65 Honest And Unhinged Posts On X From Parents Who’ve Seen It All (April Edition)

Despite the fact that humans have parented for basically as long as there have been humans, people with kids can attest to the fact that one’s offspring can always find a way to surprise you. From novel and innovative ways to make a mess, to “kid-logic” that can give you an aneurysm, parents, it seems, never have a dull moment. 

We’ve gathered some of the best posts on X from parents sharing their funny stories or relatable experiences from this April. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments section below. 


Image credits: milifeasdad


Image credits: itssherifield


Image credits: Angel_150913


Image credits: SladeWentworth


Image credits: Chhapiness


Image credits: dadmann_walking


Image credits: deloisivete


Image credits: itssherifield


Image credits: mommeh_dearest


Image credits: itssherifield


Image credits: IDontSpeakWhine


Image credits: milifeasdad


Image credits: allholls


Image credits: SatiricalMommy


Image credits: IDontSpeakWhine


Image credits: MediocreMamaa


Image credits: UncleBob56


Image credits: Average_Dad1


Image credits: Mrs_JParker


Image credits: deloisivete


Image credits: presentparent_


Image credits: michimama75


Image credits: dadmann_walking


Image credits: mcdadstuff


Image credits: blankbankcheck


Image credits: KatieDeal99


Image credits: dadmann_walking


Image credits: ElyKreimendahl


Image credits: notmythirdrodeo


Image credits: copymama


Image credits: mom_tho


Image credits: treydayway


Image credits: nikalamity


Image credits: mommeh_dearest


Image credits: notmythirdrodeo


Image credits: mom_needsalife


Image credits: reallifemommy3


Image credits: Dadof2crazyboys


Image credits: reallifemommy3


Image credits: terrip38


Image credits: deloisivete


Image credits: reallifemommy3


Image credits: MadHatterMommy


Image credits: itssherifield


Image credits: SvnSxty


Image credits: RYGdance


Image credits: reallifemommy3


Image credits: gbergan


Image credits: ericamorecambe


Image credits: maryfairybobrry


Image credits: RYGdance


Image credits: itssherifield


Image credits: NotTodayEric


Image credits: mahnamematt


Image credits: Average_Dad1


Image credits: ericamorecambe


Image credits: RodLacroix


Image credits: raoulvilla


Image credits: jelly_ehles


Image credits: Mrs_JParker


Image credits: Cafeinated_Dad


Image credits: reallifemommy3


Image credits: milifeasdad


Image credits: kristabellerina


Image credits: milifeasdad
