The internet isn’t just home to funny cat pics and delightfully witty memes. It has an edgier, weirder side, too. One that makes you do a double-take and wonder whether what you’re looking at is actually real. The r/cursedcomments subreddit is one of the best places for showing what this side of the net looks like.
We’ve collected some of the top cursed comments of all time to share with you. Scroll down to have a read, but be warned—there’s a lot of uncomfortable content and bizarreness involved here. It’s not for the faint of heart. Though, remember, you shouldn’t feel too guilty if you laugh at some of these pics. It’s fine to enjoy dark humor once in a while.
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Image credits: EeveeMasterJenya
Image credits: 0DarkChar0
Cursed comments, as a genre, are the replies that internet users leave underneath social media posts and videos. They are, as a general rule, very unexpected or even upsetting.
At the same time, they’re often humorous in an “oh, God, why am I laughing at something so horrible and weird?” kind of way.
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: Yaboikeegs1289
Image credits: peterbishopisnotdead
At the time of writing, r/cursedcomments boasts a whopping 3.3 million members from all over the globe. The subreddit is incredibly well known, not just on Reddit but on social media and elsewhere as well. Even legendary Swedish YouTube content creator PewDiePie joked about how the sub is “the worst.”
The subreddit, founded in April 2018, is already a part of internet culture. It’s also very likely that you’ve come across some content, as shared by the members of the online group, at some point in time.
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Image credits: KYLEZOOKI
Image credits: Mr_Punchable
According to the team running the group, the point of r/cursedcomments is to share comments that “strike the reader into oblivion.” The goal is to make the audience feel lost and confused, wondering what the heck they just read.
“Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face,” they explain.
Image credits: SuperGamer-YT
Image credits: MushuTheGreat17
Image credits: SZT2
During a previous interview with the founder of r/cursedcomments, Bored Panda learned about the history behind the group.
“I founded the subreddit a while back. I actually was going through some memes posted on Reddit and saw a response to a somewhat… ‘fitting’ comment that would be right at home with CursedComments. In a response to the comment, someone jokingly posted r/cursedcomments. I was intrigued, and when I clicked on it, the subreddit didn’t exist, so I created it because I thought it was super good,” redditor u/winwinwe told us.
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However, the founder of the sub admitted that, unfortunately, they weren’t the one to come up with the awesome name for the group. Their goal when creating r/cursedcomments was for internet users to have a great experience while also maximizing the growth of the community.
“I began posting posts and was loose with the rules to engage content creation and made sure to comment on every post to maximize community engagement,” the founder told Bored Panda.
Image credits: Naughty_Dog814
Image credits: ToxicVegetable
Image credits: reddit.com
The moderation was close to non-existent at the very start, which led to a lot of growth on Reddit in a short span of time. Eventually, the rules became more robust. “Posts became more strict, more clear guidelines were established, and branching ‘wings’ such as this Instagram account and discord were set up, both of which still operate,” u/winwinwe explained.
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: Reknepz1
Image credits: Tas-Sis
“The moderation towards the end was very strict, and thanks to a really good moderation team, helped put together by me and a close friend at the time, we managed to keep it a good space,” the founder told us earlier. A lot of the comments and jokes on r/cursedcomments are very sensitive, so it makes sense to have strict moderation policies. Though, given the size of the community, it’s an ongoing challenge.
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Image credits: Kilowattkid
Image credits: omgtyuf
If you enjoy the type of content shared on r/cursedcomments, by all means, join the subreddit for the freshest posts and pics. But before you start sharing screenshots of your own, take the time to read the subreddit’s sidebar. It contains all of the rules you need to keep in mind when sharing things with the other members of the community.
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Image credits: mahdiayadi21
Meanwhile, the moderators also created a Wiki page where they go into more detail about the content guidelines. For example, one thing that they stress is the importance of effort. In short, they want the community members to post quality comments and avoid low-effort screenshots. “Cursed comments have to be truly cursed at their core,” they explain. The mods also value originality, so you should avoid posting comments that have already been dozens (if not hundreds) of times already.
Image credits: EscapeFromGermany
Image credits: albertibas
Image credits: ThijmenTheTurkey
Which of the comments did you think were the most cursed, Pandas? Are you a big fan of dark humor, or do you prefer your comedy to be on the more mellow side? What’s the weirdest comment that you’ve ever read or written online? Share your thoughts below. Meanwhile, for some more r/cursedcomments weirdness, check out Bored Panda’s earlier posts.
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Image credits: Ruharus
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Image credits: Wade918
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Image credits: GetM3m3dBro
Image credits: Romka2001
Image credits: Hornyanddepressed275
Image credits: MrPiepo
Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: AzyxFromHell
Image credits: Whispering_wisp
Image credits: LycanVan
Image credits: TheTaroMaster
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Image credits: HugsForCorpse
Image credits: EmoDetective17
Image credits: Leather-Let2935
Image credits: HeisterWolf
Image credits: ZyberZeus
Image credits: MrMop_Head
Image credits: lazy-pee
Image credits: Buttjocker-for-life
Image credits: Hamoody25
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Image credits: reddit.com
Image credits: _what_a_great_name_
Image credits: DickNixon11
Image credits: Mangadditor
Image credits: Aggravating_Prompt_3
Image credits: grandmastererer
Image credits: kungfuWABBITZ
Image credits: AnotherRedditUserHuh