits: yaDoinCk
#28 I Thought It Was Real
Image credits: reddit.com
#29 She Didn’t Understood
Image credits: JubinJohn
#30 Would Of Never Guessed Mate
Image credits: reddit.com
#31 My Friend On Discord
Image credits: MapleSyrupAddict2006
#32 A Simple Pun
Image credits: DingoDamp
#33 What An Idiot
Image credits: szymimix
#34 I Thought He Would Have Got It
Image credits: reddit.com
#35 An Oldie But A Goldie
Image credits: HayyanPro167
#36 This Is So Sad Guys
Image credits: reddit.com
#37 Nothing Gets Past This Person, Not Even Those Sneaky Party Invites
Image credits: FireFlavour
#38 C’mon, Pet Smart Would’ve Told You It Was A Ferret
Image credits: tangshxcvcbvbn
#39 I Think The Punchline Was
Image credits: reddit.com
#40 You Don’t Say?
Image credits: RedIrisCirce3
#41 I Knew I Would Find That Comment
Image credits: roggyman
#42 Why Is Everyone On Instagram So Stupid
Image credits: young_Mz
#43 I Guess He Won’t Be Getting 500k
Image credits: DigitalCapes
#44 It’s Healthy
Image credits: reddit.com
#45 “This Is Also A Lie”
Image credits: pthomsen-Tvhf4576
#46 We’ve Been Fooled
Image credits: sqanker
#47 Same Way All Submarines Do
Image credits: alexiasimoes6
#48 You’re Wrong My Friend
Image credits: reddit.com
#49 Wdym, Its A Picture Taken Back Then
Image credits: Minestars_player69
#50 That Guy Must’ve Hard Time Getting Laid
Image credits: reddit.com