In a perfect world, we would never have to worry about encountering anyone dangerous. But sadly, that’s just not the reality we live in. And if it makes you feel safer to know a bit of self-defense or to carry around pepper spray in your purse, more power to you!
Most of us who take these precautions do so for the peace of mind, without ever actually intending to use our weapons or skills. But one woman recently decided to defend herself against her mother’s boyfriend after he entered her room unannounced. Below, you’ll find the full story that she posted on Reddit, as well as some of the replies concerned readers shared.
This woman was less than thrilled when her mom invited her boyfriend to move in with them
Image credits: Miguel_SR (not the actual photo)
So when he barged in on her changing, she didn’t hesitate to retaliate
Image credits: Image-Source (not the actual photo)
Image credits: LightFieldStudios (not the actual photo)
Image source: AcanthisittaNew7036
It’s important for teens to be given space and privacy
Seeing your parents enter into new relationships can often be difficult. Even as an adult, you may still feel like a child to your mother or father, and it can be challenging trying to squeeze a new person into your relationship. They might not have as much time for you, and they might start prioritizing their partner over you. Plus, if you don’t like the person your parent is dating, it’s easy to become bitter and frustrated.
In this particular story, it sounds like the mother’s boyfriend did not respect the boundaries set by his partner’s daughters. It can be strange enough to have an adult man move into your home when you’re only a teen, but having him barge in on your bedroom can quickly feel like your privacy has been violated. Privacy is incredibly important to teenagers, and it is something they should all be entitled to, Verywell Family notes.
While it can raise red flags if your teens are too secretive, allowing them space and privacy is a great way for parents to build trust with their kids. As they are going through puberty and developing, teens should have the freedom to explore and develop their own interests, have the choice to keep their bodies private from their family members and be allowed to build confidence without having their parents constantly looking over their shoulders.
Pepper spray can cause a variety of painful symptoms
On the other hand, when teens aren’t allowed space and privacy, it can lead to frustration and bitterness. It can also encourage kids to lash out or intentionally start keeping secrets from their parents. And, of course, it can escalate to dangerous situations such as this one. Pepper spray is essentially an oil including a variety of strong peppers at a very high concentration that can be used for self-defense, and it’s often carried by people who want to be prepared to defend themselves against attackers.
Women are often encouraged to carry pepper spray along with their keys, but anyone (who lives in a country where it’s legal) can keep it on them just in case an emergency ever arises. According to Medical News Today, pepper spray typically causes a “bubbling or boiling” sensation, as well as a dry cough, wheezing, throat burning, shortness of breath, gagging, chest pain, a runny nose, dizziness, loss of consciousness and/or rashes, blisters or burns.
While the effects of pepper spray can be extremely uncomfortable, they typically resolve in about 30 minutes and do not normally require medical treatment. To ease symptoms caused by pepper spray, it’s recommended to get fresh air, flush the affected areas with lots of water, remove clothes that have been contaminated, avoid touching the affected areas and blink rapidly.
While it is legal to carry pepper spray in many places, it’s recommended to only use it when necessary
In the United States, pepper spray is technically legal in all 50 states, but some areas have specific regulations when it comes to the possession of pepper spray, including how much and what types residents are allowed to carry around. Esteem also warns on their site that it’s not necessarily a perfect solution. It might not always work, especially if the attacker is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
It’s only effective if the assailant actually registers that they’re in pain, something that those in altered states of mind don’t always realize immediately. There’s also the risk that an attacker can steal pepper spray from a victim and use it on them. If it’s not used quickly and effectively, it might not be the best method of self-defense.
Some legal experts even warn that victims must have a very good reason for using pepper spray, or it might backfire on them in court. “When you actually use it, the circumstances of your use will then decide that line between lawfulness and unlawfulness, and you could be in trouble with criminal laws as well as civil laws,” Elaine Chiu, a professor of law at St. John’s University, warns.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article, you can find one discussing safety tips right here!
Some readers assured the woman that her self-defense was justified
Others, however, called her out for overreacting and causing physical harm
The post “The Guy Is Creepy”: Teen Pepper Sprays Mom’s BF After He Enters Her Room Without Knocking first appeared on Bored Panda.