If the internet has done one good thing,it’s given us unprecedented access to pictures of animals. Cats are and will probably remain internet royalty, but one doesn’t have to stop there. After all, why not take some time to learn more about our furry friends. So we’ve gathered some of the cutest images of animal paws, claws and flippers.
We also got in touch with Nina Thompson from the San Diego Humane Society to learn more about how we can help animals in need. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to comment your own thoughts below.
More info: sdhumane.org
#1 One Of The Coolest Animals In My Opinion
Image credits: naturalenergybyproxy
#2 American Coot
Image credits: obephotos
#3 The Imposing Talons Of A Great Horned Owl
Image credits: Mophandel
Bored Panda got in touch with Nina Thompson from the San Diego Humane Society to learn more about the sorts of animals many of us keep at home and how to help the animals unfortunate enough to not have a forever home yet. Firstly, we wanted to know some steps folks at home can take to help animals in need.
“With shelters facing space crises, fosters are more critical than ever. By temporarily opening your home to a pet, you give them a break from the shelter — and help preserve extremely strained shelter resources. Whether you choose to foster for a few days or weeks, it all makes a difference. San Diego Humane Society provides all the supplies, you provide the safe space and love.” If you are interested in helping, you can visit the San Diego Humane Society website’s foster page.
#4 Their Little Paws
Image credits: strange-quark-nebula
#5 Penguin Foot
Image credits: lornamoff
#6 A Close-Up Of A Gecko’s Foot
Image credits: MrCharlieWaffles
If taking in an animal doesn’t fit your current living conditions, there are other options out there as well. “Volunteer: With all San Diego Humane Society shelter campuses facing staff and volunteer shortages, support is urgently needed. If you have spare time available, committing to a shift each week is a great way to make a lifesaving difference,” she shared with Bored Panda.
#7 A Big Itch Requires A Big Paw To Satisfy That Itch
Image credits: prairiefoto
#8 Nutria Standing On Its Back Feet
Image credits: Cormickz
#9 Kangaroo Feet Are Creepy
Image credits: SmartPossum
“With the critical space shortage in shelters across the country, we ask anyone who needs to rehome their pet to try to do so on their own, instead of immediately bringing their pets to the shelter. You know your pet the best, you know what type of family they would do well in. San Diego Humane Society offers rehoming resources that can help. These tools allow pet owners to create a profile for their adoptable pet and place the animal directly in their new home.” If you are feeling indecisive, never fear, some animals might end up where you live anyway.
#10 Our Dog’s Paw Looks Like A Mini-Version Of Him
Image credits: p480n
#11 These Squirrel Feet
Image credits: this_girl_is_a_squirrel
#12 This Is How A Chameleon’s Feet Look Like
Image credits: Realhumanbeing3
Nina shared some parting thoughts and advice. “If you think you have to give up your pet because of financial reasons, please seek support first. At San Diego Humane Society, and many other shelters, there are resources to keep pets with their families through challenging times.” For folks outside of San Diego, reach out to your local animal shelter and see what they have to offer.
#13 Spread Paws
Image credits: lsc194
#14 Polar Bear Paw vs. My Hand
Image credits: earofjenkins
#15 Turtle Feet
Image credits: kkobbuk_nani_lee
#16 Aye-Aye Or Madagascar Little Hand
Image credits: save_ayeaye
#17 African Jacana
Image credits: mareliza_jurgens
#18 The Well-Worn Feet Of An Emperor Penguin
They’re not overly efficient when used for walking, they’re mildly helpful when used as propulsion for belly sliding across the ice. And are best tucked out of the way for swimming for the fastest, most efficient method of transport that penguins have.
Image credits: jazzamagoo
#19 Holy Toe Beans Big Foot
Image credits: Pirate_Redbeard
#20 Bear Paw
Image credits: reddit.com
#21 Having My Hand Hold A Nile Crocodile’s Foot Is Something That Will Never Get Old
This crocodile is older than I am. It has seen things that I have not. It has experienced more than I have. This bloodline comes from Africa & who knows what its ancestors experienced.
Image credits: madbioreptiles
#22 Red-Handed Tamarin
Image credits: Mathias Appel
#23 My Duck’s Feet
Image credits: NUTTHEAD
#24 The Philippine Tarsier. The World’s Smallest Primate
Image credits: beyond_the_bucketlist
#25 This Paw Has A Small Paw Mark
Image credits: uwuuwu
#26 Pedicured Paw Of An Avicularia Avicularia (Tarantula)
Image credits: 8FuzzyLegs
#27 A Hand Of A Koala
Image credits: verdachteaugurk
#28 Wallace’s Flying Frog
Image credits: joremytony
#29 Ostrich Foot
Image credits: ann.page.ph
#30 Crocodile vs. Human Hand
Image credits: Bindi Irwin
#31 A Close-Up Of A Squirrel’s Paw
Image credits: BatteredConvexity
#32 Flamingo
Image credits: peterhollebrandse_fotografie
#33 In Case Anyone Is Wondering What Chameleon Feet Look Like Up Close
Image credits: Hefty_Solution_4980
#34 Baby Owl
Image credits: jennyk3609
#35 Armadillo Foot
Image credits: i_ljosi
#36 The Tiny Foot Of Tortoise
Image credits: murphdurph25
#37 The Silent Predator
Image credits: nileshpshah
#38 This Picture I Took Of A Geckos Foot
Image credits: jed357
#39 Picture I Took Today, Anyone Denying The Existence Of Dinosaurs Never Saw An Emu Foot Up Close
Image credits: fredouell
#40 So This Is What A Gecko’s Feet Look Like When Sticking On Walls
Image credits: phauuyap
#41 Black-Throated Monitor’s Feet
Image credits: jm_exotic_pets
#42 Look At Those Paws
Image credits: mrssayler
#43 Foot Of Bat
Image credits: mingdenasty
#44 Bear Paw
Image credits: kilhambearcenter
#45 Ray’s Hands
This is how I found Bagheera sleeping today and took the opportunity to take a macro shot of his little hands.
Image credits: eatmypixel
#46 This Bird’s Feathery Feet
Image credits: RustedTurnip
#47 This Bird’s Feet Look Skeletal
Image credits: damnyewgoogle
#48 Giant Gecko Foot Up Close
Image credits: kanben
#49 Quoll Beans. How Cute Is This Little Foot?
This little foot belongs to one of our Spotted-tail quoll joeys! This is a quality photo that perfectly shows off a couple of key adaptions Spotted-tail quolls have to help them climb trees.
Along with sharp claws, the rear paw has four full digits and one-half digits that act a bit like a thumb, and ridged pads that add extra grip.
These features also help make them some very adorable feet!
Image credits: devilsatcradle
#50 Micro Bat Foot
Image credits: ga_veterinary
#51 Such Big Powerful Lizard Paws
Image credits: dynanimal
#52 Close-Up Of Our Spider Paw. I Could Stare At These Creatures All Day
Image credits: SmolderingDesigns
#53 The Underside Of This American Alligator Foot Has A Unique Texture
Image credits: miscnaturefinds
#54 Koala Foot
Image credits: daniparrafa